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Marc Patrick Roy
Pitkat wins touch ACT Invitational at NHMS
For Immediate Release ACT-092417-1
LOUDON, NH – Woody Pitkat drove the Summit Ice No. 07MA to victory in a rough and ragged ACT Invitational at New Hampshire Motor Speedway Saturday.
The race was called with 18 of 50 scheduled laps completed as daylight waned. Two false restarts attempting to complete lap 19, with Pitkat and runner-up Jimmy Hebert on the front row, sealed the deal.
Multiple accidents and long clean-up and line-up times prolonged the race for nearly two hours.
Pitkat started 19th on the grid, eight spots ahead of Hebert. He passed Mike Ziter and eventual third-place finisher Kyle Welch for the lead on lap six.
Hebert gained 25 spots as the hardest charger of the race. He was also the runner-up in 2016.
The race was red-flagged on lap 12 when Ziter, Ray Christian and others were involved in a hard crash into the inner barrier exiting turn four.
Eddie MacDonald, trying for his third consecutive ACT win at NHMS started 26th and finished seventh.
Positions 4-6 went to Joel Monahan, Aaron Fellows and Josh Masterson. Bucky Demers, Adam Gray and Tom Carey Jr. completed the top ten.
Hebert moved ahead of Pitkat more than once only to have the lap cut short and rendered unofficial by another caution.
"It was a very frustrating race for everyone," Pitkat said. "I got off the radio with my spotter for a while. I was trying not to hyperventilate. He (Hebert) probably had the fastest car. He rolled through the center of the turns better."
Pitkat spoke emotionally of the recent loss his longtime competitor and friend, Modified standout Ted Christopher.
"I want to say the right things for Ted," Pitkat said. "He taught me a lot. What he did in a race car was amazing. Nobody could do it like him in my opinion."
The ACT Invitational was a non-points race. The final event of ACT's 2017 schedule is set for Saturday, October 14 at Thompson Motor Speedway's World Series.
For more information, visit www.acttour.com or www.thompsonmotorspeedway.com.
9th Annual ACT Invitational – NHMS – start in (*)
Contact: ACT office – 802-244-6963; Tom Herzig – 802-249-2850
Posted by
Marc Patrick Roy
Course à oublier pour Raphaël Lessard lors
du Deep South Cranes 125 en Floride
PENSACOLA, Floride, samedi le 23 septembre – La journée du jeune Beauceron n'aura pas été aussi longue que prévue alors que tout semblait aller mal pour le pilote de la Toyota Camry #99 samedi soir alors qu'il participait à la finale du championnat de la Southern Super Series (SSS) en Floride. Lessard n'aura réalisé que 27 tours sur les 125 prévus à Pensacola, sur l'ovale du Five Flags Speedway dans le cadre du Deep South Cranes 125.
La journée a commencé sur le même ton alors que le pilote du programme de développement de Toyota (TRD) a reçu une pénalité pour un problème de garde au sol trop basse, avant même la qualification, bien qu'il fut passé trois fois devant les officiels, avant de se faire pénaliser d'un tour. Raphaël n'a eu droit donc qu'à un seul tour de qualification au lieu de deux.
Le pilote de la voiture Toyota Camry #99 FRL Express/Toyota-TRD/JBL Audio de l'équipe de course David Gilliland Racing a été en mesure d'établir le 19e meilleur temps en seulement un tour. S'élançant donc de l'arrière du peloton, Lessard n'a pas eu le temps d'effectuer une remontée comme il sait les faire avant que sa course ne se termine abruptement au 27e tour.
Raphaël Lessard a eu un contact avec le mur après qu'un roulement de sa roue avant droite ne casse. Un bris qui n'est pas de sa faute, mais qui est tout de même frustrant puisqu'il ne parvint à faire que le quart de la course.
« Je suis très déçue de ma soirée, ce n'est pas du tout ce que j'avais envisagé comme résultat. Par contre, ça ne sert à rien de trop y penser, nos deux courses importantes sont à venir et la voiture sera prête pour les deux épreuves de 400 tours, » déclare Lessard.
