

C’est lors du prochain week-end, ce samedi, 27 juillet, que les amateurs de stock-car auront la chance de voir la seule course NASCAR sur piste ovale au Québec en 2013. Cette confrontation aura lieu à l’Autodrome St-Eustache, sur la couronne nord de Montréal.






Il sera intéressant de voir si nos pilotes québécois et les autres seront en mesure de mettre fin à la série de victoires de Scott Steckly, le gagnant des deux dernières courses de cette série qui ont été tenues dans l’ouest du pays, plus précisément à Saskatoon en Saskatchewan et à Vernon en Colombie-Britannique, et à la domination en tête du classement de D.J. Kennington. Ce ne sera pas d’ailleurs chose facile, car Steckly et Kennington connaissent très bien le tracé de l’Autodrome St-Eustache pour y avoir gagné des courses en 2008 et 2009 pour Steckly et en 2010 pour Kennington lors de la dernière visite de cette série à l’ASE. L’autre pilote à avoir remporté des épreuves à St-Eustache est Dave Withlock, en 2009 lors de la deuxième visite de NASCAR dans la même saison.


Parmi les Québécois qui seront en piste mentionnons Louis-Phillippe Dumoulin qui occupe, en égalité avec Steckly, la deuxième place au classement du championnat et Martin Roy qui est en sixième position.  Également en piste, la jeune recrue Alexandre Guénette de Terrebonne,  Ray Junior Courtemanche de Mirabel et Hugo Vannini de Repentigny.


Plus localement, le pilote Paul Jean de St-Augustin-de-Mirabel, un pilote qui a été champion en Sport Compacte en 2009 à l’ASE, tentera sa chance aux commandes de la voiture #99 de l’équipe White Motorsports.



Les catégories de l’ASE ne seront pas en reste puisqu’un programme complet avec les divisions Sportsman Lucas Oil, Grand Régional, Sport Compacte, Légendes Modifiées et Challenge 4 sera tenu  en après-midi et en début de soirée. On pourra assister à de chaudes luttes entre  Bouvrette, Miron, Aubin, Joseph, Dupuis, les meneurs de chacune des divisions, et leurs poursuivants respectifs.





Les pilotes de la série de monoplaces Revstar et de la série Vintage, composée de répliques de voitures vedettes des années 70-80 du stock-car québécois dont quelques-unes sont encore pilotées par leurs pilotes originaux de l’époque,  seront aussi de la partie pour une épreuve de leurs championnats respectifs.


Pour l’occasion les guichets ouvriront dès 9h30 et les essais pour les divisions locales et invitées débuteront à 10h00 jusqu’à midi et seront suivis par les essais pour les pilotes NASCAR Canadian Tire de midi à 13h00.


Quant aux qualifications, les classes le l’ANCA qualifieront de 13h35 à 14h50. Ces dernières seront suivies des finales des classes Challenge 4, Grand Régional et Vintage.


De 16h15 à 17h00, ce sont les pilotes NASCAR Canadian Tire qui prendront la piste pour leurs qualifications qui seront suivies à 17h00 par les finales Revstar, Légendes Modifiées et Sport Compactes. Les Sportsman Lucas Oil termineront quant à eux la période de finales des divisions de l’ASE avec une course de 50 tours de 17h45 à 18h30.


Formation ensuite de la ligne départ des voitures NASCAR Canadian Tire, de la session d’autographes à 18h45, des cérémonies de présentations des dignitaires et des pilotes, et de l’hymne national. Le départ du NASCAR NATIONAL 250 sera donné sur le coup de 20h00.


L’admission pour cette journée NASCAR sera de 50$ pour l’admission générale, 20$ pour les 13-17 ans, tandis que les 12 ans et moins seront admis gratuitement dans la section « admission générale ».


Pour les puits le prix sera de 60$ pour les adultes, 30$ pour les 13 à 17 ans et 20$ pour les 12 ans et moins.


Des billets avec sièges réservés et admission aux puits sont aussi disponibles en pré-vente  jusqu’à jeudi, le 25 juillet au prix de 60$ par personne. Ces mêmes billets seront majorés de 10$ le jour de la course.


Pour toutes informations supplémentaires, on peut consulter le site www.autodrome.ca ou appeler au 450-472-6222 ou 514-591-4388





Source : Yves Ladouceur, Autodrome St-Eustache.

