
REVSTAR PR - Une première se transforme en exhibition

En l'absence d'un des réguliers, Jean-Nicolas Gareau qui n'a pu se présenter en raison d'un conflit d'horaire avec son nouveau travail et des déboires de Daniel Nadeau dès la première pratique, les organisateurs ont décidé que la course inaugurale sur glace serait remplacée par une course d'exhibition. L'entrée officielle est donc reporté à la semaine prochaine, lors de l'épreuve présentée à Repentigny.



La neige complique la tâche des pilotes REVSTAR
Sur la surface de l'anneau de glace de Beauharnois, beaucoup de neige s'est accumulée rendant les conditions difficiles pour les pilotes, puisque les voitures REVSTAR sont de type "Open Wheels". Les roues soulevaient la neige rendant la visibilité pratiquement nulle.

Derek White en relève !
Le pilote, qui avait loué la voiture 66, est également inscrit dans deux classes locales. Avec l'horaire chargé de la journée, c'était devenu impossible pour lui de prendre part à la série REVSTAR. Il a décidé de laisser le volant à son bon ami, Derek White bien connu des amateurs de Nascar. Après sa première présence en piste, Derek n'a pas caché sa joie : "Woow, ! quelle sensation."

Malgré le peu de voitures sur la grille de départ, le spectacle a été relevé. Après la première séance de qualification de 8 tours chaudement disputée, les pilotes étaient de retour pour la première course (non officielle). Dès le début, une véritable bagarre s'est engagée entre Derek White et Gabriel Richer. White pouvait contenir les attaques de Gabriel Richer durant les 4 premiers tours, mais Richer s'est fait encore plus insistant, pourchassant le pilote de Nascar avec des attaques de tous bords, tous côtés. Richer aura finalement le dessus et parviendra à croiser le drapeau à damier en première place pour remporter sa première victoire de sa jeune carrière. Gabriel Richer était fier de pouvoir enfin savourer sa première  victoire et par surcroit devant un pilote aussi renommé que Derek White.  Les nombreux spectateurs ont bien apprécié la performance des pilotes de REVSTAR


Une première expérience qui s'est avérée plus difficile que prévue mais ce n'est que partie remise. Les organisateurs ne sont pas découragés et ils comptent se reprendre la semaine prochaine sur le petit Bristol de glace de Repentigny dans un programme organisé par Buddy Ford qui s'annonce dès plus prometteur. Nous sommes convaincu que la glace sera de très bonne qualité et qu'elle conviendra mieux à nos bolides.

REVSTAR met tout en oeuvre pour avoir un plateau d'au moins 6 voitures au départ.

La série REVSTAR tient à souligner l'excellent accueil des organisateurs de Beauharnois malgré des conditions de glace différentes de ce que nous nous attendions. Les amateurs ont eu droit à un excellent programme dans toutes les catégories.

On vous donne rendez-vous la semaine prochaine, cette fois sera la bonne ! Vous pourrez assister à la toute première course officielle de la série REVSTAR sur glace. Une première à ne  pas manquer !



Calendrier des courses sur glace





Dimanche, 30 janvier



Gabril Richer *

Samedi 5 février 



à venir

Dimanche 13 février 



à venir

CONGÉ week-end de course à Valcourt

Samedi 26 fevrier 



à venir

Dimanche 27 février



à venir

*Course hors championnat



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For immediate release

NDS – 2010-01-29 - 001


IRWINDALE, CA — January 29, 2011 — Andew Ranger overcame a cancelled flight due to a snow storm, slept in an airport and survived 11 cautions to finish in 22nd place in the eighth running of the NASCAR Toyota All-Star Showdown, which brings together the top racers from across North America and has grown into the "Daytona 500 of short-track racing".


Ranger, the driver of the No. 35 Waste Management Recycling NDS Motorsports, lined up in 8th place for Saturday night's All-Star event after turning the eight fastest lap of all in time trials the night before.  Forty-six competitors, representing five countries, attempted to qualify for one of the forty starting positions in the main event.


The 225 lap NASCAR K&N Pro Series All-Star race was broken up into three segments.  After each one, crews were given 10 minutes to service the car before returning to the track in the same order they completed the previous one.


In the first segment of 102 laps, the Roxton Pond, Quebec native climbed as high as fifth place in the standings before fading back in the field when the car's handling changed.  "We qualified the race car under very hot conditions.  We adjusted the car's setup for the night time race, at first we were very competitive, we were battling in the top 10, but it didn't stick.  We must of went too far and I just could no longer drive the car, it wouldn't turn" said Ranger.  He finished the segment in 26th position.


In the second segment, from laps 103 to 198, Ranger still had his hands full behind the No. 35 Waste Management Recycling car steering wheel.  "During the competition yellow, we went too far.  We went from a tight car to a very loose car.  Already with 1 lap down, I lost two additional laps in the pits under green to fix the car's setup.  It went much better from that point on".


Ranger started the third segment and last 27 laps dash in the 27th starting position and took advantage of a much better handling car to improve his finish at the end.  He would cross the finish line in 22nd position three laps down to the leader.


Participating in his third Toyota All-Star Showdown, Ranger who was involved in an accident in 2007 and finishing 15th in 2010, he and the No. 35 Waste Management Recycling NDS Motorsports crew came to Irwindale, CA with very high expectations.  "Obviously, it's disappointing.  Everyone worked hard.  We tested before coming here and we had high hopes.  Missing the setup cost us a top five finish" added Ranger. 


Instead of the win, the Vermont based team will return home with very important information about racing in the Southwest's temperature.  Instrumental information for the next race which will take place at Phoenix International Raceway on February 24th when they participate in the NASCAR K&N Pro West Series event.




Source : NDS Motorsports

            Steve Hibbard / Marc Patrick Roy


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Dufault: Driving Daytona an "Amazing Feeling"

source: http://www.arcaracing.com/news.php?contentid=10417

TOLEDO, Ohio - January 29, 2011) - Maryeve Dufault has already accomplished her first goal at Daytona International Speedway, and she's prepared to tackle more with the green flag dropping over the Lucas Oil Slick Mist 200 on Saturday, February 12.


Dufault, 28 and of Quebec, interviewed with Burning Rubber Radio's Andy Delay and Wayne Owens Thursday night, discussing her background and her plans for entry into the ARCA Racing Series presented by Menards. Dufault first spoke about her experience testing the No. 12 Tony Marks Racing Dodge.