Les deux prochaines courses de Raphaël s'annoncent cruciales pour la carrière du jeune pilote québécois alors qu'il participera à deux épreuves mythiques de 400 tours. Premièrement, le All American 400 sur le Fairground Speedway à Nashville au Tennessee, puis le Winchester 400 sur l'ovale du Winchester Speedway en Indiana. Le All American 400 se déroulera le 30 septembreet 1er octobre, tandis que le Winchester 400 sera la semaine d'après du 6 au 8 octobre.
Pour plus d'information ou pour une demande d'entrevue avec Raphaël Lessard, veuillez communiquer avec :
Paul Vaillancourt III Andy Sylvestre
Torchia Communications Torchia Communications
Posted by
Marc Patrick Roy
Spreading the 'News' About the Autumn Colours Classic at Peterborough Speedway
By Jim Clarke, Clarke Motorsports Communications/First Draft Media
This year, the Autumn Colours Classic – presented by Lucas Oil Products – at Peterborough Speedway celebrates its 25th anniversary. Even though Ontario's premier auto racing event has been around for a quarter of a century, each year there are still teams who'll be making their first career start in the prestigious race.
With a wealth of experience at the venue known as Canada's Toughest 3rdof a Mile Paved Oval, Paul Pierik had never turned a lap in the season-ending Autumn Colours event. In just a couple of weeks, that statistic will change in a big way as the 51 year-old from Hastings, Ontario will unload his Eastern Ontario Legends machine as well as the #33 Organics & Glass Late Model for the show billed as the Super Bowl of Stock Car Racing.
Since concluding the 2017 regular season just outside the top 15 in the final Battlefield Equipment Rental 4Fun point standings, Chris Tubman has been counting the days leading-up to his debut at the year's biggest post-season event at Canada's Toughest 3rd of a Mile Paved Oval. The 38 year-old, who currently resides in Norwood, Ontario – but grew-up in Peterborough – did well during the schedule that just wrapped-up and is looking forward to his maiden voyage at Autumn Colours.
His #72 Organics & Glass Late Model carried a yellow stripe on its rear bumper since the opening night of Peterborough Speedway's regular season. Even though he finished 5th in the final point standings, Steve Powell wasn't just a rookie in the track's top class. 2017 was his first year of racing in any format. The 41 year-old – who is originally from Millbrook, but now makes his home in Norwood, Ontario – had some of the best in the business, including Derek and Dave Lynch to help guide his way. Powell – who owns and operates Custom Mobile Wash – will look to add a new experience to his resume, with his first career Autumn Colours Classic start.
There will be a smattering of first-time ACC runners throughout the weekend, including 2017 feature event winner Rob Crick, Corey Strawn, Jassen Whyte, Mike Feeney and others in a 4Fun field that saw nearly 40 different drivers start at least 1 main event. Like Pierik, Cory Richardson will also make his Autumn Colours Classic debut in the Eastern Ontario Legends Series events.
Fans have booked vacation time for the 25th edition of the Autumn Colours Classic – presented by Lucas Oil Products – at Peterborough Speedway. Things get underway Friday, October 6thwith the first round of qualifying for the Battlefield Equipment Rental 4Fun, Jiffy Lube Mini Stock, Thunder Car, Organics & Glass Late Model, Pro Late Model and OSCAAR Modified divisions. The opening night of action will also see the Mini Stock and Thunder Car Young Guns races, presented by APC.
Full schedule details can be found by selecting the 'Autumn Colours' tab atwww.peterboroughspeedway.com, liking the track's Facebook page or following it on Twitter.
Photo attachment: Jim Clarke – Clarke Motorsports Communications/First Draft Media
A rookie in the Battlefield Equipment Rental 4Fun division, Chris Tubman (#88) will make his first career Autumn Colours Classic start – October 6th through 8th– at Peterborough Speedway.
With Peterborough Speedway starts in both the Organics & Glass Late Model and Trailers Plus Eastern Ontario Legends, Paul Pierik (#33) will run both cars in his first ever Autumn Colours Classic.
Prepared by: Jim Clarke, Clarke Motorsports Communications/First Draft Media
Posted by
Marc Patrick Roy