              Collaboration : Yvon Larrivée.

Photo :    Série NASCAR Canadian Tire  

                  Stéphane Lazare



Pour lire le reste /



Pour diffusion immédiate

Samedi soir

C’est avec deux mois de retard que l’on reprendra la présentation du Montmagny 100  à la piste du même no, qui devait être présentée en lever de rideau en mai dernier, samedi soir.

En vertu de ses deux victoires, dont la première lors du Montmagny 250, Donald Theetge, le pilote de la Chevrolet Impala/Mercedes-Benz, se présentera à l’autodrome Montmagny au premier rang du championnat québécois de l’ACT avec 394 points, dix de plus que Jean-François Déry qui conduit la Toyota Camry/ Construction CRD. On sait que ce dernier a été le meilleur des nôtres lors de l’International 500 de l’ACT avec une cinquième place alors que Donald Theetge était absent.


Samedi soir à l’Autodrome Montmagny, Theetge tentera d’augmenter son écart en remportant sa troisième victoire de la saison. Cependant, c’est loin d’être chose faite.

Déry sera certainement sur ses talons tout comme Patrick Cliche de St-Jean-Chrysostôme qui n’est qu’à 18 points du premier rang et huit de Déry. Cliche connait un bon début et il est certain qu’il entend poursuivre dans la même veine. Puis, il y a également Dany Trépanier qui a gagné sa première épreuve dans ce championnat québécois de l’ACT devant les siens au circuit Ste-Croix/Riverside Speedway. Trépanier compte également un autre triomphe devant les meilleurs pilotes de l’ACT, soit le Showdown, mais aucun point n’était attribué pour cette course.

Puis, il y a également le jeune Alex Labbé de St-Lambert, le pilote de Larue Équipement de déneigement, qui complète le classement des cinq premiers. Après plusieurs malchances, sa victoire lors de la deuxième étape à Ste-Croix, lui a redonné confiance et il a maintenant le couteau entre les dents. Jonathan Bouvrette de Blainville, Steven Boissonneault et Patrick Hamel, sont quelques autres qui pourraient bien brouiller les cartes et causer une surprise.

Dans la lutte pour le titre de la recrue de l’année, actuellement, Martin Goulet détient le haut du pavé avec 40 points, seulement trois de plus que Christopher Bédard. Marco Bilodeau est troisième avec 26, mais il n’a participé qu’à trois épreuves.

Au même programme, les classes dites «touring» Sportsman et Procam Super Truck sont inscrites à l’horaire, de même que les classes locales.


Source :          American Canadian Tour


Collaboration :Yvon Larrivée


Photos :           Guy Laroche

                        Stéphane Lazare


Pour lire le reste /

Un championnat très serré!

Communiqué, pour diffusion immédiate

22 juillet 2013, Québec

Ce samedi, 27 juillet prochain à l’Autodrome Montmagny, se tiendra le 6e programme de la Série où les spectateurs pourront assister au 75 tours Boutique Nascar.com qui encore une fois pourrait faire changer le classement général.


Nous attendons pour cette course,  27 voitures.

10 premiers au classement

Seulement 51 points séparent la 10e position détenu par #07 Jonathan Côté et la première détenu jusqu’à maintenant par #10 Michael Lavoie. C’est donc dire que chaque course peut venir changer la donne.

La 5e position est occupée par #88 Dave Trevors qui détient à ce jour le plus grand nombre de Top 5. Malgré le fait qu’il ait participé à une course de moins que les meneurs, il ne lui manque que 27 points pour rejoindre la 1ere position. Voyons ce que ce pilote compétitif et décidé nous réserve pour ce programme.

Chaque position est détenue avec quelques points de différences seulement ce qui laisse croire que nos pilotes seront concentrés et axés sur un objectif ; conserver ou encore mieux, devancer leur position au classement général.

À surveiller!

Notons que #25 Pier-Luc Labbé et le #95 Steve Lesage ont les mêmes points au classement que le #07 Jonathan Côté. Il sera intéressant de voir courir ces pilotes pour qui cette course pourrait leur permettre d’accéder au Top 10. Si on se fie à la dernière course, les pilotes donneront tout ce qu’ils ont pour finir dans le top 10. Un programme à ne pas manquer!