"We just came back from the test in Daytona. The test went really well for me...I just wanted to have as much seat time as possible, and we did. I'm really happy with it. The team was able to gather information for the upcoming race. It was really helpful for me, because we were working with Larry Moore, who's been around in ARCA. He did a great job bringing the whole team together," Dufault said in the interview.

With a father whose background is in motorcycle racing and a career of her own that she says includes driving down "a bad road at 170 mph" in a motorcycle, Dufault was impressed but not intimidated by the Daytona oval.

"It's an amazing feeling to go at that speed in this kind of car," she said.

Dufault talked more about her racing career and her ARCA expectations in the interview. To listen to the full interview, click here.


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FAZZT PR - Tagliani en championnat de karting ce week-end en Floride (15)

Communiqué pour diffusion immédiate    



Indianapolis, 21 janvier 2011 - Au cours des semaines qui mèneront au lancement de la saison 2011 de la série IZOD IndyCar, Alex Tagliani, le pilote de l'équipe de course FAZZT, participera à certaines épreuves du Challenge FWT Rotax Max de la série Florida Karting Winter Tour en compagnie des meilleurs pilotes de karting en Amérique du Nord.


Ce weekend (21-23 janvier) à Orlando en Floride, Tagliani sera au volant de son kart BIREL à moteur Rotax aux couleurs de Bowers & Wilkins TorcUp de l'équipe SRA Karting International dans la catégorie DD2 Master. Le pilote québécois participera également aux épreuves du Challenge disputées du 25 au 27 février au Palm Beach International Raceway.

Le Florida Winter Tour des Productions Formula Kart est l'une des séries de karting la plus ancienne et géographiquement la plus diversifiée au monde. L'édition 2010 a enregistré 482 inscriptions, et les pilotes provenaient de 23 pays différents, de 25 états américains et de cinq provinces canadiennes.

« Je suis très excité d'adjoindre Alex Tagliani à la longue liste de pilotes réputés qui participent à l'édition 2011 du Florida Winter Tour, a déclaré Bill Wright, le propriétaire et promoteur du Challenge FWT Rotax Max. Son nom s'ajoute à Rubens Barrichello, pilote de Formule 1, AJ Allmendinger de la Coupe Sprint de NASCAR et Dan Wheldon, de la série IndyCar. La participation de vedettes de ce calibre est excellente pour le karting, la série et les pilotes de karting qui y prennent part. »

Tagliani, qui a amorcé sa carrière de pilote en karting à l'âge de 10 ans, s'est toujours impliqué dans cette discipline, car c'est là que l'on retrouve la prochaine génération de pilotes et d'amateurs IndyCar. Tag profitera également de l'occasion pour amorcer son entraînement en piste afin d'être prêt pour la saison 2011 IndyCar qui débutera le 27 mars à St. Petersburg en Floride.

« Je suis très heureux de renouer avec le karting, et je suis très reconnaissant envers Michel Boisclair, le directeur de l'équipe SRA, de l'opportunité qu'il m'offre de joindre l'équipe pour ces épreuves, a souligné Tagliani. C'est toujours un plaisir de courir en karting, et c'est également un excellent moyen de reprendre la forme pour la saison IndyCar puisque les essais dans notre championnat sont très limités, et l'entre saison trop longue. J'observe un régime de mise en forme très stricte, mais ce n'est pas la même chose que d'être au volant d'une voiture ou d'un kart afin de susciter l'éveil mes réactions en piste, et c'est exactement ce que je retrouve dans la série Florida Winter Tour. »

Non seulement les autres pilotes de l'équipe SRA ont l'intention de se démarquer dans leur catégorie respective, mais ils espèrent avoir la chance de représenter leur pays lors des olympiques du karting, la Grande finale Rotax qui aura lieu à Al Ain aux Émirats arabes unis en 2011. La série Florida Winter Tour déléguera un pilote de chaque catégorie en Rotax DD2, Rotax DD2 Masters, Rotax Max senior et Rotax Max junior à ce championnat mondial.

Avec cet objectif en tête, Tagliani sera en piste ce vendredi pour les deux séances de qualification, tout comme ses coéquipiers Jan Velez, l'ex-champion ICC en catégorie DD2, le multiple champion canadien Christophe Boisclair, Jean-François Lafontaine en catégorie Rotax Max et Olivier Bédard en Rotax Max junior. Les finales disputées au Orlando Kart Center auront lieu ce samedi 22 janvier et ce dimanche 23 janvier.

Les amateurs peuvent suivre en direct le chronométrage avec images vidéo de chaque tour de piste des activités de la série Florida Winter Tour sur le site


- 30 -


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NASCAR NEWS - Toyota All-Star Showdown has wide appeal

Le Défi des étoiles NASCAR/Toyota ratisse large

De nombreux pilotes internationaux participeront à cet événement bien spécial Official Release
January 11, 2011 - 1:07pm

Daytona Beach, Floride. — Comme Mario Andretti, Earl Ross et David Hobbs qui se sont sentis interpellés par le Daytona 500 dans le passé, plusieurs pilotes internationaux ont maintenant dans leur mire le Défi des étoiles NASCAR/Toyota (NASCAR Toyota All-Star Showdown) qui sera disputé les 28 et 29 janvier prochains au Toyota Speedway d’Irwindale en Californie. Cette course, réputée comme étant le «Daytona 500 des courtes pistes», est dorénavant considérée pour ces pilotes de partout dans le monde comme étant une chance de faire leur marque dans l’univers du NASCAR.

Toyota All-Star Showdown Has Wide Appeal

Several International Drivers Taking Part In Special Event Official Release
January 11, 2011 - 1:23pm

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. — Just as Mario Andretti, Earl Ross and David Hobbs were drawn to the Daytona 500 in years past, several international drivers are targeting the 2011 NASCAR Toyota All-Star Showdown, a race that has come to be known as the ‘Daytona 500 of short-track racing,’ on Jan. 28-29 at Toyota Speedway at Irwindale (Calif.) as an opportunity to make their mark on the world of NASCAR.



