
Une lithographie commémorative de Gilles Villeneuve, 30 ans après sa disparition

Communiqué de presse                                        Pour diffusion immédiate



Montréal (Québec), le 5 mai 2012.- Trente années après sa disparition, l’image de Gilles Villeneuve reste encore présente dans tous les esprits. Le petit gars de Berthierville qui n’avait peur de rien, qui avait déjà planifié en détail sa montée vers la F1 lors de sa première présence en piste, à St-Eustache en avril 1973, et qui a marqué les esprits des centaines de millions de personnes qui l’ont vu se battre en piste.


Le Musée Gilles-Villeneuve a voulu commémorer l’évènement en produisant une lithographie qui représente quelques grands moments de la carrière de notre Gilles : au volant de sa Ferrari F1, en compagnie d’Enzo Ferrari, qui le considérait comme son fils, et lors de sa première victoire en Grand Prix, à Montréal en 1978. On y voit aussi le nom Labatt, un commanditaire si important lors de ses débuts, et le « Salut Gilles » repris encore aujourd’hui dans toutes les langues lors de Grand Prix à travers le monde.


Seulement 1 227 lithographies (une combinaison de ses deux numéros en F1, le 12 et le 27) seront vendues, au coût de 350 $. Pour plus d’information, communiquez avec le Musée Gilles-Villeneuve, au 1-800-639-0103 ou museegillesvilleneuve@bellnet.ca.


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Prévente forfaits week-end pour le premier Grand Prix de la saison 2012

Communiqué pour publication immédiate

Prévente forfaits week-end pour le premier Grand Prix de la saison 2012

Les billets pour l’édition 2012 du Grand Prix ICAR Lucas Oil de Mirabel présenté par Budweiser sont maintenant disponibles en ligne au www.circuiticar.com

Mirabel, Québec, le 4 mai 2012 – Les billets pour la cinquième édition du Grand Prix ICAR Lucas Oil de Mirabel présenté par Budweiser, qui se tiendra du vendredi 1er juin au dimanche 3 juin 2012, sont maintenant disponibles en tout temps en prévente sur le site Internet du complexe motorisé ICAR au www.circuiticar.com, ou en composant le 514-955-4227 du lundi au vendredi de 9 heures à 17 heures. Les amateurs québécois auront l’occasion de voir en piste les étoiles de la série NASCAR de Canadian Tire qui disputeront pour l’occasion la deuxième des 12 étapes de leur calendrier 2012, la première de leurs trois épreuves en sol québécois. Les organisateurs du Grand Prix sont heureux d’annoncer que cette promotion prévente sur les forfaits du week-end pour les billets dans les tribunes et ceux d’admission générale sera en vigueur sur leur site à compter de vendredi soir, 4 mai 2012.

Quatre autres séries sont à l’affiche le week-end du Grand Prix ICAR Lucas Oil : le Sportsman ICAR Challenge (SIC), la série canadienne Super Production Challenge (SPC), la série GT Performance Racing de la Fédération du sport automobile du Québec ainsi que la Série Cup Lites.
Les billets-forfaits week-end, qui sont disponibles en prévente pour la journée du samedi 2 juin et celle du dimanche 3 juin, coûteront 30 $ chacun pour l’admission; une économie de 10 $ sur chaque forfait. Les amateurs désireux d’acheter leurs billets sont invités à commander sans tarder, car la promotion se termine le mercredi 30 mai 2012, et les places dans les tribunes sont limitées. Le Grand Prix ICAR Lucas Oil de Mirabel lance la saison des grands prix au Québec et pour les amateurs d’émotions fortes, c’est l’occasion idéale de renouer avec la compétition de course automobile de haut niveau à un prix abordable.
Entrée libre au Grand Prix le vendredi 1er juin
Fidèle à son habitude, le Grand Prix ICAR de Mirabel tiendra sa journée portes ouvertes le vendredi 1er juin afin de permettre aux amateurs de découvrir le circuit et ses installations, en plus de visiter les paddocks pour y rencontrer leurs pilotes favoris et leurs équipiers.
Outre les forfaits week-end en prévente jusqu’au 30 mai et ceux qui sont disponibles à la porte, d’autres options sont offertes aux amateurs qui désirent se procurer des billets pour assister à ce premier week-end de courses d’envergure de la saison 2012. Les billets d’admission générale pour la journée du samedi 2 juin seront en vente au coût de 25 $ chacun et de 35 $ pour la journée du dimanche.
Forfaits corporatifs
Le Grand Prix ICAR de Mirabel est une occasion unique pour les entreprises et les amateurs de s’offrir un grand prix de luxe en forfaits corporatifs à un coût abordable. Deux formules de groupe, en loges privées ou passes individuelles dans une loge de groupe sont disponibles. 
Les Suites privilèges, qui donnent accès à la ligne des stands et aux garages en tout temps, sont au coeur de l’action avec vue sur l’action dans les puits et la ligne de départ-arrivée, un accès aux stationnements des loges ainsi qu’un service de navette en plus d’une foule d’autres privilèges. Un service d’hospitalité et restauration privée (coûts non compris) est également disponible.
Pour information sur les différents forfaits corporatifs disponibles ou effectuer des réservations, on peut communiquer avec Shelley Robson au 514-955-4227 au poste 106.
Pour en connaître davantage sur les séries de championnats qui vont animer la quatrième édition du Grand Prix ICAR de Mirabel, veuillez consulter leurs sites Internet: Série NASCAR de Canadian Tire (http://hometracks.nascar.com/series/canadian_tire_series); le Sportsman ICAR Challenge (www.circuiticar.com), Super Production Challenge (SPC) (www.superproductionchallenge.com); la série GT Performance Racing de la Fédération du sport automobile du Québec (www.fsaq.qc.ca), et enfin la Série Cup Lites (http://cuplites.ca/).
Pour se rendre au Circuit ICAR situé sur le site de l’aéroport de Mirabel, il faut prendre la sortie 35 de l’autoroute 15 en direction de l’autoroute 50 jusqu’à la sortie 288 indiquant le boulevard Henri-Fabre et suivre les directions de la signalisation ICAR jusqu’au Circuit (J7N 0A6).