On vous attend en grand nombre; venez encourager nos pilotes qui seront en piste pour vous offrir un spectacle de qualité !

Le commanditaire de la course en Sportsman Québec Lucas Oil, Boutique Nascar.com remettra un bon d’achat d’une valeur de 175$ au gagnant et à la meilleure recrue monnayable contre un manteau Nascar de leur choix.

Marie-Claude Levasseur, Relationniste


Horaire du samedi 27 juillet 2013

11h                 Open pit Gate

11h à 12h30    Inspection Sportsman

12h30 à 14h    ACT tire conpund

14h                 Open Gate estrades

14h                Pratique sportsman 

14h10            Pratique Local  (20 min.)

14h30            LMS/ACT (20 min.)

14h50            Pratique Sportsman

15h10            Pratique Local

15h30            Pratique LMS/ACT

15h50            Pit meeting Local


16h                Final #1  Kamikaze  15 tours

16h10            Final #1  Sport compact 20 tours

16h20            Final #1 Limité 15 tours

16h30            Pratique LMS/ACT


16H50           Pit meeting Sportsman

17h                Pit meeting LMS/ACT

18h               Qualif #1 LMS/ACT (10 tours)

18h10           Qualif #2 LMS/ACT (10 tours)

18h20           Qualif #1 Sportsman (10 tours) 

18h30           Qualif #2 Sportsman (10 tours)

18h40           Qualif #3 Sportsman (10 tours)  

18h50           Final #2 Kamikaze (20 tours)

19h15           Final #2 Sport compact (30 tours)

19h30           Final #2 Limité (20 tours)

19h45           LMS/ACT consi?????? (10 tours)

20h              Intermission (20 min.)

20h20          Final Sportsman 75 tours

21h              Présentation des Pilotes LMS/ACT

21h15          Final LMS/ACT 100 tour




Pour lire le reste /

NASCAR Canadian Tire Series News & Notes: St. Eustache

For Immediate Release


Steckly Sticks With It After Slow Start


DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (July 22, 2013) – Slow starts can be the death of a championship run, but perseverance can save the day.


After a pair of finishes outside the top 20 to open the 2013 NASCAR Canadian Tire Series presented by Mobil 1 campaign, Scott Steckly (No. 22 Canadian Tire Dodge) has rallied with back-to-back victories in his last two starts to pull within just five points of the lead in the championship standings.



The season has a different look for the two-time series champion out of Milverton, Ont. In his two title-winning seasons in 2008 and 2010, Steckly got off to a quick start and established himself at the top of the standings.


“We didn’t have a great start – that’s for sure,” said Steckly. “We weren’t about to quit, though. We just decided that we were going to really dig down and win as many races as we (could).”


The season opened for Steckly with an early accident on the road course at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park near Bowmanville, Ont, that resulted in a 24th-place finish – followed by mechanical problems at Delaware (Ont.) Speedway, which led to a finish in the 21st position after a start from the pole.


“We could have won those first two races. We had good cars,” Steckly said. “Those are just things that happen. It hasn’t been about poor performance. It’s just been bad luck. Hopefully, we’ve gotten all that out of the way for the season.”


Despite his superb results out west, Steckly is looking forward to a return to Autodrome St. Eustache (Que.) where he picked up a July 2008 win en route to his first Canadian Tire Series title to go along with a July 2009 triumph.


“We’re definitely looking forward to going back to St. Eustache,” said the 13-time race winner. “We’ve won there in the past and always like going there.”


In four starts on the .4-mile Quebec oval Steckly has two other top-five performances in addition to the two victories.


Race: National 250

Place: Autodrome St. Eustache (Que.)

