
Gerry Bilodeau, parmi l'élite du Sportsman 2013

Communiqué, pour diffusion immédiate

5 février  2013, Québec

La Série Sportsman Lucas Oil annonce avec joie le retour officiel dans ses rangs comme 8e inscrit de Gerry Bilodeau de la Guadeloupe dans la rutilante  Camaro #24.


Lors de la saison 2012, L’équipe Bilodeau avait décidé de participer au Championnat local SS AIM Québec de l’Autodrome Chaudière. Gerry aura connu une bonne saison avec une 3e place au championnat, 2 victoires et 5 podiums en 7 courses. Malheureusement, des problèmes mécaniques en qualifications lui auront couté la 2e marche du podium au championnat par seulement 4 petits points. Il s’est mérité aussi le Titre de plus belle voiture en 2012 dans les SS AIM Québec.

En Série Sportsman Québec, il avait fait 2 sorties avec une 3e place au Riverside Speedway Ste-Croix. Il avait aussi réalisé le 3e meilleur temps à Sanair en pratique. Mais la malchance dès le départ de la finale aura détruit sa journée.

Les projets 2013 de Gerry son clairs selon ses dires : «  Je vise de visiter le podium si possible mais je veux surtout être dans le top 10 à chaque course.

Nous sommes présentement à travailler la voiture pour la rendre plus compétitive sur certaines pistes où nous avons éprouvé de la difficulté dans le passé. Lorsque la Camaro sera prêt, elle passera entre les mains d’Éric Laperle  pour le set up final avant saison.

En terminant, je ferai toute la saison et je souhaite la meilleure chance aux autres pilotes de la Série dont je veux avoir le plus grand respect en piste ».


Pour André Poulin, «  le fait que Gerry soit de retour rehaussera la compétition, ça c’est sure. C’est un pilote qui peut rouler dans les 10 premiers et qui pourrait surprendre en 2013. Je souhaite bonne saison à toute l’équipe GBL Racing et la meilleure chance au Championnat.     

Photo courtoisie de : Christian Jacques et Équipe #24

André Poulin, Président


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Airborne Speedway announces 2013 schedule

For immediate release – Airborne Speedway – AS020513-1


SOUTH PLATTSBURGH - Airborne Speedway’s 2013 stock car racing schedule is comprised of 20 events beginning with its 60th anniversary season opener, the Charley Trombley Memorial 60 for Ernie’s Discount Tools DIRTcar Modifieds, presented by Econo Lodge Saturday, May 4.



The American Canadian Tour (ACT) Fall Foliage 200, the Late Model tour’s final points race, closes out the season on Saturday, September 28.


The DIRTcar Modifieds and the ACT Late Models will be in action on the biggest weekend of racing ever held at the Plattsburgh half-mile for the International 500, Saturday, Sunday July 20, 21. The two-day event also includes Airborne’s Sportsman Modified, Renegade and Mini Modified divisions.


The 2nd annual Key RD Trailer Sales Renegade 100 is slotted for Memorial Day weekend Saturday, May 25.


The North Country’s largest fireworks show and a full race card are slated for Saturday, June 29. The following Saturday, July 6, Airborne hosts the USA/Canadian Limited Late Model 60-lap Challenge.


The Northeast Midget Association (NEMA) Midgets and the NEMA Lites will make their first Airborne appearance in over 40 years August 3.


“I believe the two-day International 500 event is going to be huge,” promoter Mike Perrotte said. “The purses total over $100,000. There will be a lot of race teams and fans traveling to Plattsburgh from north of the border and from all over New England. It will give our Modifieds a lot of exposure. I’m also pleased with the growth of our Sportsman Modified class. This is their second year and it’s looking like we’ll have over 20 teams competing weekly.”


The final points event of the season for all Airborne divisions, the Mike Watts Memorial Championship weekend, will be held on Saturday, August 31 and Sunday, September 1.


For additional information, visit www.airborneparkspeedway.com.


Contact: Tom Herzig



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Pour diffusion immédiate

Série Nascar Canadian Tire

Les amateurs de stock-car qui attendent avec impatience l’ouverture de la saison dans la prestigieuse série Nascar Canadian Tire, seront sans doute heureux d’apprendre qu’ils pourront voir les deux bolides que pilotera Hugo Vannini dans cette série en 2013 à la télé de Radio-Canada.


