
Central Vermont Motorcycles Doubles Support at Devil’s Bowl Speedway

ATTACHED PHOTOS (credit MemorEvents):
DirtMod_1200.jpg - Central Vermont Motorcycles of Rutland, Vt., will be the presenting sponsor of the Dirt Sportsman Modified division at Devil's Bowl Speedway in 2016 for the first time.
LateModels_1200.jpg - Central Vermont Motorcycles of Rutland, Vt., returns as the presenting sponsor of the Asphalt Late Model division at Devil's Bowl Speedway in 2016 for the second consecutive year.
Central Vermont Motorcycles Doubles Support at Devil's Bowl Speedway

Rutland, Vt., business to sponsor dirt Sportsman Modifieds and asphalt Late Models


For Immediate Release                                                                                                                                                                                 DBS-022516-1


RUTLAND, Vt. – Devil's Bowl Speedway's 50th season of stock car racing just got an extra boost, as longtime marketing partner Central Vermont Motorcycles has doubled its support of the track for 2016.  Central Vermont Motorcycles will return as the title sponsor of the Late Model division on Devil's Bowl's half-mile Asphalt Track and also joins the 3/10-mile Dirt Track to headline the Sportsman Modified class.  Both divisions will be part of the NASCAR Whelen All-American Series (NWAAS) championship structure.

Located on West Street in Downtown Rutland, Vt., Central Vermont Motorcycles offers a full line of powersports vehicles for land, sea, and snow.  A 10,000-square-foot showroom and a two-acre test track allow customers to see, shop, and test all of the latest models from Arctic Cat, Can-Am, Honda, Kawasaki, Ski-Doo, Spyder, Suzuki, and Triton Trailers.  Central Vermont Motorcycles has full-line parts and service departments, and also stocks Honda Power Equipment including generators, water pumps, snow blowers, and more.

The Central Vermont Motorcycles Dirt Sportsman Modifieds will compete for NWAAS points for the first time in 2016, as drivers run for championships at the track, state, and national levels.  Kenny Tremont Jr. of West Sand Lake, N.Y., is expected to return in defense of his 2015 Devil's Bowl title and will run for his first NASCAR-sanctioned championship, while Josh Masterson of Bristol, Vt., will attempt to become the first multi-time champion in the Central Vermont Motorcycles Asphalt Late Models.

Central Vermont Motorcycles will also present a night of racing action on Sunday, June 19 for The Dirt Track.  Fans will get to see equipment from Central Vermont Motorcycles up close and speak with experts as part of a large display of motorcycles, ATVs, side-by-sides, and other machines at the track.

"Central Vermont Motorcycles is such an important local partner at Devil's Bowl Speedway, and it's a great sign that they're increasing their involvement at the track this year," Devil's Bowl media director Justin St. Louis said.  "Lots of our fans love to get out and ride, and Central Vermont Motorcycles has the best equipment.  Their displays at Devil's Bowl are always impressive, and their showroom in Downtown Rutland is incredible."

Devil's Bowl Speedway's 50th season of racing will include NASCAR Whelen All-American Series-sanctioned action for both the asphalt and dirt tracks, totaling 27 scheduled events.  The asphalt track will race primarily on Saturday nights, and the dirt track will race primarily on Sunday nights; opening weekend is slated for May 21-22.

Devil's Bowl Speedway is located on Route 22A in West Haven, Vt., four miles north of Exit 2 off of U.S. Route 4 and just 20 minutes from Rutland, Vt.  For more information, visit www.DevilsBowlSpeedwayVT.com or call (802) 265-3112.  Devil's Bowl Speedway is on Facebook at facebook.com/DevilsBowlSpeedway and on Twitter and Instagram at @DevilsBowlSpeed; follow the action using the #DevilsBowl hashtag.


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Mission accomplie pour Raphaël Lessard

Communiqué pour diffusion immédiate

Le 21 février 2016, New Smyrna

Mission accomplie pour Raphaël Lessard

Du 12 au 20 février se tenait la traditionnelle Speedweek à New Smyrna en Floride. Ce programme s'inscrivait dans le calendrier 2016 du jeune pilote Raphaël Lessard comme étant le premier de la saison.

Juste avant son départ lors de sa soirée-bénéfice, nous avons pu apprendre que le pilote faisait maintenant partie de l'équipe de développement de David Gilliland Racing supporté par Toyota. Une excellente nouvelle pour le pilote qui lui permettra de participer à 21 programmes au cours de la saison avec le #99 FRL Express; un petit clin d'œil pour ses partenaires du 99,7 qui le supporte dans cette aventure.