Parmi les participants prévus à l’épreuve se retrouvent le champion de la série NASCAR Canadian Tire présentée par Mobil 1 DJ Kennington et le champion de la série NASCAR Mexico Germán Quiroga. Kennington sera accompagné par un autre Canadien avec le champion 2007 et 2009 de la série NASCAR Canadian Tire Andrew Ranger qui sera à la ligne de départ. Pour Quiroga, ce seront ses compatriotes Rubén Rovelo et Daniel Suarez qui se joindront à lui pour défendre les couleurs du Mexique. De l’extérieur de la bannière NASCAR, le Français Lucas Lasserre, champion 2010 de la RACECAR Euro Series, se dirige aussi vers la Californie.

«Cette épreuve est tellement prestigieuse que si tu obtiens une occasion d’y courir, tu dois y être, explique Kennington. Le niveau et la profondeur de la compétition sont impressionnants. Chaque pilote à la ligne de départ a sa part de victoires.»

En tant que champions des séries internationales de NASCAR, Kennington et Quiroga ont des places garanties sur la grille de départ de l’épreuve principale. Ils seront aussi coéquipiers, en quelque sorte, en se retrouvant au volant de voitures préparées spécialement pour cette course par le Bill McAnally Racing. BMR est une des écuries de pointe dans la série NASCAR K&N Pro Ouest et le domicile du champion 2010 Eric Holmes.

Le Québécois Ranger obtient aussi une place garantie au départ avec ses victoires dans les séries NASCAR K&N Pro en 2010 à Infineon Raceway (Californie) dans l’Ouest et Lime Rock Park (Connecticut) dans l’Est. Le pilote, qui a partagé sa saison entre le Canada et les Etats-Unis en 2010, a participé aux éditions 2007 et 2010 du Défi des étoiles NASCAR/Toyota après ses deux titres en série NASCAR Canadian Tire.

Les Mexicains Rovelo et Suárez débarquent aussi à Irwindale après des campagnes fructueuses en 2010. Rovelo a terminé sixième au classement et a remporté la course du 22 août à l’Autódromo de Monterrey. Suárez, de son côté, a engrangé le titre de recrue de l,année en vertu de sa 13e place au classement.

Le Français Lasserre sera aussi de la partie en tant que champion mais il devra se tailler une place sur la grille en qualifications s’il veut être de l’épreuve principale. La série française ne roule que sur des circuits routiers dans des bolides basés sur des voitures de stock car de NASCAR. En 2010, Lasserre a gagné trois fois, obtenu trois top-5 et 11 top-10.

«Le (Défi des étoiles NASCAR/Toyota) est un endroit de choix pour se faire remarquer et ouvrir des portes si vous y avez du succès, ajoute Kennington. Vous n’avez qu’à regarder la liste des ex-gagnants.»

David Gilliland a remporté le Défi des étoiles NASCAR/Toyota en 2005 avant de débuter a carrière en coupe Sprint de NASCAR en 2007. Le double-vainqueur et champion en titre de l’épreuve Joey Logano a remporté son premier Défi des étoiles NASCAR/Toyota en 2007, juste avant de passer aux séries NASCAR Nationwide et coupe Sprint de NASCAR avec le Joe Gibbs Racing.

Des 199 pilotes qui ont pris le départ d’un Défi des étoiles NASCAR/Toyota, 68 ont disputé des épreuves dans la coupe Sprint de NASCAR, dans la série NASCAR Nationwide ou dans la série de camionnettes NASCAR Camping World.

Le Défi des étoiles NASCAR/Toyota est divisé en trois étapes — deux segments de 100 tours suivis d’un sprint de 25 tours vers le drapeau à damier. Les champions 2010 des séries de développement de NASCAR ainsi que les gagnants de courses dans les séries NASCAR K&N Pro en 2010 ont des places assurées sur la grille de départ.

L’horaire inclut aussi une course de 75 tours de la série de Super-Récents-Modèles NASCAR Whelen All-American et une épreuve de 50 tours. de la série de Récents-Modèles NASCAR Whelen All-American.

Les deux soirées de courses seront diffusées en direct sur SPEED à partir de 22h HNE chaque soir. Rick Allen et Phil Parsons seront à l’animation et à l’analyse tandis que Dick Berggren et Jim Tretow arpenteront la ligne des puits.


Among the entrants expected are 2010 NASCAR Canadian Tire Series presented by Mobil 1 champion DJ Kennington and 2010 NASCAR Mexico Series champion Germán Quiroga. Kennington will be joined in the field by fellow Canadian Andrew Ranger, the 2007 and 2009 Canadian Tire Series champion, while Quiroga will be joined by compatriots Rubén Rovelo and Daniel Suárez. Outside the NASCAR umbrella heading to California is 2010 RACECAR Euro Series champion Lucas Lasserre of France.

“The event is so prestigious that if you get an opportunity to race in it, you have to take it,” said Kennington. “The level and depth of the competition is amazing. Every driver there has had his share of wins.”

As NASCAR touring series champions Kennington and Quiroga have a secured starting spot for the main event. They also will be teammates, of sorts, by driving for Bill McAnally Racing for this special event. BMR is one of the top stables in the NASCAR K&N Pro Series West and is home to 2010 champion Eric Holmes.

Ranger, a Quebec native, also enters the event with a secure starting spot as a 2010 K&N Pro Series event winner having won at California’s Infineon Raceway in the West and Connecticut’s Lime Rock Park in the East after splitting his season between the U.S. and Canada. He competed in the 2007 and 2010 NASCAR Toyota All-Star Showdowns after each of his two Canadian Tire Series titles.

Mexican drivers Rovelo and Suárez come into the event with successful 2010 seasons, as well. Rovelo finished sixth in points and won the Aug. 22 race at Autódromo de Monterrey. Suárez, meanwhile, collected rookie of the year honors and finished 13th in the point standings.

France’s Lasserre comes to the event with a championship in hand, but he will have to earn his spot on the starting grid for the main event. The French series competes exclusively on road courses in a car based on a NASCAR stock car. In 2010, Lasserre won three times and notched 10 top fives and 11 top 10s.

“The (NASCAR Toyota All-Star Showdown) is a great place to get noticed and open some doors if you have some success,” said Kennington. “Just look at the list of past winners.”

David Gilliland won the 2005 NASCAR Toyota All-Star Showdown before embarking on his NASCAR Sprint Cup Series career in 2007. Two-time and defending race winner Joey Logano won his first NASCAR Toyota All-Star Showdown in 2007 that preceded his move to the NASCAR Nationwide Series and NASCAR Sprint Cup Series with Joe Gibbs Racing.