L’équipe à budget modeste a été sollicitée pour des apparitions au petit écran dans la série Mémoires Vives dont la vedette principale est nul autre que Gilles Renaud. C’est mercredi prochain que nous pourrons visualiser les premières images de ce partenariat, mais d’autres images sont prévues au cours de la saison, soit en véritables situations de course.

«Nous sommes honorés mon partenaire, Jean Tremblay, et moi d’avoir été choisis parmi tant d’équipes disponibles. Les responsables de l’émission sont venus nous rencontrer et ont été emballés de voir notre équipement. Ils nous déclaré que c’est exactement cela qu’ils recherchaient et qu’ils n’auront pas honte de l’image que nous projetons d’une équipe de stock-car», de dire Yvon Vannini.

Toute l’équipe participera à Mémoires Vives. Hugo pilotera en situation de course alors que dans d’autres cas, il agira en tant que chef d’équipe. Il est prêt pour cette nouvelle expérience.

En ce qui concerne la saison 2013, l’équipe compte participer à plusieurs épreuves, mais sans l’apport d’un commanditaire majeur, c’est impensable. Sans compter les pièces, les réparations en raison d’accrochages, on est en stock-car et les contacts sont nombreux, il en coûte au moins cinq milles dollars par événement pour voyager et loger l’équipe.

Nous effectuons des recherches de commandite, mais ce n’est pas tellement facile. Peut-être le fait de voir l’équipe à la télévision nationale suscitera l’intérêt d’un commanditaire majeur.


Source :          VTI Motorsports



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The stars of TV’s Trailer Park Boys will promote their upcoming motorsports-themed movie SwearNet

(TORONTO, ON // FEBRUARY 4, 2013) Whether you know them as the stars of the upcoming racing-themed movie SwearNet or as TV’s Trailer Park Boys, attendees at the Canadian Motorsports Expo on Sunday, February 10 will be able to see, hear, meet and get an autograph from iconic Canadian actors John Paul (JP) Tremblay, Mike Smith and Robb Wells.


The trio will be at the CME, courtesy of SwearNet and the Toronto Sun, promoting their next feature film. The Canadian Motorsports Expo runs February 8-10 at Toronto’s International Centre, adjacent to Pearson Airport.

Discussing their appearance at the CME, the trio gave fair warning to the show’s other exhibitors that they might want to hide the keys to their racing vehicles, if they know what’s good for them.

“Yeah, if somebody’s gonna leave the keys in their Ferrari, it’d be fun to take it for a rip around Toronto,” announced Wells. “But our main purpose for coming to the show is to let people know about our new movie SwearNet. It’s got a bunch of racing in it.” The movie details the trio’s efforts and adventures in the course of launching their new SwearNet.com website.

“It’s a scripted, feature film that showcases what we had to go through to get SwearNet.com off the ground,” continues Wells.

The legitimate SwearNet.com website is expected to be up and running “within a couple of months,” with the movie due out in theatres in August.

The three lead characters all profess to be real racing fans. They’ve participated in the Targa Newfoundland rally and have turned laps on the challenging Canadian Tire Motorsport Park road course, under the tutelage of former racer and professional driving instructor Rick Bye.

“The Targa was pretty good, but I’m more into Formula One,” deadpanned Tremblay. “I like the technical sophistication.” In response, Mike Smith countered, “That’s a lie. JP would rather watch guys with their shirts off racing dune buggies!”

Wells, Tremblay, Smith and Bye (who served as the movie’s racing consultant) will be on The Mazda Stage at 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, February 10 at the CME for a 45 minute fan Q&A about SwearNet. They’ll return to the stage, to sign autographs, following the appearance of NASCAR star Kyle Busch. Check the CME website (www.CanadianMotorsportsExpo.com) for details.

In addition to making sure that JP, Mike and Robb don’t ‘borrow’ any racing vehicles during their time at the CME, show security have also been instructed to protect the other celebrities – specifically Kyle ‘Rowdy’ Busch – from the trio.

“Kyle had better not run ‘overtime’ or do any trash-talking about us,” warned Tremblay. “Those NASCAR guys are pretty small… I’m sure I could take him!”

The Porsche used during the filming of SwearNet will be on display, throughout the entire weekend, in the CME’s ‘Racers Corral.’


ABOUT THE CME: The 7th Annual Canadian Motorsports Expo Powered by Inside Track Motorsport News takes place February 8, 9 & 10, 2013 at Toronto’s International Centre, adjacent to Pearson International Airport. The show features motorsports content geared to racers and fans. This year’s celebrity guests include NASCAR stars Kyle Busch, two-time Daytona 500 champion Michael Waltrip and Canadian racing legend Ron Fellows. The show will also feature an appearance by JP, Mike and Robb, the stars of TV’s Trailer Park Boys. For information about the show, including exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities, call (416) 962-7223, or email info@CanadianMotorsportsExpo.com. The CME’s website is located at www.CanadianMotorsportsExpo.com.