Arrivée sur place quelques jours avant l'ouverture, l'équipe David Gilliland Racing a procédé aux derniers ajustements de la voiture neuve.

Le premier programme a eu lieu le 12 février 2016. En pratique la voiture était rapide et notre pilote s'adaptait à cette nouvelle piste. Déjà à la 2e pratique de la journée, Raphaël réalisait le 3e meilleur temps de la classe Pro Late Model. Un départ en force qui reflétait les réalisations de notre pilote pendant la semaine.

Dès le premier soir, Raphaël a terminé en 6e position sur plus de 20 pilotes. L'équipe était confiante pour la continuité du Speedweek.

Lors de la deuxième journée, Raphaël a su se faire remarquer en inscrivant le 2e meilleur temps lors des 2 pratiques. Malheureusement, en tout début de programme, un accident impliquant plusieurs voitures a eu lieu. Bien que notre pilote ait freiné rapidement, il a été percuté de plein fouet soulevant la voiture et endommageant sérieusement la voiture #99 FRL Express.

Étant donné l'importance des dommages, la voiture ne pouvait être remise en piste. Il a donc été décidé de mettre la mécanique de la voiture #99  dans la voiture conduite jusqu'à maintenant par l'équipier de Raphaël, Todd Gilliland. Le retour en piste était alors prévu pour le mercredi faisant en sorte que Raphaël manquait un programme.

Le malheur des uns fait le bonheur des autres

La pluie qui s'est abattue sur New Smyrna a forcé l'annulation du  3e programme prévu le lundi 15 février ce qui a permis à Raphaël de conserver sa 10e position au classement général du Speedweek.

Cet incident majeur aurait pu déstabiliser le jeune pilote, mais il n'en fût pas le cas. Lors de notre entretien, c'est un pilote plus que confiant et déterminé à améliorer ses performances de programme en programme pour le reste de la semaine.

C'est donc le mercredi, 17 février que les activités de l'équipe ont repris sur le tracé de New Smyrna. Partie en 8e position c'est avec fierté que nous avons pu assister au tout premier top 5 de Raphaël en terminant en 5e position.

Lors de la 4e journée, Raphaël s'est hissé au premier rang en réalisant le temps le plus rapide lors de la 2e pratique. Tout s'annonçait pour une autre excellente performance, mais il en fût autrement. Victime d'un pilote téméraire, la voiture #99 FRL Express a été endommagée. Repartie de la 19e position, c'est tout de même en 13e position que Raphaël a terminé le programme, et ce malgré une voiture ayant perdu sa stabilité en piste.

Encore une fois, l'équipe de Raphaël Lessard se trouvait devant une décision à prendre; serait-il en mesure de remettre la voiture en piste assez rapidement pour être présent dès le lendemain? Bien qu'au départ, il était prévu que Raphaël ne soit pas en piste le vendredi, il en fut autrement.

Une fin sous le signe de la réussite

Effectuant des temps tout aussi rapides que les jours précédents, c'est en 2e position que Raphaël, à bord de la voiture #99 aux couleurs de Toyota et commandité par FRL Express, s'est qualifiée. Menant une course exceptionnelle, Raphaël a été rapide et a mené une course sans erreur. Quelle ne fut pas la fierté de l'équipe et de ses fans de le voir performer et aller chercher la victoire. Un moment assurément gravé dans la mémoire de tous ceux qui ont cru en lui depuis ses débuts.

Il est certain que pour le dernier programme du samedi 20 février, les attentes étaient élevées et encore une fois, le jeune pilote de 14 ans a une fois de plus su répondre aux attentes. Terminant en 4e position, suite à l'inversion des 4 premiers pilotes, Raphaël s'est élancé en première position. Après quelques tours, il s'est positionné en 3e position; position qu'il a conservée jusqu'à la fin du programme réalisant ainsi son 2e podium de la semaine. Une performance encore une fois incroyable.

C'est avec fierté que l'équipe termine la semaine. Non seulement notre pilote a su se hisser parmi les meilleurs au niveau des temps, mais repart de sa première semaine de course de la saison 2016 avec 2 podiums, dont une victoire.

Prochain programme le samedi 5 mars à Dillon Motor Speedway, Dillon South Carolina dans la série PASS South en Super Late Models.