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La série NASCAR de Canadian Tire sera en vedette le week-end du 1 au 3 juin 2012 au circuit ICAR de Mirabel dans le cadre du Grand Prix ICAR Lucas Oil présenté par Budweiser.
Crédit photo de la Série NASCAR de Canadian Tire : Dany Flageole/Flagworld.com
La photo est disponible sans frais pour les médias.


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Helliwell Claims First ACT Win, Unofficially Takes Over Point Lead

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                                        ACT-050612

West Haven, VT – Wayne Helliwell Jr. of Dover, NH dominated the second half of The Fox 101.5 Spring Green 112 on the way to his first ever American Canadian Tour victory on Sunday May 6, 2012 at Devil’s Bowl Speedway. Helliwell took over the lead on lap 58 and had to fend off a late race attack from Hudson, NH’s Joey Polwarczyk Jr. to take the checkers.  Austin Theriault of Fort Kent, ME stormed from the 20th starting position to take over third, Ray Parent and Randy Potter completed the top five.


The race began with weekly competitor Craig Bushey leading the first lap after a +5 in the ACT plus minus system earned him the second starting position.  Multi-time Oxford Plains Speedway Champion Ricky Rolfe took over for the next 26 laps before the lead was briefly wrestled away by former Thunder Road Champion Nick Sweet.  Sweet only held on to the lead for two laps before Groveton’s Randy Potter took over the point. 

Joey Polewarczyk, Jr. stormed from mid-pack to take the lead away from Potter on lap 50, only to have it taken away for good by Helliwell on lap 58.  Helliwell started from the third position, but faded as far back as ninth before charging through the field in the second half.  Helliwell had to endure a lap 98 restart and a no holds barred assault from Polewarczyk that put the large opening day crowd on its feet to claim his first ACT win and unofficially strip Williston’s Brian Hoar of the point lead.

Hyde Park’s Eric Williams climbed from 22nd on the starting grid to finish sixth, followed by Rolfe, Quinny Welch, Brent Dragon, and Luke Hinkley completing the top ten. 

The race was slowed by seven cautions, the first of which was a multi-car wreck when Glen Luce and Jamie Fisher spun in front of the field with no laps complete.  The race was completed in 1:13:26, and 19 cars finished on the lead lap.  All 34 ACT Late Models in attendance started the feature event. 

Wayne Helliwell Jr. earned himself an invite to the ACT Invitational at New Hampshire Motor Speedway on September 22, 2012 with his win in the Spring Green 112. He joins Brian Hoar as the first two Invitational invitees to date. 

The American Canadian Tour has next weekend off, but will be back in action at Oxford Plains Speedway in Oxford Maine on May 20, 2012 for the Oxford 150. 