Date: Saturday, July 27

Time: 8:05 p.m. ET

TV Schedule: TSN, Sun., Aug. 4, 11 a.m. ET; RDS2, Sat., Aug. 24, 11 p.m. ET; RDS, Sun., Aug. 25, 10 a.m. ET

Track Layout: .4-mile oval

2012 Winner: Event Not Held

2012 Pole Sitter: Event Not Held

Event Schedule: Practice Noon-12:30 p.m.; Final Practice 1-1:30 p.m.; Qualifying 4:15 p.m.; On-Track Autograph Session 6:45 p.m.; Driver Introductions 7:35 p.m. ET

Track Contact: Jason Labrosse, (450) 472-6222, info@autodrome.ca

Track Twitter: @AutodromeASE

Event Twitter Hashtag: #National250

NASCAR IMC Contact: Shon Sbarra, (704) 309-5493 or ssbarra@nascar.com, Twitter: @ShonSbarra

If photographs or graphics are needed for the NASCAR Canadian Tire Series presented by Mobil 1, please contact Shon Sbarra at (704) 309-5493 or ssbarra@nascar.com





The Race: This is the seventh event of the 2013 season for the NASCAR Canadian Tire Series presented by Mobil 1 and the fifth of eight oval-track events on the schedule. This is the series’ fifth visit to the track and first since July 2010.


The Procedure: The starting field is 22 cars, including provisionals. The first 19 cars will qualify through two-lap time trials. The remaining three spots will be awarded through the provisional process. The race will be 250 laps covering 100 miles.


The Track: The Autodrome St. Eustache racing complex, located northwest of Montreal, consists of a .4-mile flat oval, a 1.7-kilometer road course and a .125-mile drag strip. There is also a karting track on the premises. The track was founded in 1965 as Fury Speedway de Fabreville, and the current configuration has been hosting various types of racing since 1970. The track was purchased by Alan Labrosse prior to the 2008 race season.


The Records: The one-lap qualifying record for the NASCAR Canadian Tire Series at the track is 17.210 seconds (83.672 mph), set by D.J. Kennington on July 12, 2009. The 250-lap race record was established on July 3, 2010 by Kennington at 1 hour, 37 minutes, 21 seconds for an average speed of 61.633 mph.



On The Lookout: D.J. Kennington (No. 17 Castrol Edge/Mahindra Tractors Dodge) won in the series’ last St. Eustache outing in 2010 and the two-time series and defending series champ is looking for his first trip to Victory Lane in 2013.


In A Bunch: Four drivers – Kennington, Scott Steckly (No. 22 Canadian Tire Dodge), Louis-Philippe Dumoulin (No. 47 WeatherTech Canada/Bellemare Dodge) and Jason Hathaway (No. 3 Snap-on Tools/Rockstar Energy Drink Dodge) – are separated by just six points atop the championship point standings with six races remaining on the schedule.


East Follows West: With the two-race swing through Western Canada in the books, the Canadian Tire Series now turns its attention to the eastern part of the country. The visit to St. Eustache is followed by another Quebec trip to Trois-Rivieres followed by the easternmost event on the docket at Riverside International Speedway in Antigonish, N.S.


LAST TIME OUT: Velocity Prairie Thunder 250 presented by Bayer CropScience

Hanging Around: Jason Hathaway may prove to be the X-factor in this year’s title hunt. With a third-place finish in Saskatoon, the Dutton, Ont., driver, finished on the podium for the second consecutive race. On the season Hathaway has four top-five efforts in six outings.


Fitzpatrick Foiled: With two straight starts from the pole J.R. Fitzpatrick (No. 84 Equipment Express Chevrolet) would like to have more to show for it than just one top-10 finish. The Ayr, Ontario, driver led a race-high 144 laps at Auto Clearing Motor Speedway, but a Lap 226 spin left the championship contender with a finish in seventh.


Hayley Homecoming: NASCAR K&N Pro Series West top performer and Calgary, Alberta, native Cameron Hayley made his first NASCAR starts north of the border on the western swing. He followed up a seventh-place effort at Motoplex Speedway with a ninth-place finish in the Velocity Prairie Thunder 250.


NEXT TIME OUT: JuliaWine.com 100

The NASCAR Canadian Tire Series presented by Mobil 1 returns to Quebec and road-course racing for its eighth event of the season at Circuit de Trois-Rivieres for the JuliaWine.com 100. Quebecer Andrew Ranger has dominated at the 1.530-mile street course by winning four of the six series races held there. Only Kerry Micks (2007) and Robin Buck (2011) have been able to beat the two-time series champion in his home province.