Marie-Claude Levasseur, Relationniste 

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Le doyen de la série de retour pour une 10e année

Le doyen de la série de retour pour une 10e année

Si la saison 2014 avait amené son lot de malchance au #17 Jimmy Nadeau, la saison 2015 fut sans aucun doute sa meilleure saison depuis son arrivée avec la série. Le pilote de Beauceville qui vient de procéder à sa 10e inscription avec la série compte plus de 91 courses en carrière avec la Série Sportsman Qc.

Entouré d'une équipe tissée serrée composée de son père, sa mère, son oncle et des amis de longue date, on sent rapidement en les côtoyant la complicité qui unit le Team Racing 17.

Cumulant plus de 31 tops 5 en carrière avec la Série Sportsman Qc, c'est un pilote plus déterminé que jamais que nous avons vu en 2015. Toujours aussi respectueux en piste et rigoureux dans toutes les étapes de la préparation de la voiture, sa persévérance lui a servi et l'a mené à terminer en 2e place du classement général en terminant à 9 reprises parmi le top 5 avec 7 podiums et 1 victoire. Une saison exceptionnelle pour le pilote et son équipe.

Lui qui a terminé à 4 reprises en 9 championnats dans le top 5 du classement général, il sera sans aucun doute un pilote à surveiller autant pour le championnat régional que provincial pour 2016.

Vous pouvez suivre l'équipe sur leur page Facebook Team Racing 17.

Bonne saison à toute l'équipe !

Marie-Claude Levasseur, Relationniste




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Banquet ACT et Série Procam Super Truck 2015

Dimanche 21 février 2016
Banquet ACT et Série Procam Super Truck 2015

Plus d'une centaine de personnes ce sont donnés  rendez-vous au Complexe des Seigneuries de St-Agapît afin d'y célébrer  les champions des séries Procam Super Truck et  ACT propulsées par Carbopoxy de Techniseal.
Les convives ont eu droit à 60 minutes de l'excellent humoriste Dominick Léonard, ils ont pu danser  au son de DJ Funkytown ainsi que déguster l'excellent souper du Buffet Larry.  Une soirée très bien orchestrée par Chantal Levac et Sylvain Brouillette.
Série Procam Super Truck propulsée par Carbopoxy de Techniseal
Stéphane Lecours est  venu chercher son trophée de Champion 2015. La lutte fût serrée entre lui, Jimmy Roy (2ème position) ainsi que Steve Lavigne (3ème position). Un championnat qui s'est décidé jusqu' à la toute dernière course de la saison ! Félicitations M. Lecours.
Série ACT propulsée par Carbopoxy de Techniseal
Parmi les récompenses, le titre de Recrue de l’année fût remis à Charles Harvey alors que  Hajrudin Balic de l’équipe #21 remporte le titre de Chef D’équipe de l’année 2015. Jean-François Déry, propriétaire de la voiture #21 est venu chercher son trophée pour la deuxième position, lui qui a mené une chaude lutte à Dany Trépanier tout le long de la saison. Louis Larue est monté sur scène afin de prendre possession du titre de propriétaire champion 2015.
Dany Trépanier est venu mettre la main sur le fameux trophée de champion ACT 2015.  Il a profité de l’occasion pour remercier son équipe, ses commanditaires ainsi qu’un très beau discours à l’endroit de M. Tom Curley qui était présent avec sa conjointe Darla. Pour  le champion du  #19 de Trépanier, cette soirée était l’accomplissement de beaucoup de travail et d’effort. Félicitations  M. Trépanier.
M. Tom Curley a remis la coupe portant son nom à M. Marc Valois, qui est depuis plusieurs saisons  le comptable du RPQ. Son travail est dans l’ombre mais combien important pour chacun des pilotes de la série ACT Québec.  M. Curley a aussi profité de son passage au Québec pour remettre le President’s Award à Sylvain Brouillette et Jean-François Fredette pour leur  travail effectué depuis leur arrivée avec  ACT Québec. Un honneur inattendu mais qui a profondément ému les deux promoteurs.
Le début de la saison 2016 approche et un calendrier entièrement québécois de 8 courses attend la quarantaine de pilotes ACT.