Of the 119 drivers to have started a NASCAR Toyota All-Star Showdown, 68 have made a start in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series, NASCAR Nationwide Series or NASCAR Camping World Truck Series.

The NASCAR Toyota All-Star Showdown main event is broken up into three sections – two 100-lap segments preceding a 25-lap dash to the finish. The race features secured starting spots for the 2010 champions of NASCAR’s developmental series and race winners of the NASCAR K&N Pro Series from the 2010 season.

The schedule also includes a 75-lap NASCAR Whelen All-American Series Super Late Model race and a 50-lap NASCAR Whelen All-American Series Late Model race.

Both nights of racing will air live on SPEED, beginning each night at 10 p.m. ET. The coverage will be anchored by Rick Allen and Phil Parsons in the booth, with Dick Berggren and Jim Tretow covering action in the pits.



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NASCAR News - NASCAR Names Kristi King Director of Communications, Competition; Steve Pegram Director of Stakeholder Communications

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (Jan. 27, 2011) – The National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) today announced two key additions to the Integrated Marketing Communications team.


Kristi King, who has 17 years of public relations and marketing experience in NASCAR racing, has been named director of communications, competition and joins the sanctioning body’s Integrated Marketing Communications team.

Steve Pegram brings more than 15 years of experience working with high-profile brands, sports and entertainment properties across multiple marketing and promotional platforms and has been appointed director of stakeholder communications. Most recently, he has worked with Motorsports Management International, the leading driver management firm, and Red Bull Energy Drink, where he oversaw motorsports communications and played an instrumental role in launching the start-up Red Bull Racing NASCAR team. Pegram’s first involvement with NASCAR was more than a decade ago in servicing the Miller Brewing sports marketing account for Wunderman, a Young & Rubicam-owned integrated marketing agency.

King, who will be based at the NASCAR Research and Development Center in Concord, N.C., has worked at Talladega Superspeedway for the past 6½ years. She was the track’s director of public relations from 2004-08 before being promoted to senior director of communications and consumer marketing in 2008. King was public relations director at North Carolina Speedway in Rockingham, N.C., from 1994 to 2004.

In her new role, King will assist in providing strategic leadership for all competition-related public relations efforts with specific responsibilities geared towards the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series.

"Kristi brings a solid background in our sport along with a high level of energy and creativity,” said Kerry Tharp, NASCAR senior director of communications, competition. “We’re excited about her joining our team.”

Pegram will play a critical role in leading NASCAR’s collaboration with the marketing and communications teams at various entities throughout the industry, especially race teams and track operators. Pegram will be responsible for working collaboratively with the IMC leadership team and across all NASCAR departments – most notably Industry Relations – to identify and then strategically mobilize NASCAR resources to support key promotional initiatives.

NASCAR veteran Jennifer Powell has been promoted to senior manager, stakeholder communications and will report to Pegram as they collaborate on establishing the department.

“Steve’s relationships and strategic experience will be vital to extending NASCAR’s communications efforts with key stakeholders in the sport,” said Steve Phelps, NASCAR chief marketing officer.

Pegram will be located at the NASCAR Plaza in Charlotte, N.C., and will report directly to the chief communications officer.


For more information contact:

Kerry Tharp, NASCAR Integrated Marketing Communications



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Airborne Speedway Press Release

Airborne boosts Sportsman “4-20’s” purse and point fund  

For immediate release – AS-012511

South Plattsburgh, NY – Airborne Speedway has announced that J&S Steel of Plattsburgh has renewed its sponsorship of the Sportsman division for the 2011 stock car racing season.


J&S Steel, Vermont Life Safety and Airborne Marketing Manager Sherm Hamel have arranged to double last year’s payout for the Sportsman headliner “4-20’s” event and create a $1,000 point fund lottery.

The Vermont Life Safety 4-20’s race, set for August 13, consists of four 20-lap sprints, each now increased to pay $500 for 1st place. The line-up for successive legs of the race is set by inverting the previous order of finish. The overall event winner, determined by the lowest total of combined finishes, also earns $500.

“The Sportsmen are a pretty competitive division,” Hamel said, “but if someone can win every segment, they can go home with $2,500.”

J&S Steel will provide a year-end bonus to the division’s point fund. “We’ll have a drawing among the top ten drivers and the winner will walk away with a $1,000,” owner Jeff Sears pledged. “All of us at J&S Steel are looking forward to the 2011 racing season at Airborne Speedway. I think 2010 was the best year ever at the speedway. The whole Airborne staff really goes out of their way to bring quality family entertainment to the Plattsburgh area. We are very proud to represent the Sportsman division and add some extra incentive for the racers.”

Bucko Branham of Plattsburgh was the overall  “4-20’s” winner in 2010, edging out track champion Robin Wood and rookie Bill Thwaits, who dropped out with electrical failure on the last lap.

The Champlain Valley Motorsports Show at Plattsburgh’s Crete Civic Center is scheduled for Friday and Saturday April 14, 15. Airborne’s 59th season begins Saturday May 7.


Contact: Tom Herzig

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MONTREAL, QUEBEC (January 25, 2011) – 2010 NASCAR Whelen All-American Series Quebec champion Steve Cote, 20, will compete in the NASCAR Modifieds for Ron Sutton's Winner's Circle in 2011.


Cote will race a full slate of NASCAR Modified races at All American Speedway in Roseville, California. Ron Sutton's Winner's Circle is a NASCAR-oriented driver development program that includes 27 young drivers from all over the world.

Ron Sutton’s Winner’s Circle is a comprehensive driver development program based in Sacramento, Calif that fields drivers in USAC Midget and Sprint Car Series along with NASCAR Modifieds, Late Models and K&N Pro Series West, as well as road racing & dirt series.

Cote drove impressively in the driver talent shoot-out in October to earn a spot in the program. More than 900 drivers applied for a position with the program and only a fraction were awarded the chance to try out.

RSWC’s NASCAR Modified team enjoyed great success in 2010 achieving four victories and winning the All American Speedway Rookie of the Year award with driver Nik Romano.

The Modifieds at All American Speedway average over 18 cars per night, competing on the paved one-third mile asphalt oval. Cote’s schedule is set to begin on April 30 with a 40 lap main event on tap.

