
ASE: Grande première à l'Autodrome St-Eustache

Communiqué de presse



Confrontation spéciale dimanche après-midi à l’autodrome St-Eustache


Place à la présentation de la 1 ere 
édition de la course ASE 150


ST-EUSTACHE – Pour la première fois dans l’histoire de l’autodrome de St-Eustache et du stock-car québécois on aura droit, dimanche après-midi, à la présentation de la course ASE 150 qui regroupera des compétiteurs de trois différentes séries d’importance au Québec : Sportsman NASCAR Ippersiel, ProCam Cummins et SuperSportsman avec des pilotes, dans cette catégorie, évoluant normalement sur des pistes de la région de la capitale provinciale.


« Il y a longtemps que la question trotte dans la tête des amateurs pour savoir ce que donnerait une confrontation entre des pilotes de ces trois séries. Nous nous sommes aussi posés la question. En discutant avec nos responsables, nous avons pris l’initiative d’organiser cette première confrontation alors qu’on se prépare à conclure la saison 2010 de stock-car chez nous.


« Comme les championnats sont terminés pour les compétiteurs de ces trois classes, l’occasion était unique pour une telle présentation. Ça nous permettra de voir en même temps des voitures de deux classes différentes confrontées à des camionnettes que l’on a vues pendant des années à l’autodrome. Je pense que nous allons assister à un événement particulier avec une bourse globale de 14 000 dollars dont 2 000 seront remis au vainqueur, » a précisé le promoteur/propriétaire Alan Labrosse.


Pour cette occasion, on ajoutera de l’intérêt en utilisant une formule gagnante lors de certaines courses américaines alors qu’on aura droit à deux manches de 60 tours avant une finale de 30.


« Pour les deux premières manches, précise Yves Ladouceur le directeur de course, nous compterons les tours lors des neutralisations, mais les 30 derniers seront sous le « vert » selon les procédures de l’ANCA. Pour la vérification des voitures, nous respecterons les règlements de chacune des séries. »


Après chacune des deux premières manches, il y aura un arrêt de six minutes pour une vérification des voitures. Des réglages et des ajustements seront permis, comme changer des roues de position, mais aucun changement de pneus sera permis à moins d’une crevaison.


Contrairement à ce que nous avons été habitués cette saison lors des courses en Sportsman NASCAR Ippersiel, on n’inversera pas des positions pour la reprise des deux dernières manches. On respectera les positions au moment des neutralisations.


« Je m’attends à une compétition intéressante surtout que plusieurs amateurs rêvaient depuis longtemps d’une telle confrontation. Nous avons également accepté des voitures de notre classe Production ayant été construites à partir d’un châssis de camionnettes. Cela devrait donner des résultats intéressants. »




On effectuera un tirage au sort pour déterminer les positions de départ des courses de qualification. Les 15 premières places sur la grille du premier 60 tours seront attribuées par le résultat des premières qualifications. Les positions 16 à 27 seront attribuées selon le résultat de la consolation. Les trois dernières places seront attribuées à un choix du promoteur avec un représentant de chacune des séries.


À ce jour, on a reçu l’inscription de 26 compétiteurs mais ce nombre pourrait augmenter d’ici à dimanche matin.


Deux autres finales


Lors de ce dernier programme complet de stock-car sur la piste ovale pour la saison 2010 – lors des deux prochaines semaines, la piste servira principalement à la présentation des compétitions de type Enduro – il y aura aussi des essais, des qualifications et des finales pour les compétiteurs pour la Chasse au titre en Sport Compact ANCA Lucas Oil (2e de trois manches) et la fin du championnat en Challenge 4 ANCA Meilleur Ramoneur.


Dans cette classe, Alain Tardif se présente à cette dernière manche avec 713 points accumulés depuis le début des courses au mois de mai dernier, mais c’est seulement 10 de mieux que Dominique Belisle qui le pourchasse depuis plusieurs semaines déjà.


Pour remporter son premier championnat, Alain devra tenir le coup lors d’une finale de 50 tours ou d’une durée maximale de 30 minutes. Les deux, avec un abandon hâtif en course, pourraient aussi être devancés par Maxime Tardif (683 points) qui occupe la troisième place devant Gilles Legault (612) et Maxime Latendresse (605) qui avait été couronné en 2009.


À l’issue de la première manche de la Chasse au titre en Sport Compact ANCA Lucas Oil l’excellent Steve Ladouceur occupe le premier rang avec 69 points devant son ami Paul Jean qui accuse un retard de trois points, un de plus devant le toujours redoutable Marc-Antoine Demers. À 62 points on retrouve Stéphane Gauvreau et Jason Morand. Mais comme on l’a vu au championnat NASCAR de cette classe, la situation peut changer rapidement. La finale de dimanche sera à nouveau de 75 tours.