Pour lire le reste /

Northern Modified Challenge Series Returns with Richards Memorial at Devil's Bowl

ATTACHED PHOTOS: The Northern Modified Challenge Series cranks back up with the Carrara Masonry & Concrete "C.J. Richards Memorial 67" at Devil's Bowl Speedway on Friday, August 2.  (Photos by MemorEvents)



Canaan Fair Speedway event rescheduled for Sunday, August 11


For Immediate Release                                                                                                                                                                         DBS-072213-1


WEST HAVEN, VT – The second chapter of the inaugural Northern Modified Challenge Series stock car season is about to be written at Devil’s Bowl Speedway.  The first-year touring series will make its maiden voyage at its home track on Friday, August 2 with the Carrara Masonry & Concrete “C.J. Richards Memorial 67” event.  Racing begins at 7:00pm.


The Northern Modified Challenge Series is a five-race touring championship for center-seat, dirt-style, open-wheel Modified racecars on both asphalt and dirt race tracks in the northeast.  Jessey Mueller of Olmstedville, NY made history by winning the first Challenge event on Memorial Day at Thunder Road International Speedbowl in Barre, VT.

The 67-lap Carrara Masonry & Concrete C.J. Richards Memorial event is held in honor of the late Devil’s Bowl Speedway founder, who opened the half-mile West Haven, VT track in 1967.  Mueller will lead the Northern Modified Challenge Series standings to Devil’s Bowl, with veterans Leon Gonyo and Kenny Tremont, Jr., tied in second place.  Alex Bell, Joe Williams, Hunter Bates, and Vince Quenneville, Jr., are next in line, followed by Bobby Therrien, Cody Sargen, and Adam Bartemy.

A 50-lap event at the 1/3-mile asphalt track at Canaan Fair Speedway in Canaan, NH has been moved from its original August 3 date to Sunday, August 11 at 1:30pm.  The race is now part of the “Subway Fresh Fit 150” program for Late Model cars.  Devil’s Bowl Speedway hosts round four during the Vermont 200 Weekend on September 14-15, followed by the Canaan Dirt Speedway finale on October 12.

The Carrara Masonry & Concrete C.J. Richards Memorial counts for both the Northern Modified Challenge Series championship and the weekly NASCAR Whelen All-American Series, and includes Twin 20-lap features for the Late Model division and racing for the Central Vermont Motorcycles Mini Stocks.  Regular admission is $12 for adults, $10 for seniors, and free for children 12 and under.  Racing begins at 7:00pm on Friday, August 2.

Devil’s Bowl Speedway is located on Route 22A in West Haven, VT, four miles north of Exit 2 on U.S. Route 4 and only 20 minutes from Rutland, VT.  For more information, call (802) 265-3112 or visit www.devilsbowlspeedwayvt.com.  Devil’s Bowl Speedway is on Twitter at @DevilsBowlSpeed and on Facebook at facebook.com/DevilsBowlSpeedway.


Contact: Justin St. Louis                                                                                                                                                          Phone: (802) 355-3282

Email: devilsbowlspeedway@gmail.com


Pour lire le reste /

Linc Brown Misses His First Win of the Year by 'Seconds'

By Jim Clarke, Clarke Motorsports Communications/First Draft Media


If a racecar driver ever tells you they’re happy with a second place finish, they’re lying.


Linc Brown made his 2013 debut in the Late Model division at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park Speedway Saturday, May 18th and since the first green flag of the year, the driver of the #99 Dodge Charger by McColl Racing Enterprises has been one of the best performing machines in a highly competitive field.  Along the way, he’s recorded a number of top 5 finishes, including several runner-up performances.  The only thing missing from the Colborne, Ontario driver’s resume has been a main event checkered flag.



After an off weekend, Brown and the rest of the Late Model field were back in action Saturday, July 20th at the half-mile oval north of Bowmanville, Ontario and the 48 year-old father of 2 was looking move into the winner’s circle.  Coming from 3rd in the night’s first qualifying session, he managed a second place showing.  The second heat race produced the same results, this time from a 4th place starting spot.


Rolling into the 25 lap feature that would close out the night’s action, Brown was 3rd in track points – trailing the division leader by 31 points – with the driver second in the standings, 10 markers ahead.  As the Late Model field came to the stripe for their headline dance, Linc Brown would fire from inside the second row, with his championship rivals a row ahead and alongside at the drop of the green flag.  While he wanted to get to the front as quickly as possible, experience has shown the veteran runner that no race can be won on the first lap.