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Gomez passe le fil d’arrivée en premier mais….

Didier Gomez de St-Constant avait mené la course Flagworld de bout-en-bout et avait passé le fil d’arrivée en premier. Il avait également gagné la qualification. C’était une journée parfaite pour lui…….jusqu’à que les inspecteurs techniques jugent sa voiture non-conforme pour usage de pesées non règlementaires lors de l’inspection technique et ruinent sa journée de travail en le disqualifiant de le course et de la qualification, le privant par le fait même le la coupe Flagworld !



C’est Maxime Pelletier, de Mascouche, qui a finalement remporté le trophée convoité par tous les pilotes de la division Traction 4 dans le cadre du Challenge sur neige présenté par le promoteur Dave Charest à l’Autodrome St-Eustache, ce dimanche après-midi, le 3 février. Sébastien Chabot (51) de Vankleek Hill, ON et Patrick Boucher (51) de Ste-Marthe-sur-Lac ont complété le podium Flagworld,

Les quelques centaines de spectateurs qui avaient mis de côté le match du Canadien et le début de la présentation du Super Bowl pour assister à la présentation de ces épreuves de glisse, on également été en mesure d’assister à une convainquante victoire de Patrick Boucher de Ste-Marthe-sur-le-lac dans la catégorie des 4 roues motrices devant Stéphane Langevin de Terrebonne et Stéphane Paquette de St-Hippolithe.


Les 5 qualifications de la journée en catégorie Traction ont été remportées parSébastien Chabot, de Vankleek Hill ON, Jo Mayer, de Montréal, Réal Potvin, de St-Lin, Martin Lacombe, de Terrebonne et Stéphane Caron, de Laval. Tandis que Patrick Boucher a remporté la qualification en 4 roues motrices.

Lors des courses invitation, la course de mécanos a été remporté par Louis Alexandre Dupuis, de Laval.

La course des dames regroupait deux catégories, les Tractions et les 4 roues motrices. La pilote invitée de la série NASCAR Canadian Tire, Isabelle Tremblay, de St-Hippolithe est celle qui a franchi en premier la ligne d’arrivée, lui accordant la victoire avec la voiture #336 en 4 roues motrices, tandis qu’Isabelle Breton a été la meilleure parmi les voitures de type traction, ce qui lui a rapporté la victoire et le trophée en traction..


Des résultats plus complets seront publiés en début de semaine.


Source : Yves Ladouceur, pour Autodrome St-Eustache,





Yves Ladouceur

Directeur des opérations courses


Prés. ANCA


Bur: (450) 472-6222

Rés:(450) 735-4444


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Blanchet, aspirant aux grands honneurs

Communiqué, pour diffusion immédiate

3 février  2013, Québec


Le vétéran pilote de Québec, Réjean Blanchet #7 est devenu le 7e pilote à confirmer son retour pour 2013. Lors de la saison 2012, il a connu sa meilleure saison en Sportsman terminant 3e au Championnat avec 2 top 5 et 10 top 10 en 11 courses.


Blanchet est un pilote qui s’améliore de saison en saison et qui présente toujours des voitures d’une grande qualité.

Une équipe d’expérience.

L’équipe Blanchet a acquis dans les dernières années une expertise importante qui les a beaucoup fait progresser sous la supervision du chef d’équipe Eric Blanchet.

Pour la saison 2013, Réjean reste modeste dans ses commentaires en déclarant : « nous allons prendre ça course par course et souhaitons avoir le meilleur résultat à chacune d’elle ».

Pour moi, « l’équipe Blanchet fait partie de l’élite de cette Série et je crois qu’elle sera au plus fort de la lutte au championnat en 2013 » déclara André Poulin (Président)


Photo courtoisie de : Simon Fiset

André Poulin, Président


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Nouveau photographe dans la Série Sportsman Lucas Oil.

Communiqué, pour diffusion immédiate

02 février 2013, Québec


M. André Poulin, président de la Série Sporstman Lucas Oil, est fier  d’annoncer la venue de M. Marco Bédard (St-Georges de Beauce)  à titre de photographe pour la saison 2013.