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NASCAR Announces Nominees For NASCAR Hall of Fame Class of 2017, Landmark Award

NASCAR Announces Nominees

For NASCAR Hall of Fame Class of 2017, Landmark Award

Hornaday, Roush, Rudd, Squier, Wilson Added To Ballot;

Guthrie Joins Landmark List


DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (February 24, 2016) — Legendary engine builders, crew chiefs, owners, drivers and the most recognizable voice in motorsports. The talents, eras and levels may differ, but all share a common thread. They shaped NASCAR, and on Wednesday, they were recognized as nominees for the highest honor the sport bestows – enshrinement into the NASCAR Hall of Fame.


NASCAR today announced the 20 nominees for the NASCAR Hall of Fame's Class of 2017, as well as the five nominees for the Landmark Award for Outstanding Contributions to NASCAR. Included among the list are five first-time nominees, all legends who made excellence a habit through their various contributions to the sport.


Among them are record-holding four-time NASCAR Camping World Truck Series champion Ron Hornaday Jr.; the man with the most car owner wins in NASCAR national series history with 322, Jack Roush; former all-time consecutive starts leader Ricky Rudd; legendary motorsports broadcasting pioneer Ken Squier; and three-time premier series champion engine builder and three-time Daytona 500-winning crew chief Waddell Wilson. For a full list of nominees, please see below.


The nominees were selected by a nominating committee consisting of representatives from NASCAR and the NASCAR Hall of Fame, track owners from both major facilities and historic short tracks and the media. The committee's votes were tabulated by accounting firm Ernst & Young.


From the list of 20 NASCAR Hall of Fame nominees, five inductees will be elected by the NASCAR Hall of Fame Voting Panel, which includes a nationwide fan vote on NASCAR.com. Voting Day for the 2017 class will be Wednesday, May 25.


Added to this year's list of Landmark Award nominees is Janet Guthrie – the first female driver to compete in a NASCAR premier series superspeedway race. The four returning nominees for the Landmark Award are H. Clay Earles, Raymond Parks, Ralph Seagraves and Squier (more on each below). Potential Landmark Award recipients include competitors or those working in the sport as a member of a racing organization, track facility, race team, sponsor, media partner or being a general ambassador for the sport through a professional or non-professional role. Award winners remain eligible for NHOF enshrinement.


Following are the 20 nominees for induction into the NASCAR Hall of Fame, listed alphabetically:


Buddy Baker, won 19 times in NASCAR's premier (now Sprint Cup) series, including the Daytona 500 and Southern 500


Red Byron, first NASCAR premier series champion, in 1949


Richard Childress, 11-time car owner champion in NASCAR's three national series


Ray Evernham, three-time NASCAR premier series championship crew chief


Ray Fox, legendary engine builder, crew chief and car owner


Rick Hendrick, 14-time car owner champion in NASCAR's three national series


Ron Hornaday Jr., four-time NASCAR Camping World Truck Series champion


Harry Hyde, 1970 NASCAR premier series championship crew chief


Alan Kulwicki, 1992 NASCAR premier series champion


Mark Martin, 96-time race winner in NASCAR national series competition


Hershel McGriff, 1986 NASCAR west series champion


Raymond Parks, NASCAR's first champion car owner


Benny Parsons, 1973 NASCAR premier series champion


Larry Phillips, only five-time NASCAR weekly series national champion


Jack Roush, five-time car owner champion in NASCAR's three national series


Ricky Rudd, won 23 times in NASCAR's premier series, including the 1997 Brickyard 400


Ken Squier, legendary radio and television broadcaster; inaugural winner/namesake of Squier-Hall Award for NASCAR Media Excellence


Mike Stefanik, winner of record-tying nine NASCAR championships


Waddell Wilson, won three NASCAR premier series championships as an engine builder


Robert Yates, won NASCAR premier series championship as both an engine builder and owner


The five nominees for the Landmark Award, listed alphabetically, are as follows…


H. Clay Earles, founder of Martinsville Speedway


Janet Guthrie, the first female to compete in a NASCAR premier series superspeedway race


Raymond Parks, NASCAR's first champion car owner


Ralph Seagraves, formed groundbreaking Winston-NASCAR partnership as executive with R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company


Ken Squier, legendary radio and television broadcaster; inaugural winner / namesake of Squier-Hall Award for NASCAR Media Excellence


NASCAR Hall of Fame Nomination Eligibility


-       Drivers who have competed in NASCAR for at least 10 years and been retired for two years are eligible for nomination to the NHOF. Previously, eligible drivers must have been retired for three years.