On complétera la semaine prochaine, en prélude à l’Enduro 200, avec une finale de 100 tours qui servira à déterminer le dernier champion à être couronné en 2010.


Les essais commenceront à 10h dimanche matin, les qualifications à compter de 12h15 et les finales à 14h. Le signal du départ de l’ASE 150 sera donné à 15h15 !



Source : Autodrome St-Eustache (450) 472-6222/(514) 591-4388


30 septembre 2010





Pour lire le reste /

Pro All Stars Series news: Johnny Clark earns a fifth PASS North SLM title

For immediate release: Media, contact Norm Desjardins @ (603) 539-3368

PASS North Rewind: Johnny Clark completes his drive for five

Three consecutive PASS North titles for the Farmingdale Maine short track star

Naples ME Johnny Clark’s 2010 season ended quietly in the White Mountain Motorsports Park pit area, the rear axle housing of his Clark’s Car Crushing/Port City Race Cars Impala cocked to one side with a rear suspension failure that ended his night early in the PASS North super late model season finale. It was supposed to be Clark’s night to celebrate an unprecedented fifth Pro All Stars Series title, his team’s third consecutive championship. But Clark didn’t get to make a flashy burn out or receive congratulations from his many fans in attendance.


While it wasn’t the sort of celebration that a racer dreams of, the facts remained the same.  Clark’s five win season, with 10 top five and 12 top ten finishes, was one of the strongest in the ten year history of the Pro All Stars Series and further secured his status as one of America’s top super late model racers.

Clark’s year started off with a solid sixth at Beech Ridge, but he was about to go on a tear. He followed up with a win at White Mountain Motorsports Park, a track that Ben Rowe and, more recently Richie Dearborn have owned and Clark has tried to conquer for nearly twelve years. The team went on to dominate the month of June with wins at New Brunswick’s Speedway 660 and Maine’s Unity Raceway. Only his perennial title nemesis Ben Rowe could foil Clark’s shot at the consecutive win record when he chased Rowe to the checkers at Canaan Fair Speedway.

Rowe and his new Mulkern Racing team made it interesting during the heart of the schedule, winning at Canaan and Thompson (CT) International Speedway. Clark snared win number four in Caribou Maine at Spud Speedway in late August but Rowe was still nipping at his heels. The points were tight heading to Beech Ridge for the PASS 300 and the title was far from decided, less than 20 markers separating the two PASS stars. But Rowe never challenged and he was forced to park his Community Pharmacies Chevy with engine woes. Clark drove the fifty four to victory lane for the fifth and final time in 2010, collecting a ten thousand dollar pay day and guaranteeing his team a fifth title when he took the green at  White Mountain.

A talented race team and a slew of sponsors make the wheels turn for Johnny Clark Motorsports. Bobby Clark, Robert Green, Tim Clark, Terry Downes, John Clark, Paul Rice, Diane Clark, Craig Smiley, Bill Marshall and Heidi Marshall are the ones that make the wins and titles possible. Primary sponsorship is provided by Clark’s Car Crushing, Port City Race Cars, ARBodies and DNK Select Used Cars; associates include Bondos Garage, Cen-Pe-Co Oil, Yankee Communications, KDT Towing & Repair and 54 Grafix.

Although the PASS North’s tenth anniversary campaign has ended. Clark still has one more title to chase.  The PASS 300 was round four of the five race 2010 PASS National Championship Series and Clark’s win catapulted him to second in the National standings, just eleven behind point leader Preston Peltier and twenty in front of Jay Fogleman. Clark will make the trip south for the Mason-Dixon Meltdown, the {PASS South and National finale set for Newport (TN) Speedway on Saturday October 16.

All the latest news, point standings and results for all five Pro All Stars racing series are on line at www.proallstarsseries.com. Visit the 2010 PASS super late model champions at www.johnnyclarkmotorsports.com .





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L'ACT impose des sanctions

Pour diffusion immédiate (28-09-10 -43)


Faisant suite à l’ASE 300



Waterbury, VT – Faisant suite à l’ASE 300 qui s’est déroulé à l’Autodrome St-Eustache, dimanche après-midi, une pénalité a été imposée à l’équipe du 3QC de Sylvain Lacombe. Le pilote est responsable des actions posées par les membres de son équipe à la suite d’un incident survenu sur la piste. Il est ainsi pour les gestes posés dans la ligne des puits.



Cette pénalité est imposée en vertu des articles suivants du livre de règlements.


Page 17, item H, #2

Page 25, item K, #2

Page 26, item K, #2


L’équipe Lacombe a été disqualifiée de la course et ne recevra aucune bourse et point. En plus, un montant de 500 $ en devises canadiennes devra être versé au RPQ (Regroupement des pilotes du Québec) avant tout retour dans une compétition sanctionnée par l’American-Canadian Tour.