M. Bédard est spécialiste en informatique, en montage et en photographie. Il mettra au profit de la série, 15 années d’expérience comme responsable de l’approvisionnement et aussi comme photographe du Grand Prix Cycliste de Beauce en plus d’avoir couverts plusieurs évènements nationaux et internationaux en cycliste.


Depuis quelques années, il fait aussi la couverture des parties de hockey du COOL FM de la Ligue Nord-Américaine de hockey.


Nous sommes convaincus que sa passion pour la photo ainsi que son travail toujours empreint de perfectionnisme seront mettre en valeur nos pilotes, leurs équipes, les commanditaires et la Série.


M. Bédard se dit très fier de se joindre à notre Série et compte bien offrir des photos de qualités et une gamme de possibilités pour nos pilotes et commanditaires.


Vous pouvez constatez la qualité de son travail en visitant les sites suivants :


facebook: photomarcobedard




Marie-Claude Levasseur, Relationniste.


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The Canadian Racing Season Begins February 8, 9 & 10, 2013 at Toronto’s International Centre


(TORONTO, ON // FEBRUARY 1, 2013) ‘More Mazdas are raced every weekend than any other car brand’ is far from a hollow, advertising cutline. Considering Mazda’s historical contributions to motorsports, which includes an overall win in the 1991 24 Hours of Le Mans, along with their continued support of grassroots road racing and of such divisions as the North American MX-5 Cup and the Pro Mazda Championship, it is hard-earned and well-deserved recognition.


At the 7th Annual Canadian Motorsports Expo Powered by Inside Track Motorsport News, the Japanese-based marque will once again be literally centre stage as the proud, presenting sponsor of the Mazda Stage.

“Mazda Canada’s sponsorship of the Mazda Stage reflects the importance that the company places on motorsports, especially grassroots racing.”

Over the three day (February 8-10) Canadian Motorsports Expo, the Mazda Stage will be the central focus for the fans as it plays host to the show’s headlining celebrities, including NASCAR stars Kyle Busch and two-time Daytona 500 champion Michael Waltrip, and offers a fan-friendly destination for autograph sessions and interactive, expert forums.

Mazda Canada representatives will also make an appearance on the Mazda Stage to make an announcement regarding the expansion of their motorsports contingency program that was announced at last year’s CME.

“Exactly one year ago at the 2012 Canadian Motorsports Expo, Mazda Canada made a commitment to increase support for Canadian motorsports by offering a contingency program for several racing series in Canada,” said Sandra Lemaitre, National Manager, Public Relations at Mazda Canada. “With the success of last year’s program, we are excited to be coming back here again to grow the program and support even more grassroots racing in Canada.”

Mazda’s profile at the Canadian Motorsports Expo will extend well beyond The Mazda Stage, as it will also feature the Mazda2 B-Spec Media Race Car, a car that participated in the 2012 Canadian Touring car Championship (CTCC) under the command of a variety of prominent Canadian automotive journalists. Also on display will be a modified 1993 Mazda RX-7, which is raced locally in the Sigma Racing Time Attack Series.


ABOUT MAZDA CANADA: Celebrating its 45th anniversary this year, Mazda Canada Inc. is a subsidiary of the Mazda Motor Corporation, based in Hiroshima, Japan, and is the Canadian distributor of Mazda vehicles in Canada. Mazda Canada’s head office is located in Richmond Hill, ON, with regional offices in Montreal, Vancouver, and Richmond Hill. A Mazda Parts Distribution Centre, serving all of Canada, is located in Mississauga, ON. Mazda Canada employs 140 people across Canada at these locations. As of January 2012, there were 165 independently owned, franchised dealers across Canada. Visit www.Mazda.ca for more information.


ABOUT THE CME: The 7th Annual Canadian Motorsports Expo Powered by Inside Track Motorsport News takes place February 8, 9 & 10, 2013 at Toronto’s International Centre, adjacent to Pearson International Airport. The show features motorsports content geared to racers and fans. This year’s celebrity guests include NASCAR stars Kyle Busch, two-time Daytona 500 champion Michael Waltrip and Canadian racing legend Ron Fellows. The show will also feature an appearance by JP Tremblay, Mike Smith and Robb Wells, the stars of TV’s Trailer Park Boys. For information about the show, including exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities, call (416) 962-7223, or email info@CanadianMotorsportsExpo.com. The CME’s website is located at www.CanadianMotorsportsExpo.com.