-       In addition, drivers who have competed for a minimum of 10 years and reached their 55th birthday on or before Dec. 31 of the year prior to the nominating year are immediately eligible for the NHOF.


-       Any driver who has competed for 30 or more years in NASCAR competition by Dec. 31 of the year prior to the nominating year is automatically eligible, regardless of age.


-       Drivers may continue to compete after reaching any of the aforementioned milestones without compromising eligibility for nomination or induction.


-       For non-drivers, individuals must have worked at least 10 years in the NASCAR industry.


-       Individuals may also be considered who made significant achievements in the sport, but left the sport early due to a variety of circumstances.


The 22-person Nominating Committee follows...



NASCAR Hall of Fame: Executive Director Winston Kelley; Historian Buz McKim.

NASCAR Officials:
 Chairman / CEO Brian France; Vice Chairman Jim France; Vice Chairman of NASCAR Mike Helton; Chief Operating Officer Brent Dewar; Executive Vice President / Chief Racing Development Officer Steve O'Donnell; Executive Vice President / Chief Marketing Officer Steve Phelps; Senior Vice President, Competition Scott Miller; Senior Vice President, Marketing & Driver Services Jill Gregory.

Track Owners/Operators: International Speedway Corporation CEO Lesa France Kennedy; Martinsville Speedway President Clay Campbell; Texas Motor Speedway President Eddie Gossage; Atlanta Motor Speedway President Ed Clark; former Indianapolis Motor Speedway President Tony George; Dover Motorsports CEO Denis McGlynn; Pocono Raceway board of directors member Looie McNally; Bowman Gray Stadium operator Dale Pinilis; Holland Motorsports Complex operator Ron Bennett; Rockford Speedway operator Jody Deery; West Coast representative Ken Clapp.

 Mike Joy, FOX.



Kerry Tharp

NASCAR Integrated Marketing Communications

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PASS South Rookies Offer Differing Opinions On How To Handle Dillon

PASS South Rookies Offer Differing Opinions On How To Handle Dillon


-       For Immediate Release


CHARLOTTE, NC (February 25) – Short track racers from across the Southeast are busy building and testing their machines as they prepare for the upcoming South Carolina Clash for the Pro All Stars Series (PASS) South Super Late Models at Dillon Motor Speedway on Saturday, March 5.   The 4/10 mile, egg-shaped speedway in South Carolina's Pee Dee region has long been one of the toughest tracks on the PASS South schedule and this year's 125 lapper looks to be an equally tough task.

Darlington, SC's Hayes Goodson is the third generation from his family to race at Dillon Motor Speedway.  His grandfather, Howard, raced and won on the original dirt track back in the 1960's, while his father, Hal, has been a consistent winner in the Truck and Late Model divisions at Dillon throughout the 2000's.  Goodson is excited for the opportunity to step back behind the wheel of the #16, reminiscent of the machines his father campaigned in the 1990's, but knows it will not be easy.

"Dillon can be very tricky to get around," said Goodson, driver of the Florence-Darlington Technical College/AAR entry.  "Turns 1 and 2 differ from turns 3 and 4 a great deal.  It's easy to overcharge the corner or pick the gas up too early.  Dillon also has very tight straightaways, which tends to cause problems exiting the corner.  Without much leeway between the walls, a single car spin can quickly turn into a multi-car pileup.

Kannapolis, NC's Kodie Conner is making the jump in 2016 from the Pro Late Model division, where he won the championship last year, to racing full-time in PASS South Super Late Models.  Despite a top 10 finish in the season opener at Greenville-Pickens, the learning curve is steep and it's made even tougher when racing at quirky speedways like Dillon.

"Going from a Pro Late Model to a PASS Super Late Model has been a big step in my driving career," says Conner, driver of the Jerry Conner Insurance #45 Toyota.  "At Greenville, it took me a few laps to adapt to the car on the track.  Dillon is not my best track and it will take a practice or two to get used to the car again.  My team and I have been working hard to be able to make it to victory lane.  This season my goal is to get a win and finish top 5 in points.  I will stop at nothing to reach my goal."

This year's 11th Annual South Carolina Clash will be 125 laps, which is 25 laps shorter than in years past.  Goodson recently tested at Dillon and believes the shorter race will put more of an emphasis on qualifying.

"The PASS race at Dillon is always a good show so we'll try to secure a decent starting position, find a place in line, keep the fenders and nose on all 125 laps, and hopefully find ourselves battling near the front at the end," said Goodson. 