Race fans can follow Steve Cote on his all-new website at

The website was designed by Blakesley Sports Media for Ron Sutton’s Winner’s Circle.

Steve Cote Racing and Ron Sutton’s Winner’s Circle thanks partners: K&N Filters, Scribner Plastics, Allstar Performance, Sunoco Race Fuels and Star Racing Supply.

For more information on Ron Sutton’s Winner’s Circle, log on to

About Ron Sutton’s Winner’s Circle:

Ron Sutton's Winner's Circle is an established talent scout and development program, providing long term, comprehensive racing and career development for up and coming drivers focused on NASCAR careers. RSWC drivers are raced, coached, groomed, trained and molded, within a professional racing environment, into what top NASCAR teams look for when hiring drivers. Drivers involved in the program race in a variety of cars, including USAC Young Guns Focus Midgets, USAC Ford Focus Midgets, NASCAR Grand American Modifieds, NASCAR Late Model stock cars and NASCAR Grand National stock cars.

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For Immediate Release                                        ACT – 012511-09


        Waterbury, VT – The American Canadian Tour (ACT) announced today that Motorsports Hall of Famer and former CBS Senior Motorsports Editor Ken Squier will join Motor Racing Network (MRN) and Sirius Radio host Dave Moody at the ACT Goodyear Speedweeks Cup events in Florida next month.


Squier, founder and co-owner of Thunder Road Speedbowl in Barre, VT has been synonymous with Daytona Speedweeks since the 1960’s. He was the public address announcer for many years, beginning in 1965, co-founded the Motor Racing Network, and he may be most recognized as the person most responsible in brokering the 1979 CBS television network first ever live four-hour broadcast of the Daytona 500 between the network, the Daytona Int’l Speedway and NASCAR. Squier still is active in short track racing and many nights will be behind the microphone at the Thursday night weekly races at Thunder Road. He shared the radio broadcast duties with Dave Moody at the first ACT Invitational held at the New Hampshire Motor Speedway in 2009. Squier will continue his work with Speed Channel next month, bringing historic insights to viewers throughout the 2011 Speedweek events at Daytona. He will also call the first-ever ACT event at the New Smyrna Speedway on Sunday night, February 13, 2011.


Dave Moody was the voice of the ACT and Thunder Road for over 25 years. Moody started his announcing career while still in college and set a standard around the country for both weekly announcing and touring contests. He was responsible in large part for helping both the old NASCAR North and the ACT Touring series become two of the premier touring series in both the United States and Canada. Moody is now a senior member of the Motor Racing Network and has become one of the most familiar voices in motorsports, with his hosting of a live daily racing show on Sirius Satellite radio. He will take over the New Smyrna Speedway announcing duties for the Monday night 100-lap feature event on February 14, 2011.


“This certainly adds another dimension to our first-ever Florida visit. Being able to have Ken and Dave leave their duties at Daytona and join us in New Smyrna is really special for our organization”, said Tom Curley, President of the American Canadian Tour. “Both Ken and Dave have been essential ingredients to whatever success we have enjoyed at both Thunder Road and on our various tours over the past three plus decades. I know our teams will appreciate their participation at New Smyrna Speedway, and the real benefactors will be the fans. It should be a lot of fun both Sunday and Monday night at New Smyrna next month”, concluded Curley.


The first ACT Goodyear Speedweeks Cup will qualify through heats on Sunday, February 13th and then run 100 laps of green flag racing. The field will be inverted for the second 100-lap event on Monday, February 14th. The competitor with the best over-all finish in the two events will win the Cup and the lion’s share of the $36,655.00 in posted awards for the event. Post time for the World Series of Asphalt Stock Car Racing is 7:30 each night.



For additional information contact the ACT office at 802.244.6963, www.acttour.com, or media@acttour.com






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Brian Hoar and Nick Sweet Take Top Honors at ACT/Thunder Road Banquet of Champions

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                             ACT-012211-08

South Burlington, VT – Seven-time American Canadian Tour (ACT) Champion Brian Hoar of Williston was honored for his 2011 ACT Late Model Tour stock car championship on Saturday, January 22 at the Sheraton-Burlington Hotel and Conference Center in South Burlington. Hoar earned three wins and never finished outside the top ten in the 13 event 2011 season. The championship was his second in a row with car owner and crew chief Rick Paya, who also has seven career titles as a crew chief and owner. Over 400 team, fans and officials were in attendance to help celebrate the team’s championship, which included a $10,000 point fund check. The team earned over $30,000 for their efforts in 2010.


The 42nd Annual MacTavish Award was given to two-time Série ACT Castrol Edge Champion Donald Theetge of Boischatel, Quebec for his dedication to Northeast stock car racing and ACT for over two decades. The prestigious MacTavish Award is named for legendary New England racer Don MacTavish who was killed in 1969 while racing at Daytona International Speedway. Theetge began racing with ACT in 1988 on the former Pro Stock Tour and has been one of the most skilled and respected drivers in the Northeast and Quebec ever since. He accepted the award at the 2010 Série ACT Castrol Edge Banquet of Champions in Quebec City, Quebec on Saturday, January 15.

The 2010 Thunder Road International Speedbowl Late Model Championship honors went to hometown favorite Nick Sweet of Barre. Sweet earned the “King of the Road” title in just his third season of Late Model competition. The 2008 ACT Late Model Tour Rookie of the Year and former Bond Auto Tiger Sportsmen Champion returned to his hometrack and finished sixth in 2009. During his 2010 Championship run, he won two of the biggest events of the season in the opening day Merchants Bank 150 and the Carquest Governor’s Cup 100. In one of the closest battles in Thunder Road history, Sweet edged out runner-up Dave Pembroke and third place finisher Lt. Governor Phil Scott for the title.

Multi-time Lee USA Speedway Champion Wayne Helliwell, Jr. of Dover, NH and car owner Bruce Berhardt were honored as the winners of the first Ford Blue Oval Cup Challenge. The special program was designed for competitors who ran the newly designed Ford engine on the ACT Late Model Tour, Série ACT Castrol Edge or any of the nine ACT affiliated tracks. Helliwell’s nine feature wins at Lee helped him earned the 2010 Late Model Championship and the Ford Cup title.