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WGI’s booth will feature the #69 AIM Autosport Ferrari 458 Italia that finished 3rd in the Rolex 24 at Daytona. This summer, the car will compete at WGI in the Sahlen’s Six Hours of the Glen


(TORONTO, ON // FEBRUARY 1, 2013) Watkins Glen International is deservedly billed as ‘the Soul of American Road Racing,’ having been the site for competition in virtually every discipline of motorsports, from Formula One and Indy cars, to NASCAR stockers and Can Am and World Sports Cars.


This historic 3.45-mile, 11-turn road course, which will celebrate its 56th year of operation at its current location, has always been a destination for fans from north of the 49th parallel. This year, ‘The Glen’ will return the favour and make the trek from upstate New York State to the 7th Annual Canadian Motorsports Expo Powered by Inside Track Motorsport News.


“We’re very fortunate that a lot of race goers know the name Watkins Glen, in a large part due to our history,” explains Elizabeth (Betsy) Mayer, Public Relations Manager for Watkins Glen International. “We have many fans coming back year after year, but some people may not realize that we run events from April to October. The Canadian Motorsports Expo gives us a chance to showcase everything that we have to offer, both to our regular visitors and to the others who might not be too familiar with the Glen.”


In addition to the eagerly anticipated Finger Lakes Wine Festival, the Watkins Glen facility will also host four major race weekends in 2013. The SCCA Glen Double Nationals and the Glenora Wine Cellars US Vintage Grand Prix Presented by Welliver are high priorities for many Canadian visitors, but the undoubted highlights for this year would have to be shared between the NASCAR CHEEZ-IT ™ 355 at the Glen (August 8-11) for the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series, and the legendary Sahlen’s Six Hours of the Glen (June 28-30) for the Grand Am Rolex competitors.


All four racing events draw a large portion of their audience from Canada due to the close proximity of the track to the Canada/ US border.

“Canadians discovered us very early on, we have always enjoyed a strong presence from north of the border,” states Mayer. “We are not some distant destination; we can be reached very easily. And when Canadians come here, we want to ensure that they come back, so we strive to make their visits as enjoyable as possible with our on-site camping and our Thunder Road Tours.”


Sharing the Watkins Glen International display at the CME will be the Woodbridge, ON-based #69 AIM Autosport Ferrari 458 Italia, directly from its third place, GT class finish in this year’s Rolex 24 Hours of Daytona. The #69 Ferrari, along with its sister #61 R. Ferri / AIM Motorsports Italia, will be competing in June’s six hour enduro at the Glen.


“There are no Grand Am events in Canada yet, so the Glen has become our ‘home away from home’ race,” explains AIM Autosport co-owner Ian Willis. “Our car is very well suited to that track, so we hope to do very well in June.”


Willis is working towards having one of his AIM Autosport team drivers on hand to sign autographs and answer questions about their Grand Am program, with staff from Watkins Glen International in attendance offering information regarding ticket sales, camping opportunities and other trackside attractions.


For race fans seeking further information about Watkins Glen International, they can visit that track’s website, www.TheGlen.com.



ABOUT WATKINS GLEN INTERNATIONAL: Literally born as a ‘through the streets’ track in 1948, the Watkins Glen race course eventually moved to a temporary location after five years of operation, before ultimately settling on their current site in 1956. Officially opened in 1957, the Glen’s first race was a NASCAR Grand National event won by Buck Baker over Fireball Roberts. Over the ensuing 55 years, Watkins Glen has hosted races on the Formula One and NASCAR tours, as well as events from the SCCA Can-Am, Trans-Am and Formula 5000 calendars along with dates for the Indy cars and various Sports Car divisions.


ABOUT AIM AUTOSPORT: Established in 1995, AIM Autosport is a professional Canadian sports team campaigning Ferrari 458 Italia GT race cars in the Grand-Am Rolex Sports Car Series. AIM will defend its 2012 Grand-Am Rolex Series GT championship by entering two Ferrari 458 Italia GT cars for the full 2013 season. AIM’s success has been achieved through the dedication of its employees and the continuous support of the team’s commercial and technical partners. Away from the track, AIM Autosport’s technical and administrative headquarters are situated in the Toronto suburb of Woodbridge, Ontario. For more information visit www.aimautosport.com and www.facebook.com/AIMautosport.