Également, toujours au sujet de cet événement, les officiels de l’ACT ont enquêté sur l’incident au cours duquel, Jonathan Urlin, le pilote de la voiture 4ON a été attaqué par des amateurs en colère faisant suite aux incidents survenus lors des deux derniers tours de cette course alors que lui et Patrick Laperle bataillaient pour la victoire. Durant cette enquête, aucune information n’a été trouvée afin de vérifier si quelqu’un d’autre que les admirateurs de Laperle étaient responsables de cette attaque. Daniel Laperle, frère et «spotter» de Patrick Laperle, aurait informé les officiels que l’équipe savait qu’elle était sous probation depuis le premier juin en raison d’un incident similaire survenu à l’Autodrome Chaudière.


« Ces deux pilotes ont lutté âprement pour remporter cette course. Ils se sont, tous les deux, démolis. C’est malheureux qu’un groupe d’admirateurs aient décidé de s’en prendre à un pilote alors qu’il tentait de sortir de sa voiture endommagée pour lui administrer des coups près du garage alors que les officiels étaient dans l’allée des puits afin de régler d’autres problèmes. Si Jonathan Urlin avait été en mesure d’identifier seulement une des personnes qui l’ont agressé, nous l’aurions aidé et supporté dans les actions légales qu’il aurait décidé de prendre. En tant qu’organisation, nous sommes à examiner certaines options pour assurer une meilleure sécurité lors de nos événements tant pour les compétiteurs que les officiels » de dire Tom Curley, le président de l’American-Canadian Tour.


La prochaine épreuve de l’ACT aura lieu ce week-end à la piste Thunder Road de Barre au Vermont. Il s’agira alors de la 48e édition du Milk Bowl, une épreuve disputée en trois segments de 50, 75 et 75 tours. L’admission pour les deux jours est de 25 $ en devises américains.



Source :                     American Canadian Tour


(802) 244-6963
























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For Immediate Release                                                                                      ACT-092810-56


Waterbury, VT - Following the 300 lap event at the Autodrome Ste-Eustache last Sunday, September 26, 2010, a penalty was issued to the # 3QC team of Sylvain Lacombe. The driver is responsible for the actions of his team and following an on-track incident, the team’s actions along pit road during the event and subsequently at the conclusion of the event, mandated a penalty for the # 3QC team under the following ACT Rulebook criteria.


            ACT rules and procedures…..


                        Page 17, Item H, # 2


                         “At all events, the driver assumes responsibility for the actions of his pit crew and actions in his pit area, including any unpaid fines for violations of conduct. Unpaid fines and/or related charges may be deducted from driver purse or point fund monies. Further, driver may be fined, suspended or otherwise penalized, based on the actions of his/her pit crew”.


                        Page 25, Item K, # 2


                        “Penalties for violation of series/track rules are determined by the gravity of the violation and its effect on the safety and good reputation of the series/track. Such penalties may include disqualification, suspension, fines and/or loss of points”.


                        Page 26, Item K, # 2


                        “Any member who performs an act or participates in actions deemed by officials as detrimental to the sport or to the series/track, including but not limited to verbal abuse of any official, the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the pit area during an event, the use of drugs, fighting and reckless driving may be fined not less than $100 and may also have additional disciplinary measures instituted.”


The Lacombe team was disqualified from the event, and will receive no points or purse.  Additionally, a $500 CDN fine payable to the RPQ 2010 Point Fund was imposed, prior to any return to ACT competition.


In a related matter at the event, officials from the American Canadian Tour have investigated the issue when the driver of the #4 ON team, Jonathan Urlin from London, Ontario was attacked by an angry mob of fans following the wreck in the final two laps when he and Patrick Laperle from nearby St. Denis, Quebec battled for the win. During the investigation there was no information discovered to verify that anyone other than a number of Laperle fans were responsible for attacking Urlin following the event. In fact, Daniel Laperle, brother and spotter of Patrick Laperle, informed officials that the team is very aware that they have been on probation since the first of June because of a similar incident following a Victory Lane ruckus at the Autodrome Chaudiere.


“The two raced hard for the win at the 300-lap race. They wrecked each other. It is unfortunate that a group of fans decided to gang up on one driver who was climbing out of his wrecked racer and beat on him in the garage area while literally every other team and official was out on pit road dealing with other issues. If Jonathan Urlin could have identified any one of the people who assaulted him, we would have supported and assisted with whatever legal options he may have had. As an organization, we are looking into our options on how we might be able to require better security at certain events for our competitors and officials,” said Tom Curley, President of the American Canadian Tour.


The next event for the American Canadian Tour is at the Thunder Road Speedbowl in Barre, VT with the 48th running of the Peoples United Bank Milk Bowl. The $80,000.00 event will be run on Saturday, October 2 and 3. Gates will open at 10:00 each day and post time is 1:00. Admission is only $20 dollars for Sunday and a two-day ticket is just $25. Kids 12 and under are free.


For more information contact:  media@acttour.com, www.acttour.com or www.thunderroadspeedbowl.com.