“I’ve tried pushing the car too hard too soon before and it usually translates into some long hours in the shop,” said Brown.  “With the point chase as tight as it is, everyone’s looking to gain as much ground as possible.  Every position on the racetrack matters and can make a difference in the final standings.  I have to race smart and at the same time, race strong.  Sometimes, doing both just isn’t possible.”


On the break, the #99 got stuck behind another driver at the front of the pack.  No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t get past.  At the same time, the defending Late Model track champion (and current point leader) and started to put some distance on the rest of the field. Lap after lap, high or low on the track.  Nothing seemed to matter, until with about a dozen laps to go when he was able to move into second spot.  As the lap counter clicked on, Brown would push his car hard into the corners and gain a little ground but there was no catching the leader.  Another second place feature race finish would go into Linc Brown’s racing diary on the page marked Saturday, July 20th.


“As tempted as I might have been to use the bumper a couple of times, I’ve always tried to race people the way I’d like them to race me,” said Brown after the race.  “With about 10 laps to go, the car started to feel like there was a left front tire going down.  We’ll check it before we load for home, but there isn’t anything we can do now.  There’ll be some time work on the car before next Saturday night and we’ll try it again.”


Linc Brown Motorsports would like to thank this year’s marketing partners Kawartha Metals, Don Butt Auto Body, Rousseau Automobile Communications, Mayhew Graphics and Clarke Motorsports Communications for supporting their program in 2013.


The Colour of Money:  The #99 was a late arrival at the track for Saturday night’s show, as the driver played the role of supportive father for a karting event on his daughter Bailey’s schedule.  While her father finished second in his main event, Bailey celebrated in victory lane during her feature tilt.


Photo attachment:  Jim Clarke – Clarke Motorsports Communications/First Draft Media

Colborne’s Linc Brown recorded another second place finish in the 25 lap Late Model main event – Saturday, July 20th – at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park Speedway.


Prepared by:  Jim Clarke – Clarke Motorsports Communications/First Draft Media




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Capacity Crowd Enjoys Toonie Admission - Fan Appreciation Night at Peterborough Speedway

By Peterborough Speedway Media


They may have paid just a toonie to get through the gates, but fans were treated to close to a million dollars worth of action Saturday, July 20th at Peterborough Speedway.



As always, qualifying heat action was first to take to Canada’s Toughest 1/3rd Mile Oval.  Peterborough’s Mike Wallace – who practically grew-up at the track – took the first preliminary round for the Vanguard Self Storage Late Models, with Craig Graham, Cory Horner and Bryan Sudsbury also earning checkered flags.  Donny Beatty and Matt Spence claimed the Paul Davis Systems Thunder Car wins.  James Townsend had a pair of Battlefield Equipment Rental Four Fun events, with Ryan Oosterholt and Griffin Powell taking one each.


Moi Parry Spring Service Renegade Truck qualifiers went to Bill O’Harra and Tyler Junkin.  Jamie Bound and Rob McCall split the Hurricane Midget heats, with Brian MacDonald taking the ‘B’ main checkered flag.


Patience over the last 7 years paid off for Ennismore, Ontario’s Steve Foster.  Even though he started on the pole for the main event, the trip to Dart Heating and Air Conditioning victory lane in the Vanguard Self Storage Late Model main event was no easy run.  His first challenger was Craig Graham, but he was no match for a hard charging Cory Horner, who had come from 9th to second in just a few laps.  Horner tried everything – including some gentle taps from behind – but still couldn’t unsettle the driver of the #71.  Kelly Balson made a late race charge and was able to get past Horner, but his attempts to pass Foster were unsuccessful.


Donny Beatty started the Paul Davis Systems Thunder Car feature from the inside of the front row and within just a couple of circuits, Matt Spence had charged from 5th to fill his rear-view mirror.  The aggressive run caused the right front wheel on Spence’s #53 Chevy to belch smoke and he needed to slow his pace to stay in the fray.  Andy Ford – wheeling Dan Price’s #09 – closed on Spence in the late stages of the 20 lap affair, but neither driver had anything for Beatty, who hung on for the win.