ABOUT THE CME: The 7th Annual Canadian Motorsports Expo Powered by Inside Track Motorsport News takes place February 8, 9 & 10, 2013 at Toronto’s International Centre, adjacent to Pearson International Airport. The show features motorsports content geared to racers and fans. This year’s celebrity guests include NASCAR stars Kyle Busch, two-time Daytona 500 champion Michael Waltrip and Canadian racing legend Ron Fellows. The show will also feature an appearance by JP, Mike and Robb, the stars of TV’s Trailer Park Boys. For information about the show, including exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities, call (416) 962-7223, or email info@CanadianMotorsportsExpo.com. The CME’s website is located at www.CanadianMotorsportsExpo.com.


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Le champion défendra son titre

Communiqué, pour diffusion immédiate

31  janvier 2013, Québec

Après une saison de rêve où toutes les planètes ont été alignées, le Champion Lévisien, Steve Malouin McKibbin #45 a confirmé son inscription 2013.

En 2012, c’est avec 9 top 5, 6 podiums et une victoire  à l’Autodrome St-Félicien en 11 courses qu’il s’était procuré le 6e Titre de Champion Sportsman Québec.  Mckibbin, un vétéran de 5 saisons dans la série n’a jamais cessé de s’améliorer de saison en saison et compte maintenant sur une équipe aguerrit.


Lors de la saison 2013, il sera le pilote que tout le monde veut dépasser et battre en piste.

Steve sait qu’il y aura fort à faire pour répéter son exploit de 2012.

Voici les commentaires de Champion : « C’est avec fierté que l’équipe MMR défendra son titre de champion de la Série Sportsman Québec. La pression sera sur nous cette saison mais, nous avons comme objectif de récidiver notre exploit de 2012. Nous devrons redoubler d’effort car, la compétition sera très forte en sportsman. Cependant, je suis confiant car, je possède une voiture performante et une équipe exceptionnelle qui se défonce et travaille constamment pour améliorer la voiture. De plus, comme client DGR, nous pourrons compter sur les conseils de Dany Gagnon.

J’aimerais profiter de cette tribune pour remercier tous mes partenaires pour leur confiance et leur support envers notre équipe. Sans vous, nos objectifs ne seraient pas possibles à atteindre.

Bonne saison de course à tous! »



« Je suis très heureux du retour de notre Champion et il sera un des pilotes de premier plan dans la Série en 2013. Bien entouré de son équipe, il pourra encore être un des aspirants au Titre » confirma André Poulin (Président).

Photo courtoisie de : Simon Fiset et Équipe MMR #45

André Poulin, Président


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US Legends expert Ashley Garrett will be in MRE’s booth on Sat., Feb. 9 and will offer a seminar


(TORONTO, ON // JANUARY 31, 2013) For more than three decades, McColl Racing Enterprises has built a reputation throughout Canada as one of the nation’s top stock car fabricators, building championship winning machines that compete in almost every racing division in the country.


Recently, their success led them to expand to a new, 14,450 square foot location, just off Hwy. 401 in London, Ontario. With more space at their disposal, McColl Racing Enterprises (MRE) is actively growing its racing operations. New for 2013, MRE is promoting its status as Canada’s newest distributor for INEX Legends racing cars.

McColl Racing Ent. will highlight its new Legends franchise, program and capabilities at the upcoming Canadian Motorsports Expo Powered by Inside Track Motorsport News. The show takes place February 8, 9 and 10 at the International Centre, across from Toronto’s Pearson Airport.

“The Legends series offers fans an opportunity to become racers,” said Alan Pinsonneault, General Manager for McColl Racing Enterprises. “It’s also the perfect intermediate step between go-karts and Micro Sprints, and full bodied stock cars. The people who come to the Canadian Motorsports Expo are either racers or fans and those are the groups we’re looking forward to reaching with information about our new Legends program.”

Since its launch in 1992, Legends racing is the fastest growing motorsports discipline in North America. The ‘spec’ series was designed to limit mechanical manipulations, thereby keeping costs within reach of the weekend warrior or the young ‘up-and-comer.’

Having been involved in Micro Sprint and Mini Truck racing at nearby Grand Bend Speedway, Pinsonneault recognized a void in the opportunities available to some of the more experienced participants in those classes, once it was time to move up the racing ladder.

“The initial concept behind us becoming a Legends dealer was to provide an avenue for young racers to step into something bigger than a kart,” continues Pinsonneault. “The Legends cars are over-powered and under-tired, and are a great learning tool for anyone over 14 years of age.”

The McColl Racing Legends Series will focus its attention on building the division at the Grand Bend bullring in 2013, with an eye to expanding to other facilities in the future. And for people looking to move from the grandstands to the racetrack, MRE is offering aspiring racers the opportunity to show up with nothing more than a helmet and $500, and participate in a practice session, a heat race and a feature race, at Grand Bend Speedway.