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Dilley Ends Season With Well Deserved Fourth

For Immediate Release




Peterborough , ON , Saturday September 25, 2010:  Mark Dilley driver of the No. 9 Part Source/Exide Dodge qualified in ninth place and finished the Kawartha 250 in fourth place.



In practice Dilley was twelfth fastest and the team headed back to the drawing board to make some changes before qualifying. In qualifying Dilley registered a time of 18.339 with an average speed of 73.6 mph which put him in ninth place on the inside of row five to start the final event of the 2010 season.


As the green flag dropped Dilley settled into ninth. Inside the first 75 laps there were three cautions and Dilley maintained his position throughout the restarts. On the third caution, Dilley came to pit road and topped up on fuel. The No.9 team did a great job and Dilley was back on the race track in no time and was able to restart in sixth place.


Dilley was running in sixth when another caution came out on lap 125. The leaders all came to pit road and Dilley changed left side tires and restarted in ninth place.


By this time, most of the leaders had taken all four tires and Dilley was not able to stay with the lead pack and fell back to twelfth.  When caution came out on lap 155 he was able to make his way to pit road for right side tires. After this, Dilley was on a mission; he had fresher tires than everyone and quickly made his way up through the pack.


Dilley had made his way up to sixth and made a great move in lapped traffic to take over the fifth position. He was battling hard to catch the fourth place car, but needed a caution to tighten up the field. The caution never came, but Dilley was still able to cross the finish line in fourth.


After the race Dilley commented that “The car was really good, we went with a softer set up this time and it really worked for us. Another top five is a great way to end the season and we are looking forward to 2011.”


Finish 1. Pete Sheppard III  2. Kerry Micks  3. DJ Kennington.  4. Mark Dilley  5. Don Thomson Jr. 


The Kawartha 250 will be broadcasted on TSN on Sunday October, 10th at 1 p.m. EST.


Mark Dilley finished the 2010 NASCAR Canadian Tire Series eighth overall in the point standings.


Mark Dilley is supported by: PartSource, Rheem Canada, Leland Industries, Williamson-Dickie Canada Co., Exide Batteries, Mobil 1 and Sylvania.


For more information on the NASCAR Canadian Tire series please visit www.nascarlocalracing.com


For more information on Mark Dilley please contact:

Linda Jones

Wide Open Motorsport Solutions




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Pro All Stars Series news: PASS Mod season recap


For immediate release: Media, contact Norm Desjardins @ (603) 539-3368

PASS Mod 2010 rewind: Shaw dominates on way to title

 NAPLES ME (9/28) Andy Shaw passed under the checkers  first in the PASS Mod season finale at Beech Ridge Motor Speedway to claim his fifth win of the 2010 season and the 2010 PASS Mod Championship.


The Center Conway New Hampshire racer’s 2010 statistics are enviable, to say the least.  A batting average of .500 is unheard of in most every sport but Shaw managed to win fifty percent of the ten race PASS Mod schedule and finish in the top five in all ten starts.

The Team 66 gang took home wins at Riverside Speedway (2), Beech Ridge Motor Speedway (2) and Canaan Fair Speedway.  Shaw topped Alan Wilson and Scott McDaniel by 51 markers in the final point tally. Twenty one different drivers attempted one or more Mod series races in 2010. Shaw now has ten feature wins since making the move to the affordable PASS open wheelers in 2008.

Like any championship team there’s a whole bunch of individuals behind the scenes that played a role in Shaw’s success. Michael Sheaff, Steve Chaput, Tony Mason, Mark Lundblad & Mark Lundblad Jr all played important roles in the championship season.  Shaw’s 2010 sponsors include PetExpectations.com, Dale Shaw Race Cars, Albany Auto, Khiel Excavation, Speed51.com, Precision JLM, Innovative Specialties and Finish Line Photography.

 Shaw ‘s title carried on a family championship legacy that began with  his grandfather  Henry Shaw Sr. and continued with his dad Henry Jr., his Uncle Dale Shaw  and his  cousin D.J. Shaw.   Cousin Crystal Shaw Weir shares ownership of Shaw’s PASS Mod with her husband Dave.

Alan Wilson hasn’t been a rookie for a long, long time but the Hebron Maine racer took on that role in 2010 when he decided to make his move to PASS Mods. The popular veteran earned his first series win at Spud Speedway and scored six top fives along the way.   Scott McDaniel had plenty of top threes amongst his seven top fives. Wayne Whitten Jr. and Bill Dixon each scored a win on their way to fourth and fifth in the final standings. Jon Brill and Sumner Sessions started all ten events, earning six and seventh in the final tally. Leo Oliveira and 2006 and 2007 series champ Chris Staples each visited the winner’s circle on one occasion.

Click on the Mod tab at www.proallstarsseries.com to learn more about the northeast’s economical touring open wheelers.