Thunder Road also crowned its 2010 Bond Auto Tiger Sportsmen Champion Tony Rossi of Peacham. Rossi earned two wins including his first career Tiger victory during his championship season. He beat runner-up David Finck by a mere nine points in the final standings.

Jason Bonnett of St.Albans earned the 2010 Bond/Wix Tiger Tour title. The 2010 tour was increased to four events at four different tracks. Bonnett finished the season with three top fives including a win at Canaan Fair Speedway in Canaan, New Hampshire.

The Allen Lumber Street Stock title went to three-time 2010 feature winner Mike MacAskill of Williamstown. Cabot’s Ken Christman won the Junkyard Warrior title with 12 wins during the season.

The third annual ACT Crew Chief of the Year Award went to seven-time ACT Tour Champion crew chief/owner Rick Paya. Paya led the Rick Paya Motorsports team to their second straight ACT Late Model Tour Championship.

The second annual Pete Hartt Memorial Media Award went to Stefan Hard of the Times Argus. The award is given in memory of former WDEV personality and Times Argus Sports Editor Pete Hartt. Hard was awarded the special honor for his coverage of regional stock car racing.

The 2010 Ken Squier Award was given to WDEV Radio based in Waterbury. The station has been a long time supporter of both ACT and Thunder Road, often broadcasting events live.

The Gordon R. Nielsen Rookie Achievement Award went to Danville’s Jason Corliss. The former Allen Lumber Street Stock Champion took the Bond Auto Tiger Sportsmen Rookie of the Year title and earned his first career Tiger win in 2010.

Sportsmanship and Most Improved Driver Awards were handed out to all four Thunder Road divisions as well as the ACT Tour based on driver and official voting. ACT Late Model Tour winners were Mark Lamberton of Mooers Forks, New York for the Sportsmanship Award and Jeff Zuidema from North Brookfield, Massachusetts for the Most Improved Driver Award.

Thunder Road Late Model awards went to Brooks Clark from Fayston for Sportsman and Northfield’s Matt White for Most Improved. The Bond Auto Tiger Sportsmen awards were presented to Mike Ziter of Williamstown for Sportsman and Milton’s Eric Badore for Most Improved.

The 2010 Ed Carroll Memorial Award for Sportsmanship in the Allen Lumber Street Stocks went to Wolcott’s Jamie Davis. The Junkyard Warrior Sportsmanship Award was given to Kevin Dodge of Barre.

Teams will get the chance to break the winter off season with a trip to the first ACT Goodyear Speedweeks Cup at New Smyrna Speedway in New Smyrna, Florida on Sunday, February 13 and Monday, February 14. The 2011 ACT Late Model Tour season will kick off on Sunday, April 17 at Lee USA Speedway in Lee, New Hampshire. Thunder Road will open its doors with the 13th Annual Merchants Bank 150 on Saturday, April 30 and Sunday, May 1.

For complete schedules and more information visit www.acttour.com and www.thunderroadspeedbowl.com.



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Série Sportsman Québec - inscription

Série Sportsman Québec:

un 1er vétéran inscrit

Une 4e inscription a été reçu pour la saison 2011, elle vient du sympathique pilote de Lévis , Jean-François Maltais #6.

Ce vétéran de 42 ans sera à sa 5ième saison avec la Série,lui qui a fait les 2 dernières saisons de façon sporadique.Maltais, un fier compétiteur avec une petite équipe de course m'a avisé aujourd'hui: "Je serai de retour en piste pour toute la saison entière et je vise revenir parmi les meilleurs de la Série, monter sur le podium et j'aimerais aussi en gagner une."


Allons nous revoir le Maltais du milieu des années 2000 en piste????????????

Un merci spéciale à Stéphane Lazare pour les photos 2010, à Christian "Ti-Gaz" Genest et Yvon "le Cascadeur" Dignard pour les photos.

Liste des inscription à jour:

#6 - Jean-François Maltais Lévis (5ième saison dans la Série)
#27- Marco Savoie St-Lambert (4ième saison dans la Série) ,#28- Samuel Fontaine St-Lambert (Recrue)
#47- David Gagnon Alma(Recrue)
#70- Denis Boutet St-Raymond (Recrue)



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ACT/Thunder Road Announces Nominees for Special Awards at 2010 Banquet of Champions

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                             ACT-012011-07

Waterbury, VT – The American Candian Tour (ACT) and Thunder Road International Speedbowl have announced the nominees for the special awards to be handed out this Saturday, January 22 during the 2010 Banquet of Champions ceremony at the Sheraton-Burlington Hotel and Conference Center in South Burlington. Over 400 teams, fans and officials will be in attendance for the celebration.


As in years past, the Most Improved Driver Award and the Sportsmanship Award winners will be selected by votes from their fellow drivers and ACT/Thunder Road officials. The top four nominees for each award have been determined. Also the top five finalists for the Dr. Gordon R. “Doc” Nielsen Rookie Award have been selected.

The “Doc” Nielsen Rookie Award is presented to the most outstanding rookie competitor each year. Past winners include Thunder Road Late Model Champions Jamie Fisher and Nick Sweet, as well as former Street Stock Champion and current Tiger Sportsmen competitor Bobby Therrien.

This year’s finalists include ACT Late Model Tour Rookie of the Year Brad Babb of Windham, Maine, and fellow ACT rookie Austin Theriault of Fort Kent, Maine. All three Thunder Road Rookie of the Year winners have also been nominated. Bond Auto Tiger Sportsmen and former Street Stock Champion Jason Corliss of Danville, is joined by Street Stocker Thomas Placey of Bradford, and in the Late Models second generation driver from Barre, Cody Blake.

The ACT Late Model Tour Sportsmanship Award nominees include three veterans: Brent Dragon of Milton, Randy Potter of Groveton, New Hampshire and Mark Lamberton of Mooers Forks, New York, as well as second year driver Jeff Zuidema of North Brookfield, Massachusetts. The ACT Most Improved Driver Award has come down to rookie Dave Paya of Milton, first time ACT winner in 2010 Mark Hayward of Newport, New Hampshire, and 2010 full-time competitor Mark Hudson of Norton, Massachusetts. They will be joined by Zuidema who was also among the top nominees.