Continuing the McColl Racing tradition, their Legends division will be more than a retail outlet, but will also offer technical and trackside support, including repair service, a parts source and even race car rentals at the Grand Bend facility.

To help MRE educate interested CME showgoers about their new Legends program, they’re bringing in Ashley Garrett – the Sales Manager in charge of Business Development for INEX Race Cars – from the company’s headquarters in Harrisburg, NC. Garrett will be at the show on Saturday, Feb. 9 (only). In addition to spending time in the booth, he will also offer an information seminar on Saturday.

In his seminar, Garrett will take attendees through this history of US Legend Cars, discuss the vehicles in semi-technical terms, and give an overview of the benefits of competing in the popular class. After a short presentation, he will field questions.

“Having McColl Racing Enterprises come to the CME with Ashley Garrett to promote their new Legends franchise is very exciting to us,” said the CME’s Mike Galipeau. “They’re working hard to let current and prospective racers know about their new program, and they’re reinforcing their booth by bringing in an expert from Legends’ head office to help educate the racing public about what differentiates their cars, products and services.”

Check the CME website at www.CanadianMotorsportsExpo.com for seminar schedules and details.


ABOUT MCCOLL RACING ENTERPRISES: Founded in 1980, McColl Racing Enterprises designs and constructs championship winning race cars. Turning out between 20 and 30 cars a year, McColl chassis are currently racing in every division in Canada, ranging from Thunder Cars to Super Late Models and the professional NASCAR Canadian Tire Series. Recognized as a top-ranked custom fabricator and repair shop, McColl Racing Enterprises also offers expert setup services, including trackside support at many Ontario short tracks. For more information, call toll-free 1-800-423-3407, or visit www.McCollRacing.com.


ABOUT US LEGEND CARS: Located in Harrisburg, NC, US Legend Cars, Inc. is the largest manufacturer of race cars in the world, and is the exclusive producer of the Legends Car, Bandolero, Thunder Roadsters and Legends Dirt Modified Cars. US Legend Cars, Inc. is a subsidiary of Speedway Motorsports, Inc. (NYSE: TRK), a leading marketer and promoter of motorsports entertainment in the United States. USLCI facility features 100,000 square foot manufacturing facility in Harrisburg, NC, capable of producing as many as 40 cars a month. USLCI has manufactured more than 5,500 Legends Cars since 1992. USLCI hosts a worldwide dealer network featuring 50 exclusive dealers across the United States, Canada and Europe.


ABOUT THE CME: The 7th Annual Canadian Motorsports Expo Powered by Inside Track Motorsport News takes place February 8, 9 & 10, 2013 at Toronto’s International Centre, adjacent to Pearson International Airport. The show features motorsports content geared to racers and fans. For information about the show, including exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities, call (416) 962-7223, or email info@CanadianMotorsportsExpo.com. The CME’s website is located at www.CanadianMotorsportsExpo.com.


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Tolton to Compete with OSCAAR Modifieds

By Clayton Johns (@cjohnsmedia)

Bobby Tolton is set to join the 2013 OSCAAR Modified tour for his first season behind the wheel of an open-wheel modified. Tolton has spent six of the last seven seasons between the mini stock and limited late model divisions at Varney Speedway.


Tolton, who also spent the 2007 season at Peterborough Speedway, has acquired a chassis that was piloted by Monty Kelly (#96k) throughout the inaugural OSCAAR modified season. Tolton will drive car #13.

“I know Monty Kelly personally. It was a good deal, so I decided to get in to it,” said Tolton.

When the opportunity arose to purchase the chassis from Kelly, the 21-year-old felt he could make OSCAAR his new home for racing.

“It’s a collection of the greatest drivers in the province. You get the best of the best and everyone’s respectful,” explained Tolton. “They race against each other with a lot of respect. That’s what I like.”

The Guelph, Ont., native has been involved in racing since childhood as his father Tim has raced in Ontario for over 25 years in classes from enduro to limited late model and now currently runs in the Lucas Oil Sportsman Cup.

The rookie-of-the-year chase is expected to be equally as competitive in 2013 as it was in 2012 and Tolton will be among the contenders. He is no stranger to rookie titles either. Having got in to racing at the age of 13, the main inspiration behind his number, Tolton would go on to win the rookie-of-the year title in Varney’s mini stock division in 2005. The same honours would be given to Tolton again in 2008 as part of the limited late model division.

