

On peut lire depuis vendredi sur le site internet de Capital City Speedway que Arnie Malcom, promoteur et directeur général, depuis 2005 ne sera plus associé avec la piste.

Since Friday, you can read on Capital City Speedway’s website that Arnie Malcom, promoter and general manager, since 2005 will no longer be working for the track.

Rappelons que Malcom s’était vu confier les opérations de la piste de la famille Drummond suite aux aléas du Mottodrome. Depuis deux ans les améliorations au site et au spectacle étaient gage de résultat, les foules plus importantes, la quantité de voiture grandissante – surtout les LMS et le spectacle relevé.

Let’s recap : he was given the keys to the facility by the Drummond group to turn things around after the Mottodrome episode. The last two years you could see the results of the turn around: better crowd, more cars on the track – especially Late Models and a much improved racing show on the track.

Aucune annonce sur le ou les remplaçants de la famille Malcom. Pour ce qui est de Arnie Malcom, il m’informait dans un courriel qu’il est en réflexion.

No news on who will take over for the Malcom familly. As for Arnie Malcom in an email response to me said he was still evaluating opportunities.

Dans le même message on apprend que l’annonceur-maison Brian Goudge quittera aussi la piste de CSS. Pas plus d’info sur sont éventuel remplacement.

In the same posting we find out that track announcer Brian Goudge will also not be back at the CSS facility. No news on who is replacement will be.

Voici ce qui peut être lu sur le site de CSS :

Here is what can be read on CSS’ website:

Well folks as we announced at the banquet, we would not be back in 2010 and this write up is to officially confirm that to the stock car community. Its been a blast and even though we have not made friends with everyone along the way, (you never can running a race track) we hope we have done something's that have made you pleased. When we took over the speedway in 2005 at the encouragement of the Drummond Family we really thought we would be around for a long while like we have at Luskville Dragway and that was the plans. Motorsports has been part of our entire Families lives for the past 40 years, our kids have never spend a weekend at a cottage by a lake, as a race track as always been their weekend cottage's. And that was no different when we where asked to revive Capital City Speedway, all of us put our hearts and souls into doing just that. However I guess in some ways we did too good a job, as it seems that now that we have rebuilt the speedway a certain degree from where it was when we took over, it looks appealing to others. Too all of the advertisers, all of the staff the drivers, the teams and the fans, the last four years has been fun but now the end has come for us. We will miss the track and most of those associated with it, leaving is not easy and not what we wanted, I hope we will be remembered for what we did. Monster Jam will always be a highlight, as will being part of Loudon NH with one of our drivers out there competing on a super speedway, also watching so many new people come into the sport and do so well that included many new female drivers for the sport. We have heard that the track will be repaved and that is something we asked for each and every year, so if that happens then maybe the last four years played a part in that happening, and that is great for you racers, you deserve it. We wish nothing but good things to all you drivers and teams and I certainly expect too see many of you next summer at one track or the other.

Arnie, Diane, Angie, Derek, Jason, Taz, Lila, and Olivia

TIRES FROM CAPITAL CITY SPEEDWAY: When we where asked by the Drummonds in 2005 to take over Capital City Speedway and see if we could rebuild it, we knew we had our work cut out for us. And one of the first people we contacted was Brian "Motor Mouth" Goudge, who I had known and worked with many times at Capital City Speedway in the Past. We firmly believed that Brian was a Key ingredient in any rebuilding that was too go on at the speedway and I think the past four years have proven that. Considered one of, if not thee best race track announcers anywhere, Brian played a huge part in any success we saw at the track and was a key factor in the rebirth of CCS. As things start to change at the speedway Brian has decided it is time for him too move on also. I think it is safe too say that Brian was a major part in all the "Good Times" that Capital City Speedway has had over the years, whether it was under Dave Booth, Penny Bell or the Malcolm Family. As far as Im concerned Brian's Voice at Capital City Speedway shouting out, "and here they come out of corner #4, wheel to wheel, bumper to bumper to bumper" is Capital City Speedway and it will never be the same with out him. I have also added a brief email message that is added below from Brian:
Hi Arnie,

I’m okay with my retirement being included in your announcement. I have enjoyed the multi-year relationship with the various promoters and thought that we were on to something bigger and better as we moved forward. It’s been a great ride... who knows what the future will bring for “MotorMouth”?

All the best!



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