Finalists for the Thunder Road Late Model Sportsmanship Award are 2010 Champion Nick Sweet of Barre, former “King of the Road” Dave Pembroke of Montpelier, veteran Rich Lowrey from Charlotte, and Fayston’s Brooks Clark, who earned the 2009 Sportsmanship Award. The Late Model Most Improved Driver Award will be decided between Northfield’s Matt White, Barre’s Mike Bailey, former Tiger Champion Reno Gervais of Island Pond and Brooks Clark.

The Bond Auto Tiger Sportsmen Sportsmanship Award finalists are Milton’s Eric Badore, Williamstown’s Mike Ziter, Barre’s Dave Finck and former champion Shawn Fleury of Middlesex. They have also elected Eric Badore for the Most Improved Driver finalists, as well as Barre’s George May, Worcester’s Jeff Bousquet, and Nielsen Award nominee Jason Corliss.

The Allen Lumber Street Stocks have selected West Topsham’s Tim Campbell, Hardwick’s Greg Adams, Montpelier’s Donny Yates, and Wolcott’s Jamie Davis as their Sportsmanship finalists.

The top vote getters in the Junkyard Warriors Sportsmanship Award running are Kevin Wheatley of Williamstown, Barre’s Kevin Dodge, Northfield’s George Sanders, and the 2010 Champion Ken Christman of Cabot.

The 2010 ACT/Thunder Road Banquet of Champions is this Saturday, January 22 at the Sheraton-Burlington Hotel and Conference Center in South Burlington, Vermont.





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For Immediate Release                                        ACT – 011711-06


        Waterbury, VT – The American Canadian Tour (ACT) has announced the twenty eight teams that will comprise the starting field for the highly anticipated inaugural Goodyear Speedweeks Cup event to be held at the New Smyrna Speedway (NSS) in Florida during next month’s Daytona Speedweeks. ACT will present two 100-lap features on Sunday night, February 13, 2011 and Monday night, February 14, 2011 during the New Smyrna World Series of Asphalt Stock Car Racing. The posted purse will be $36,655.00


Qualifying for the Sunday event will use the northern style heat racing to establish the lineup. Fans from all over the country will see the unique +/- system incorporated into the ACT qualifying program four years ago. The Monday 100 lap feature will see an inversion from the results of the Sunday feature event.


“Since this will be our first trip to New Smyrna, we wanted to make sure we offer the many fans from around the country the most exciting and competitive racing we can,” said Tom Curley, President of the American Canadian Tour. “I think what makes our racing so popular in the Northeast is that we have a kind of a ‘no holds barred but respectful approach to racing’ --- at NSS, teams will have to race their way in through heats, and then Monday may the best man win racing from the rear,” Curley continued.


The non-points race for the ACT competitors is perhaps the most diverse field in the 25-year history of the ACT. Teams will make the 20-30 hour haul from six states and two provinces of Canada. The twenty-eight teams will include: both 2010 Champions from the ACT US and the ACT Castrol Edge Series; eleven teams from Canada; a two-time Oxford Plains TD Bank 250 winner; both the 2009 and 2010 New Hampshire Motor Speedway ACT Invitational winners; three Thunder Road Milk Bowl winners and a number of weekly defending track champions.


ACT Entry List for the 2011 Goodyear Speedweeks Cup:



4ON          Jonathan Urlin             New London, ON  

9QC         Yvon Bedard               St Nicolas, QC

15VT         Joey Laquerre             Barre, VT              

16NY        Mark Lamberton          Moors, NY

16QC         Kevin Roberge           Levis, QC              

17MA         Eddie MacDonald         Rowley, MA

17ON         Justin Holtom              Ottawa, ON       

17RI         Ray Parent                 Tiverton, RI

21MA         Peter Yetman              Peru, MA            

22VT        Mike Bruno                 Rutland, VT       

27NH         Wayne Helliwell, Jr       Dover, NH           

29NH         Aaron Fellows             Croydon, NH

31ON         Spencer MacPherson    Carleton Pl, ON     

36QC         Alex Labbe                 Ste Albert, QC

37VT         Brian Hoar                  Williston, VT       

40VT         Eric Chase                  Milton, VT  

41VT         Pete Potvin III            Weasley Chpl, FL  

48QC         Karl Allard                  Ste Felicien, QC

51QC         Patrick Hamel             Ste Croix, QC     

57ME         Austin Theriault          Fort Kent, ME

72VT         Jacob McGrath            Killington, VT     

77MA         Jimmy Linardy            Malden, MA

80QC         Donald Theetge           Quebec City, QC 

88MA         Eric DeSouza             Fairhaven, MA

88ON         Tim Dorning               Perth, ON          

91QC         Patrick Laperle           Ste Denis, QC

92VT         Blair Bessette              Worcester, VT     

97NH         Joey Polewarczyk, Jr.   Hudson, NH                   




For additional information contact the ACT office at 802.244.6963, www.acttour.com, or media@acttour.com.





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Série Sportsman Québec - COMMUNIQUÉ

17 janvier 2011

Un 3e pilote a confirmé sa présence avec la Série Sportsman Québec pour la saison 2011.

Après Denis Boutet #70 et Marco Savoie#27/Samuel Fontaine #28, voici que le Lac St-Jean sera représenté en 2011.


David Gagnon qui portera le #47 d'Alma fera ses débuts avec la Série Sportsman Québec avec comme commanditaire principal "Suspension Turcotte" d'Alma. Après 3 saisons avec de bons résultats et des visites sur le podium, Gagnon fait un autre pas en avant. Il sera épaulé par un ancien champion Sportsman, Mickaël Lavoie qui sera un conseiller et équipier de premier plan.

David sera éligible au titre de Recrue de L'Année en 2011 tout comme les Boutet #70 et Fontaine #28 jusqu'à présent.

Gagnon sera au volant de l'anciènne voiture #05 propriété d'Alain Bédard.

Bienvenue à vous en Sportsman.



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Tony Marks Racing Shows Strength At Daytona Test

Tony Marks Racing Shows Strength At Daytona Test


"Maryeve Dufault; Jared Marks and Chase Austin All Enjoy Seat Time In TMR Entry"


DAYTONA BEACH, Florida (January 18, 2011) - - Tony Marks Racing (TMR), the newest multi-car operation in the ARCA Racing Series presented by Menards wasn't shy about holding back in the recent three-day test session at the newly re-paved Daytona (Fla.) International Speedway. In fact, the Ohio-based ARCA team quickly raised the eyebrows of their fellow competitors after TMR immediately showed strength and stabilization in their first tango with the 2.5-mile superspeedway.