While adding another rookie title to his mantle is at the top of the priority list, Tolton is more interested in finishing races throughout the 15-race schedule.

“I’m just looking forward to being competitive on a nightly basis,” explained Tolton. “I’ve had a lot of hard luck in the last few years. I’m hoping to have a good run, and be there all the year.”

Despite having run at Varney for the majority of his young racing career, Tolton says he is excited to return to his home track in September for the Rick Woolner Memorial.

“I’ve never been on the new Varney in anything other than a mini stock, so it’s going to be all new to me,” said Tolton.

A number of the seven different tracks on the 2013 schedule will be all new to Tolton, but the young driver already has a few dates circled on his calendar.

“I’m excited to get on something I’ve never been on before, especially Delaware. I’ve never been on anything like that,” he said.

Tolton will look forward to an on-track battle with his Uncle Steve Smith, who was one of four different feature winners in 2012.

Tolton will operate his racing stable out of Fergus, Ont. for the duration of the summer and will enjoy support from crew members Todd Tolton and Caitie Fitzpatrick.


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Le 3 février à l'Autodrome St-Eustache

PELLETIER, TAYLOR et LACOMBE :  le couteau entre les dents pour la course de dimanche !!


Les gagnants des trois finales disputées dans l’histoire du « Challenge sur neige » dans la division la plus populeuse, la classe « Traction ». MARTIN LACOMBE, de Terrebonne, en 2011, et les deux gagnants en 2012, MAXIME PELLETIER de Mascouche et DAVE TAYLOR de Candiac sont déterminés à répéter leurs exploits dimanche après midi le 3 février sur la piste enneigée de l’Autodrome St-Eustache.


En ce qui concerne Maxime Pelletier, son équipe comptera pas moins de quatre voitures en piste !!

Ils ne l’auront certainement pas facile, car plus de plus de 25 autres jeunes loups de la glisse hivernale, Jason Morand de Ste-Marthe-sur-le-Lac, champion 2012 en Sport Compactes ANCA, tant au niveau local que provincial, et son concitoyen marthelaquois Patrick Boucher, et une vingtaine d’autres seront également en piste avec la ferme intention, eux aussi, de s’imposer.


          La pilote invitée ISABELLE TREMBLAY, qui s’affirme de plus en plus dans la Série canadienne de stock car  NASCAR CANADIAN TIRE et qui espère être des nôtres à St-Eustache pour la course NASCAR du 27 juillet prochain, sera également de la course de dimanche, aux commandes de la voiture # 07,  bien déterminée à affronter  les autres inscrits et anticiper la victoire.  Isabelle aura d’ailleurs une place amménagée à un endroit stratégique sur le site de l’ASE pour rencontrer ses fans, signer des autographes et se faire photographier avec ses admirateurs  au cours de cette journée spéciale de courses sur neige.



Des courses pour les voitures de catégories propulsion et 4 roues motrices seront également au programme, on sait que lors de ces épreuves en 2012, Stéphane Langevin (#3) et Francis Giroux avec la voiture 336 « on roule.ca » et Dereck White (#99) s’étaient illustrés dans ces divisions.

Deux courses « invitation », une pour les dames et une autre pour les mécanos sont également prévues en complément de programme de ce 3e « Challenge sur neige » organisé par le promoteur Dave Charest


Une cinquantaine de pilotes sont attendus pour cet événement hivernal. Les puits ouvriront à 9h00, des sessions de pratiques pour les voitures, qui auront subies avec succès l’inspection d’avant course, sont au programme à compter de 10 heures  et c’est sur le coup de 12h30 que les épreuves de qualifications débuteront et seront suivies des finales de chaque division à 14h00  qui se termineront vers 16h30. Les coûts d’inscription sont de 30$ pour les voitures, tandis que le public aura droit d’accès au site pour 15$, les enfants de 12 ans et moins,  qui auront droit à de la délicieuse  tire sur la neige  de la Famille Constantin seront admis gratuitement. Un Bistro-Bar pouvant contenir 200 personnes est également disponible pour ceux qui veulent regarder les compétitions bien au chaud.


Pour informations on appelle au 450-472-6222 ou au 514-885-8194 et pour les réservations de numéros on contacte Yves Ladouceur au 450-735-4444. La règlementation est également disponible sur le site www.anca-qc.com .


Source : Yves Ladouceur                                                 


Yves Ladouceur

Directeur des opérations courses


Prés. ANCA


Bur: (450) 472-6222

Rés:(450) 735-4444


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