The Battlefield Equipment Rental For Fun feature was action packed from the drop of the green flag, as Andrew Massey split the front row starters in a successful 3-wide battle for the lead on the opening lap. Behind him, a rivalry was developing between Joe Craven, who bumped Rob Gosse out of the way and earned a trip to the back of the pack.  Gosse retaliated on the restart, spinning Craven and gave him a final hit before being parked for the night.  At the front of the pack, Griffen Powell had found a way around Massey and held on for the win.


Excitement continued in the Moi Parry Spring Service Renegade Truck feature, as Stephen Bierworth grabbed the early lead from his outside front row starting spot.  His machine developed a loose handling condition and surrendered the lead to Jack Dallin, who later spun on the front stretch.  On the restart, Bill O’Harra took over the top spot, with Tyler Junkin alongside.  Both drivers made contact and were sent to the back of the pack, putting Bierworth back in control of the field, who again was passed by Dallin who in turn gave up the lead and eventually the race win to Junkin.


The Hurricane Midget feature was stopped shortly after it began, as a 6 pack of racers came together coming off the second turn.  Rob McCall jumped to the front on the restart, but there was another quick yellow flag as Lorne VanDusen, Shawn Gardner and Ryan Brown all went for a spin along the back straight.  As racing resumed, McCall was still holding the top spot, with Jamie Bound trying to work around the leader – but had to settle for second – with Brian Woodland chasing them across the line.


Short Track Saturday Night:  Action continues at the bull ring west of the Liftlock City Saturday, July 27th with the Peterborough Hyundai Mini Stock, Paul Davis Systems Thunder Car, Vanguard Self Storage Late Model and Ontario Legend divisions and a 100 lap endurance event.  Pit gates open at 3:00, with the grandstands unlocked at 5:00 and racing at 6:00.


Peterborough Speedway’s 2013 season is presented in part by Paul Davis Systems, Reinhart Trailers, Dart Heating and Cooling, Pennzoil, Pepsi, Country 105, Sound Off Signal and Peterborough Automotive


Fans can find full schedule details anytime by visiting www.peterboroughspeedway.com and follow the track on Facebook or Twitter.


Photo attachment:  Peterborough Speedway Media

A capacity crowd took in the action during Toonie Admission/Fan Appreciation Night, presented by Pepsi – Saturday, July 27th – at Peterborough Speedway.




Pour lire le reste /

ACT International 500: Brian Hoar Airborne Speedway Race Report




For more information, visit motorsports.RPMEnginesVT.com
or E-mail








PLATTSBURGH, N.Y. – Brian Hoar of Williston, Vt., finished second in the inaugural ACT International 500 at Airborne Speedway in Plattsburgh, N.Y., on Sunday, July 21. Hoar won the third and final 100-lap segment after finishing second in each of the first two segments in the RPM Motorsports No. 37 GossCars.com Dodge Charger. Hoar, who has eight career ACT Late Model tour wins at the .500-mile track, was leading in every single segment before late-race caution periods cost him victories in the first two segments. After winning his heat race, Hoar qualified 10th in the first segment for his best starting position in any of the three 100-lap events after full field inversions following each segment.







WHO: Brian Hoar, Williston, Vt.
TEAM: RPM Motorsports No. 37 GossCars.com Dodge Charger
CREW CHIEF: Rick Paya, Georgia, Vt.
WHAT: ACT International 500 (three 100-lap segments)
WHERE: Airborne Speedway, Plattsburgh, N.Y. (.375-mile oval)
FINISHED: 2nd overall (2-2-1, 5 pts.)
NEXT RACE: April 28, Merchants Bank 150, Thunder Road Int'l Speedbowl, Barre, Vt. (.25-mile oval)






I'm disappointed. It just is what it is. It (stinks), personally, but I don't want to be a sore loser. The (No. 97) guys are a great race team and they've got their stuff figured out this year. If either one of us hadn't have been as fast as we were, it would have been a pretty (crappy) race for the fans, frankly. It was a race for third after the two of us.


It's just one of those deals where you're hoping – and you hate to say to wish anybody bad luck – but (the No. 97) was going for a perfect score in that last segment. I needed something to happen. I needed him to get caught behind someone where he can't get by, or I need his setup to be off a little bit.


First-place is an addiction you can't get used to. You can't get enough of it. We'll get there. Second-place is lackluster. I still hand it to my guys, I don't want to discredit them in any way, but I'm disappointed.