Goodson and Conner will not only have to deal with a tough race track, but also by another stellar field of racers led by defending PASS South Super Late Model champion Tate Fogleman, who led 82 laps there last year, and defending South Carolina Clash winner Tyler Church.  Veterans Jeff Batten and Jimmy Doyle will be joined by PASS South rookies Kyle Desouza and Derek Scott, Jr. at Dillon.  Washington state's Nicole Behar will make her first PASS South start, along with teammate Raphael Lessard from Quebec.  Fellow Canadian JP Josiasse will also be making the trek from Ontario for his first start at Dillon Motor Speedway.

All the action gets under way on Friday, March 4 at Dillon Motor Speedway with open practice for all competing divisions from 3 – 6:05 PM.  On Saturday, March 5, practice will begin at 12 Noon with qualifying starting at 3:30 PM for the PASS South Super Late Models, DMS Late Models, and Pro 4-Cylinders, followed by main events starting at approximately 5 PM

  PASS South Super Late Model entry forms for the upcoming events at Dillon, Concord, and Hickory can be found at ProAllStarsSeries.com.

The Pro All Stars Series is recognized as North America's premier sanctioning body for asphalt Super Late Models and boasts such marquee events as the legendary Oxford 250 at Oxford Plains Speedway and PASS South's Easter Bunny 150 at the historic Hickory Motor Speedway.  For technical information concerning all PASS divisions please send questions to passracing@roadrunner.com.  For media or marketing questions, please contact Alan Dietz at 704-231-2039or alandietzpass@live.com.  And, don't forget to "Like" the Pro All Stars Series on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @PASSSLM14 to keep up with breaking news as it happens.


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Peterborough Speedway Mini Stocks to Fly the Jiffy Lube Banner in 2016

Peterborough Speedway Mini Stocks to Fly the Jiffy Lube Banner in 2016

By Jim Clarke, Clarke Motorsports Communications/First Draft Media


With Peterborough Speedway's new calendar of action scheduled to hit the track Saturday, May 21st with the annual season opener – featuring free spectator grandstand admission – staff and officials are working hard behind the scenes to make sure everything is ready for the first green flag.


Heading into the 2016 schedule, drivers in the Mini Stock field – which started at the track in 2001 – will race with Jiffy Lube as the division's title sponsor. A name long familiar to supporters of Canada's Toughest 3rd of a Mile Paved Oval, the Jiffy Lube location at 646 Reid Street in Peterborough is managed by Cory Wannamaker, who will take the involvement at the track to the next level with the introduction of the Jiffy Lube Mini Stocks.


"Our team is very excited to be part of this latest association between Jiffy Lube and Peterborough Speedway," said Wannamaker. "Working with the team at the track will help build our already strong brand. The motorsports fan base is extremely loyal to the companies, products and services that support the sport and we're looking forward to a long and profitable partnership."


A Jiffy Lube Signature Service Oil Change is not just an oil change. It's a preventative maintenance program that enhances the reliability and longevity of your vehicle. Their trained professionals will change the oil with up to 5 litres of premium Pennzoil motor oil, replace the oil filter and visually inspect key areas of your vehicle, including antifreeze/coolant reservoir levels, engine air filtration system, wiper blades, exterior lights and more. Transmission/transaxle, differential, power steering and windshield washer fluid levels will be checked and topped-off to give you peace of mind on the road. Find exclusive, money-saving offers and learn about the services available for your vehicle – with no appointment necessary – by visiting www.jiffylubeontario.com/Peterborough.  


Peterborough Speedway's 2016 campaign gets underway with the annual season opener – featuring free spectator grandstand admission – Saturday, May 21st. A first look at the new schedule is available now on the track's web-site.


Fans can always find the latest off-season news at www.peterboroughspeedway.com, by liking the track on Facebook or following it on Twitter. You can also download the free Peterborough Speedway app on your Smartphone. And look for the Peterborough Speedway display at the Motorama Custom Car and Motorsports Expo, March 11th to 13th at the International Centre.


Photo attachment: Jiffy Lube Peterborough collection


Located at 646 Reid Street, the staff at Jiffy Lube is excited to be part of Peterborough Speedway's weekly racing program as the new title sponsor of the track's Mini Stock division.


Prepared by: Jim Clarke, Clarke Motorsports Communications/First Draft Media

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