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Pro All Stars Series news: PASS South Hickory Motor Speedway race repoty

Peltier PASS South Hickory winner

Championship will be decided at the Mason-Dixon Meltdown


Hickory NC ( 9/27) The PASS South Super Late Models headed to the Hickory (NC) Motor Speedway for the “Over the Mountain 150” Saturday, September 25th, 2010.  Heading into the night’s action, Ryan Blaney held a six-point advantage over Preston Peltier for the series championship.  Both racers showed why they are battling for the top honors as Peltier went to victory lane with Blaney crossing the line second, shrinking Blaney’s lead to just four points heading into the final race of the season.


“It is going to come down to the last lap at Newport,” said Peltier in victory lane.  “If he gets the championship, he will deserve it.  If I get it, I will deserve it.  I just hope it is exciting.”


For the sixth time this season, Andy Loden was the driver at the top of the charts during qualifying.  As it was last race at North Wilkesboro Speedway (NC), Loden’s #29 machine set a new record during the session, this time a new track record at Hickory Motor Speedway for the PASS South Super Late Model series with a 14.713-second lap.


With 34 Super Late Model drivers on hand, the focus after qualifying shifted to the last-chance race, which featured all drivers outside of the top 20 working hard for six positions to transfer into the big show.  Winning the last chance race was first-time PASS racer Matt Leicht, who was followed across the line by Kenzie Ruston, Joey Coulter, Blaney, Joe Winchell and Chris Bohlman.


After the top-10 drivers redrew for starting position, Peltier and Trey Mitchell led the field to the green flag with Mitchell jumping out to the early lead.  Jay Fogleman worked his way to second and followed Mitchell for the next several laps.


The first yellow flew at lap 23 for an incident that involved Dean Clattenburg and Devin Jones, doing significant damage to the front nose of Jones’ machine, who was fifth in series points heading into the event.  Clattenburg was able to continue, but Jones was done for the night, finishing 28th.


On the restart, Fogleman got the jump, putting him in the lead, but a few laps later, Mitchell reclaimed the top spot with Loden moving to second, followed by Jody Lavender. 


On lap 41, Loden, who entered the night third in points, dropped off the pace and headed to pit road with mechanical issues, moving Lavender into second and Jimmy Weller in third.  Loden was credited with the 26th finishing position.


The second yellow flag flew at lap 49 for an incident on the front stretch involving Tayla Orleans, David Quackenbush and Clay Jones.  All three were able to continue with various degrees of damage to their vehicles.


Lavender decided it was his turn to lead the event, taking the top spot on the restart, moving Mitchell back to second.  Meanwhile, the car on the move through the first third of the race was Blaney, who raced his way up to third after starting deep in the field due to a mechanical issue during qualifying.


On lap 64, the third yellow flew for a spin by Mark Reedy in turn four after battling hard for position with Alex Fleming.  Reedy was able to continue.


Lavender was able to maintain the top spot on the restart with Mitchell, Blaney, Peltier and Weller in tow until the fourth yellow flag flew on lap 76 when Clattenburg’s car went for a spin on the front stretch, making contact with the inside wall, damaging his car too much to continue.


On the following restart, Peltier worked his way to the third position around Blaney, but a yellow, then red flag, was thrown on lap 81 for a multiple-car incident in turns three and four, involving Joey Coulter, Clay Jones, Weller, Leicht, Heath Hindman, Joe Winchell and others.  All drivers were reported to be ok.


Peltier continued his move towards the top by moving to second on the restart to Lavender, then moving to the lead on the outside on lap 90.  Hoping to keep his slim points lead over Peltier, Blaney worked his way to the second position around the 100-lap mark, putting Lavender to third, Kyle Bonsignore to fourth and Roger Lee Newton to fifth.


The sixth yellow flew at lap 115 for debris, setting up a restart with the top-two points leaders side by side.  After a few laps, Peltier was able to hold on to the lead with Blaney running a close second and Newton moving into the third position.


The yellow flag flew for the seventh time at lap 125 for a spin into the turn-one wall by Orleans, ending her night.  Also, during the yellow, Legendre, who was running fourth, appeared to lose power, dropping into the pits and out of the race.


With weather approaching the track, Peltier kept the lead on the following restart, driving on to victory over Blaney.


“I have to thank my whole team,” said Peltier.  “I was scared a few races ago with this thing (his car) the way we were running.  We struggled badly.  It is nights like this when you are faced with adversity that tells who you are.  We never gave up and kept working.  We found a bad shock, and man, this thing is awesome.”


Blaney was satisfied with his second-place finish and his four-point lead in the championship standings, considering he had to start way back in the field for the feature event.


“We broke a rear end and just got it fixed before the consi,” said Blaney.  “I don’t think our finish was too bad for where we started.  I wish I could have challenged Preston more, but we will go on to Newport.  We won there last time, so we will see what we can do.”