Armed with the legendary Larry Moore as crew chief, TMR brought three drivers to the "World Center of Racing" as an opportunity to prepare the newest female sensation Maryeve Dufault to become acquainted with the breathtaking racetrack while also utilizing the experience of NASCAR driver Chase Austin to critique the team's performance.


For 16-year old rising star Jared Marks, the dream of competing at Daytona inched one step closer as the Champion Racing Association (CRA) competitor also climbed into the cockpit for several laps around DIS to give him a taste of what is yet to come.


Even though three drivers were on-hand with for the first official open-test of the new season, much concentration was surrounded on the team's full-time pilot of Maryeve Dufault, who will make her first ARCA Racing Series start next month.


After spending 2010 competing in the NASCAR Canadian Tire Series presented by Mobil 1, Dufault, a native of Los Angeles will leap into the most diverse racing series in the United States hoping to gain experience, respect and support as she vows to become the first female driver to win an ARCA Racing Series event in the history of the 58-year old sanctioning body.


To say that the Tony Marks Racing team wasn't busy during the three days is a huge understatement. From single-car runs to drafting and everything else in between, Dufault, Marks and Austin all delivered solid results which sensors off good vibes for the freshman team heading into the season-opener in less than a month.


Overall, Dufault led the TMR charge by placing her No. 12b Tony Marks Racing Dodge Charger into 28th out of 58 competitors after posting her fastest lap at 49.203 seconds at 182.916 miles per hour. Dufault edged out several familiar ARCA competitors including nine-time ARCA champion Frank Kimmel and the 2010 ARCA Racing Series champion Patrick Sheltra. She was also the second fastest of the six other females on-track during the open-test only trailing Milka Duno.


Marks and Austin, both in single-car rounds posted times that were 41st and 42nd respectively overall.  The team leaned on comfort not speed for Jared Marks, son of car owner Tony Marks hopped in the seat of the No. 12a Charger and wheeled his automobile around the track in 49.830 seconds or a tick over 180.550 miles per hour. It was a solid lap time for the teenage racer, who under ARCA Racing Series sanctioning age restrictions is allowed to test but not race at the historic facility.


"Overall, we're completely satisfied with the way the test came out," said Tony Marks, owner of Tony Marks Racing. "Chase, Jared and Maryeve all did an exceptional job shaking the car down and producing great feedback. I appreciate Chase being here with the team as a driver coach to the future of our great program. Maryeve did exactly what she needed to do and we believe she gained a lot of respect from her competitors."


He went onto say, "Jared will run some ARCA races later this year and we wanted to make sure he was comfortable in the car not to mention gather priceless seat time. We'll be back next month and hope we can continue to gain the trust and respect of our competitors while also deliver solid results for our team partners."


Dufault expressed her overview of the test by stating, "I'm really happy with the progression we had at the test. I felt really comfortable in the car and I achieved what I wanted to do," she said. "I cannot say enough about the Tony Marks Racing team. They did an amazing job. They've worked really hard despite having very little time to put the car together. We showed we had a very competitive piece. I really have a positive feeling for us for the race."


Tony Marks Racing plans to sport two cars in the 2011 season-opener with Dufault and possibly Austin as a teammate. The schedule will turn later in the year and allow Marks behind the second-car for up to 11 races, including much of the series' short track contests.


Before tackling the breathtaking Daytona (Fla.) International Speedway this week, the freshman organization spent Monday testing at New Smyrna (Fla.) Speedway allowing the team to shake down their short-track program with all three TMR protégés being allowed priceless seat time behind the wheel. Dufault will make her ARCA Racing Series short track debut at Salem (Ind.) Speedway on May 1, 2011.


Nestled back at their shop in Napoleon, Ohio, the TMR team is preparing for the first of 19 ARCA Racing Series events on the 2011 schedule which launches with the Lucas Oil Slick Mist 200 at Daytona on Saturday, February 12, 2011 live on SPEED.


PHOTO CAPTIONS: 1) The No. 12 Tony Marks Racing Dodge Charger on-track at Daytona (Fla.) Speedway during preseason testing for the ARCA Racing Series presented by Menards. 


2) ARCA Racing Series Rookie of the Year candidate Maryeve Dufault.


About Tony Marks Racing (TMR):


Tony Marks Racing was founded in 2009 through the passion for racing of team owner and former driver Tony Marks.  Marks is the successful owner of TMT, Inc., a logistics, warehousing and packaging company with over 400 employees whose
customers are mainly comprised of Fortune 100 companies. 


Marks began his racing career in 1985 getting behind the wheel of everything from
drag racers, Dirt Late Models, SCCA Formula Fords, USAC F2000 Open Wheel and ARCA cars.  Tony personally raced until 2005 amassing numerous wins, championships and track records along the way until he  then changed his focus from driver to owner and began building racing programs for his children Jared (16 years old) and Rachel (13 years old).  Under the auspices of TMR, Jared began his racing career in 2002 in quarter midgets and now competes in late model, CRA, ASA and ARCA Series events while Rachel continues her development program racing quarter midgets and Bandoleros.

TMR has been at the forefront of charitable giving through its'  "Driving Against Hunger" and "Million Meal Challenge" race programs which have raised over $200,000 for Forgotten Harvest in 2010 at the NASCAR Camping World Truck Series and NASCAR Nationwide Series events at Michigan International Speedway. 


For the NASCAR events TMR along with TMT, Inc. partnered with Forgotten Harvest for the "Million Meal Challenge For Our Kids" which helps to bridge the hunger gap while schools are out of session and feeds 20,000 children per day in the Detroit metro area. Forgotten Harvest was significantly displayed on the entry of Chase Austin during both the Truck and Nationwide events at Michigan International Speedway along with logos of "Million Meal Challenge" sponsors Walgreen's, United Race Group, Holyfield's Choice Alka-Power Water and Vitamin Spice.  Evander Holyfield was also instrumental in the challenge, acting as Grand Marshall for the August race and announcing his "Fight Against Hunger" on behalf of Forgotten Harvest. 


As the first race team to "Drive Against Hunger" through their partnership with Forgotten Harvest, TMR plans to continue their alliance with Forgotten Harvest and once again "Drive Against Hunger" during the 2011 season.

For additional information on TMT, Inc. please visit; tmtcompanies.net.




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