We easily could have been sitting right there (for the overall win) if I'd won the second segment, and those cautions came out on us at just the right times. In both the first and second segment, those cautions came out – and we were leading on the last restarts of the race in both of those segments. That was huge. I think I could have won the first two segments if we didn't have them, just like (the No. 97) did.




Smoke. 'Days of Thunder' or something, you know. (Crew chief Rick Paya) was like, 'Please, stop! Just stop the car!' He knew there was no escape route. It was a fiasco.




They're awesome. They really are good. Everywhere we've been this year we've been really fast, and we've been much better than we were last year. Last year, we were just off a little bit. This year, we came out of the box and were good everywhere.


Andrew and Rick, hats off to those guys – I'm different than a lot of these drivers. I don't know what adjustments to make, and they do. That's their livelihood. They stay on top of it and what's going on out there in the industry. It's going on a five-year-old car, and it's still (awesome). It's really fast.



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Pour diffusion immédiate

Première édition de l’International 500 de l’ACT

Établi favori en raison de ses exploits antérieurs, Joey Polewarczyk d’Hudson au New-Hampshire a remporté, hier après-midi à la piste Airborne de Plattsburgh, les grands honneurs de la première édition de l’International 500 de l’ACT. Au combiné des trois manches de 100 tours qui composaient cette confrontation, celui que l’on surnomme Joey Pole, a eu le meilleur devant le multiple champion Brian Hoar et Eddie MacDonald. Le meilleur Québécois a été Jean-François Déry de Québec avec une cinquième place.


Pour atteindre son but, Pole a gagne les deux premières étapes devant Hoar alors que dans la troisième, c’est Hoar qui a eu le meilleur sur ce dernier. Quant à MacDonald, un régulier de la série K&N, il a respectivement terminé quatrième, cinquième et quatrième pour s’assurer la troisième marche du podium.

Chez les Québécois qui étaient au nombre de 11, mais dont 10 ont pris le départ dans la première tranche, c’est Déry qui s’est le mieux tiré d’affaire avec une cinquième au combiné en vertu d’une neuvième, quatrième et neuvième.

Pour sa part, le jeune Alex Labbé a pris le septième rang. Lors de chacune des étapes, il a rallié la ligne d’arrivée en huitième alors que Patrick Laperle, l’un des favoris s’est classé huitième en vertu d’une sixième, 17e et troisième. Cette deuxième manche a été désastreuse pour le pilote de St-Denis-sur-Richelieu. À la mi-course, il occupait le sixième rang, mais au 68e, il a dérapé afin d’éviter, Déry et Scott Payea. Puis, lors du dernier passage, il a dérapé de nouveau.

Pour sa part, David Michaud qui avait dominé lors de la deuxième qualification, a pris la 12e place au classement général, Jonathan Bouvrette qui n’a participé qu’aux deux premières portions (17e). En 18e, on retrouve le vétéran Claude Leclerc qui a pris part à toutes les portions, il est suivi de Dany Trépanier qui lui aussi, a vu sa journée se terminer après deux présences dans cet International 500 de l’ACT.

Stéphane Descoste a été classé 21e, Patrick Cliche 33e et Daniel Bergeron 37e.

Quant à Christopher Bédard, il a été victime d’un accrochage dans le Feature B et sa journée s’est terminée très tôt.


Essais libres

En matinée, Joey Polewarczyk et Rowland Robinson avaient été les rapides lors des essais libres.

Lors de la journée de samedi, c’est à Jonathan Bouvrette de Blainville qu’est revenu l’honneur d’enregistrer le meilleur  chrono de la journée lors de la troisième séance. Son temps a été de 17,054 secondes. Lors de la deuxième, c’est Alex Labbé des St-Albert qui s’était distingué avec un chrono 17,137 secondes alors que dans la première, le multiple champion  Brian Hoar avait été le plus rapide avec 17,185 secondes.

La lutte se poursuivra dans le championnat québécois de l’ACT, samedi soir prochain avec la reprise du Montmagny 100 et une semaine plus tard, les pilotes des deux championnats de l’ACT croiseront le fer sur les triovale de Sanair.



Source :     American Canadian Tour


Collaboration : Yvon Larrivée


Photos :               Guy Laroche

                             Stéphane Lazare




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