Newton, who has only one start in the series this season, was able to work his way to the third position from 13th by the time the checkered flag flew.


“When we unloaded this car, it was way out in left field,” said Newton.  “To come home in the top three with a low-budget team, it isn’t too bad.  We are going to go home, do our homework, and hope to come back to race this series more next year.”


Bonsignore and Lavender rounded out the top five.


In support division racing action, Bobby McCarty went to victory lane in the Allison Legacy feature, Hoyt Demis won the Legends Masters feature, Sean Shalvoy claimed the win in the Legends Young Lions / Semi-Pro / Pro feature, Stevie Johns Jr won the Bandolero Bandits division feature, and Ryan Mackintosh won the Bandolero Outlaws feature.


The PASS South Super Late Model Series will be back in action Saturday, October 16th, at Newport Speedway (TN) for the “Mason Dixon Meltdown,” which is the championship event for the PASS South and PASS National divisions.  For more information on the Pro All Stars Series, visit www.proallstarsseries.com.


Unofficial Results: PASS South Super Late Model “Over the Mountain 150”


1 Preston Peltier 2 Ryan Blaney 3 Roger Lee Newton 4 Kyle Bonsignore 5 Jody Lavender

6 Trey Mitchell 7 John Batten 8 Mark Reedy 9 Jay Fogleman 10 Bradley McCaskill 11 Alex Fleming 12 Chris Bohlman 13   Jimmy Weller 14   Clay Jones 15 Matt Leicht 16 Kenzie Ruston 17   Steven Legendre 18   Tayla Orleans 19   Joey Coulter 20   Joe Winchel 21   Heath Hindman 22   David Quackenbush 23   Dean Clattenburg 24)   Kyle Benjamin 25)   Daniel Hemric 26)   Andy Loden 27)   Ryan Moore 28)   Devin Jones 29)   Justin Wakefield 30)   Tim Pinion




Pour lire le reste /

FW: Derek White Series Top Rookie In Overall Standings



September 25, 2010.  Derek White and #99 OCR Gaz Bar Chevrolet Race Team headed for the final round of the NASCAR Canadian Tire series at Kawartha Speedway near Peterborough, Ontario looking to finish up the Canadian racing season with a solid outing.  While things didn’t go exactly as planned the team did conclude the season with a tremendous amount of racing knowledge, and White is the highest finishing rookie driver in the overall standings.



Making their first ever trip to Kawartha, White and the #99 OCR Gaz Bar Chevrolet wanted to take advantage of every minute of practice time and White ran better than 100 laps around the 1/3 mile banked oval.  “It’s a nice track to drive” said the driver.  “Really smooth in the corners but one and two are very different from three and four” he added.


White would start the 250 lap feature race from the twenty first starting spot but quickly moved the #99 OCR Gaz Bar Chevrolet forward.  “I always want to take it easy at first” explained White “but we did pick up some spots and the car felt pretty good during the first part of the race” he stated.


As teams began to pit for scheduled service the #99 OCR Gaz Bar Chevrolet gained track position and before the halfway point was running inside the top-five.  “It’s a good feeling to be running up that close to the front” smiled the driver.


However as teams with fresher tires returned to the track the front of the field became a tough place to run.  “I was trying to give a quicker car some room on the bottom” said White “and I got into the outside wall and that did some damage to the right front.  The car wasn’t the same after that” he concluded.


White would continue to soldier the #99 OCR Gaz Bar Chevrolet on for the balance of the race still looking to gain as many positions and learn as much as possible.  “With the car not handling as well working through corners one and two became even tougher” he stated.  “I had the other end of the track down, but one and two were tough” he stated.


When the checkered flag waved the #99 OCR Gaz Bar Chevrolet would cross the line in nineteenth position.  With the schedule completed Derek White is the highest finishing rookie driver in the NASCAR Canadian Tire Series standings.  “We set that as a goal at the start of the year and it’s great to come into this series and get there” said the proud driver.  “The teams that race here are so good and so competitive I’m really happy about our season” he added.


This final NASCAR Canadian Tire series event can be seen on TSN on Sunday October 10th at 1PM Eastern Time.  You can follow the team all year long by following this link to their website and by logging onto www.nascar.ca 


Attached Photo:  Derek White and the #99 DPW/OCR Gaz Bar Chevrolet at Kawartha Speedway.


Photo Credit:  Sue Chisholm and www.racetimeradio.com 


Prepared by Todd Lewis & TL Sports & Entertainment









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ACT Castrol: Karl Allard Earns Wild St-Eustache 300 Win and 2010 Série ACT Castrol Edge Championship

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                             ACT-092610

St-Eustache, QC – St-Felicien’s Karl Allard claimed the win in the St-Eustache 300 and the 2010 Série ACT Castrol Edge Championship after a wild green-white-checkered finish at Autodrome St-Eustache on Sunday, September 26. Allard took the lead after leaders Patrick Laperle and Jonathan Urlin wrecked coming to the white flag. Laperle and Urlin ended up in the front stretch wall before the start-finish line as Allard snuck through on the low side. Allard took the white flag while the rest of the field took the yellow and white flags.


Daniel Descoste made it through the mayhem to earn second while Laperle and Urlin were unofficially scored in third and fourth respectively, as the final two cars on the lead lap. Stephane Descoste finished fifth, the first car down one lap. Alex Labbe earned the Rookie of the Year title with his sixth place finish. Claude Leclerc, David Michaud, Gaetan Lauzier and Donald Theetge completed the top ten.

Allard’s sixth win of the 2010 season was enough to earn him the 2010 Série ACT Castrol Edge Championship over Laperle by 34 points, unofficially.

The 300 lap event was completed in two hours and thirty-eight minutes with 17 cautions. The event saw five different leaders with six lead changes. The complete results are unofficial.

The 2010 Série ACT Castrol Edge season is complete. The next event for ACT Late Models is the 48th Annual People’s United Bank Milk Bowl next weekend at Thunder Road International Speedbowl in Barre, VT. Saturday, October 2 is Booth Bros./H.P. Hood qualifying day with the Milk Bowl on Sunday, October 3. Post time both days is 1 p.m.

St-Eustache 300
Autodrome St-Eustache

Série ACT Castrol Edge

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Unofficial Results

Pos   S.Pos      Car #     Driver                           Hometown                      Laps

1            12      48QC     Karl Allard                    Saint-Felicien, QC             300

2            11       2QC      Daniel Descoste            St-Joseph, QC                    300

3            17      91QC     Patrick Laperle             St-Denis, QC                      300

4            18       4ON     Jonathan Urlin              London, ON                       300

5            20      10QC     Stephane Descoste       Oka, QC                             299

6              9      36QC     #Alex Labbé                  St-Albert, QC                     299

7            14      11QC     Claude Leclerc              Lanoraie, QC                     298

8              4      40QC     David Michaud             Blainville, QC                    298

9            13      74QC     Gaëtan Lauzier             St-Pacome, QC                  297

10            2      80QC     Donald Theetge            Quebec, QC                       297

11          16       5QC      Patrick Cliche               St-Jean-Chrystome, QC     296

12          15      92QC     Jonathan Desbiens        Levis, QC                           296

13            8      38QC     Martin Goulet               Mascouche, QC                 293

14          22      99QC     #Eric Giguere               St-Georges, QC                 293

15          24      26QC     Valerie Chiasson           Le Gardeaur, QC               289

16            3      95QC     #Jimmy Cormier           Princeville, QC                  287

17          21      84QC     #Martin Latulippe        Vallee-Jonction, QC          248

18            6      51QC     Patrick Hamel               St-Edouard, QC                 236

19          23      97QC     Jacques Poulin              East Broughton, QC          232

20            5      41QC     Jonathan Bouvrette      Blainville, QC                    231

21            1      21QC     Jean-François Déry       Quebec, QC                       231

22          10      03QC     Martin Lacombe           Terrebonne, QC                228

23            7      19QC     #Dany Trépanier          St-Edouard, QC                 146

24          28      60QC     Junior Collard               Val-Belair, QC                   108

25          26      98QC     Brandon White             Kahnawake, QC                 102

26          27      25QC     Steve Cote                    Ile-Bizard, QC                      91

27          25      07QC     Isabelle Tremblay         St-Hippolyte, QC                 62

DSQ       19       3QC      Sylvain Lacombe           Terrebonne, QC                     





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ACT Castrol - Allard gagne la course et le titre

Pour diffusion immédiate (26-09-10 -42)


ASE 300 : Patrick Laperle a tout dominé sauf…



Finalement Karl Allard de St-Félicien, le pilote de la Ford Fusion/Larue Équipement de déneigement, a remporté un premier titre dans la série ACT-Castrol, cet après-midi à l’Autodrome St-Eustache à l’occasion de l’ASE 300. Encore mieux, il a décroché son sixième gain de la saison à l’issue d’une fin assez tumultueuse. Puis avec une solide sixième place, Alex Labbé de Princeville, au volant de sa Toyota/VR Victoriaville, a ainsi mérité le titre de « recrue de l’année ».


Après avoir dominé sans équivoque tout au long de cette journée, Patrick Laperle de St-Denis-sur-Richelieu a été le grand perdant dans cette course. Plus rapide lors des essais libres et gagnant lors de sa qualification, Laperle a dominé du 47e au 161e tour après avoir pris le départ de la 17e place. Replacé à l’arrière pour avoir touché un adversaire, il est revenu en force pour reprendre la commande 22 passages plus tard. Il était vraiment seul en piste et à chaque fois, il prenait près d’un demi-tour d’avance sur ses rivaux.


Puis, à deux tours de la fin, lors de la dernière relance, l’Ontarien Jonathan Urlin qui avait réussi à remonter le peloton jusqu’en deuxième, décida de prendre la ligne de la sortie des puits pour prendre la mesure de Laperle dans le premier virage. Furieux devant ce geste illégal, Laperle et Urlin sont venus violement en contact à la sortie du quatrième virage. Urlin a touché au mur et à ce moment, les deux pilotes ont vu Allard et Daniel Descoste de St-Joseph filer vers le quadrillé. Comme ils étaient sur le même tour, ils ont tout de même terminé respectivement troisième et quatrième, mais une fin de course qui a laissé un goût amer chez plusieurs amateurs. Lors de l’impact, Laperle a été blessé à une jambe.


Pour en revenir à Allard qui tenait à tout prix à cette première couronne, mentionnons qu’il a été l’un des cinq pilotes qui à un certain moment ont mené le bal. Il a mené du 169 au 182e  et lors des deux derniers tours. Stéphane Descoste d’Oka est celui qui a pris le cinquième rang, mais avec un tour de retard sur les meneurs.


Dans cette course d’une durée de deux heures, 38;07 minutes qui a nécessité 17 drapeaux jaunes seulement, 17 des 29 partants ont franchi la ligne d’arrivée et très peu d’entre eux avaient des voitures intactes.


Avant son abandon au 231e tour, Jean-François Déry de Québec avait mené le bal durant les 46 premiers passages. Il a roulé avec les meneurs, mais les choses se sont gâtées par la suite. Au 132e tour, Sylvain Lacombe de Terrebonne qui en était à sa dernière course en carrière, a été victime d’un dérapage à la suite d’un contact avec Déry. Jugeant ce dernier responsable de l’incident, il lui a remis la monnaie de sa pièce. Le comportement de ses équipiers n’a pas été apprécié également et il a été disqualifié. Ce n’est certainement pas de cette façon qu’il croyait terminer sa carrière.


Claude Leclerc de Lanoraie a pris la septième place suivi de David Michaud de Blainville, Gaétan Lauzier de St-Pacôme et Donald Theetge de Québec.


Les qualifications

Les trois gagnants ont dominé largement leur course respective. La première est allée au jeune Jonathan Desbiens de Lévis. Ce dernier a triomphé devant Patrick Cliche de St-Jean-Chrysostome et la recrue Jimmy Cormier de Princeville. Dans la médiane, c’est Jean-François Déry de Québec qui en a fait autant devant Patrick Hamel de St-Édouard-de-Lotbinière et Karl Allard de St-Félicien. La troisième a été l’affaire de Patrick Laperle de St-Denis-sur-Richelieu. Donald Theetge de Boischatel a été le deuxième à rallier la ligne d’arrivée devant Sylvain Lacombe de Terrebonne.


Finalement, l’épreuve de consolation a été remportée par Jonathan Bouvrette de Blainville qui a eu le meilleur devant Gaétan Lauzier de St-Pacôme qui a effectué une belle passe à trois de large pour se hisser en deuxième devant Dany Trépanier de St-Édouard.


Deux champions couronnés

Deux autres champions ont été couronnés à l’occasion de ce dernier après-midi de septembre. Après Steve Côté (Sportsman NASCAR Ippersiel) et Dave Coursol (Sport Compact NASCAR Lucas Oil), ce fut au tour de Stéphane Aubin (Légende Modifiée ANCA Lettrage Provan) de conserver son titre de champion en remportant la dernière course de la saison devant Sylvain Denis et Sylvain Caron qui était son plus sérieux adversaire dans la course au titre.


En terminant troisième derrière Jean-François Bouvrette et Steve Lagacé, Patrick Leporé a également été couronné champion de la classe Production ANCA Centre Chiniara. Lors de la finale en Challenge 4 ANCA Meilleur Ramoneur, il reste une épreuve à compléter pour le championnat dimanche prochain dans cette classe, on a eu droit à la victoire de Dominique Bélisle devant Michel Legault et Jason Morand.


Avant la présentation de la course ASE 300, il y a eu la première manche de la « Chasse au titre » en Sport Compact ANCA Lucas Oil. Cette finale de 75 tours a été remportée par Steve Ladouceur, le gagnant de la semaine dernière, devant Paul Jean, Marc-Antoine Demers, Stéphane Gauvreau et Jason Morand.


La semaine prochaine, l’autodrome St-Eustache accueillera la première édition de l’ASE 150 qui regroupera plus de 25 pilotes des séries Sportsman NASCAR Ippersiel, ProCam Cummins et SuperSportsman Lucas Oil de la région de Québec. Suivront les épreuves Enduro 200 (10 octobre) et Enduro 250 (17 octobre). On complétera la saison le 30 octobre avec le spectacle d’Halloween Smashfest.




Source :                    American Canadian Tour


                                   (802) 244-6963

Collaboration :         Yvon Larrivée






















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