The Fox 101.5 Spring Green 112 Unofficial Results
American Canadian Tour
Devil’s Bowl Speedway – West Haven, VT
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Pos. (Start) Driver, Hometown, Laps Completed
1. (3) Wayne Helliwell Jr., Dover, NH, 112 Laps

2. (10) Joey Polewarczyk Jr., Hudson, NH, 112 Laps

3. (20) Austin Theriault, Fort Kent, ME, 112 Laps

4. (14) Ray Parent, Tiverton, RI, 112 Laps

5. (7) Randy Potter, Groveton, NH, 112 Laps

6. (22) Eric Williams, Hyde Park, VT, 112 Laps

7. (4) Ricky Rolfe, Albany Twp, ME, 112 Laps

8. (16) Quinten Welch, Lancaster, NH, 112 Laps

9. (11) Brent Dragon, Milton, VT, 112 Laps

10. (12) Luke Hinkley, Claremont, NH, 112 Laps

11. (21) Brian Hoar, Williston, VT, 112 Laps

12. (6) Nick Sweet, Barre, VT, 112 Laps

13. (9) Jamie Fisher, Shelburne, VT, 112 Laps

14. (18) Jean-Paul Cyr, Milton, VT, 112 Laps

15. (1) Todd Davis, Claremont, NH, 112 Laps

16. (5) Mark Lamberton, Mooers Forks, NY, 112 Laps

17. (15) Eddie MacDonald, Rowley, MA, 112 Laps

18. (17) Joey Becker, Jeffersonville, VT, 112 Laps

19. (8) Glen Luce, Turner, ME, 112 Laps

20. (2) Craig Bushey, Fairfax, VT, 111 Laps

21. (31) Travis Fadden, North Haverhill, NH, 111 Laps

22. (25) #Jimmy Hebert, Williamstown, VT, 111 Laps

23. (28) Todd Patnode, Richmond, NH, 111 Laps

24. (23) James Linardy, Somerville, MA, 111 Laps

25. (30) Bruce Jaycox, Hartland, VT, 111 Laps

26. (26) Derek Lynch, Warkworth, ON, 111 Laps

27. (27) Hunter Bates, Pittsford, VT, 111 Laps

28. (34) Jeffrey Labrecque Jr., Rochester, NH, 110 Laps

29. (33) Spencer MacPherson, Carleton Place, ON, 110 Laps

30. (29) Ben Ashline, Pittston, ME, 56 Laps

31. (24) Claude Leclerc, Lanoraie, QC, 31 Laps

32. (19) Rowland Robinson, Jr., Birch Harbor, ME, 28 Laps

33. (13) Eric Chase, Milton, VT, 21 Laps

34. (32) #Daniel Petronis II, Mechanicville, NY, 0 Laps 

Lap Leaders: Craig Bushey (1), Ricky Rolfe (2-28), Nick Sweet (29-31), Randy Potter (32-49), Joey Polewarczyk Jr. (50-57), Wayne Helliwell Jr. (58-112)

Time of Race: 1:13:26

Margin of Victory:  .191 seconds

Cautions:  7 (Lap 0, 28, 31, 49, 49, 57, 98)

Heat Winners: Eric Chase, Joey Polewarczyk Jr, Brent Dragon
Consi Winners: Craig Bushey, Glen Luce

B-Feature Winner: Jimmy Hebert




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Foley holds off Stone for Airborne win

Airborne Speedway recap Sat May 5, 2012

South Plattsburgh – George Foley of Vermontville beat Todd Stone of Middlebury, VT to the finish line by a car-length to win the DIRTcar Modified 30-lap main event on his sponsor’s night (Loreman’s Screen Printing) at Airborne Speedway Saturday.


Foley, driving the Shamrock Bar & Grill/Pulsifer Logging Ford-powered No. 34, took the lead for keeps on lap 2, but Stone stayed close for the first 27 laps. No sooner had Foley opened up some daylight on Stone and third-place Pat McGrail then the yellow came out on lap 29.


That set up a green-white-checkers finish, but Stone couldn’t make a winning pass. McGrail finished third, three car-lengths ahead of Greg Atkins-4th and Maxime Viens-5th. It was the second straight second-place finish for Stone.


Kris Vernold finished sixth. Aaron Bartemy, from 14th on the grid, was seventh. Positions 8-10 went to Adam Bartemy, Craig Reyell and Pierre Berthiaume. Foley, Stone and Richard Tisseur won the Modified heats. Last week’s winner Patrick Dupree had transmission problems and drove a back-up car to finish 14th.


“This is a new car,” Foley said. “We had some tire problems the first week, but today everything worked out. We also changed springs and the car was fast. I feel comfortable racing with Todd (Stone), he’s a real clean driver.  I would have been glad to go without the last caution, but that’s racing.”


Jamy Begor of Mooers, who like Foley had to survive a green-white-checkers restart, held off Robin Wood to win the Limited Late Model feature. Begor started on the pole and wired the field. Bucko Branham got up for third after a lengthy battle with Fred Lagoy, who wound up in fifth - a car-length behind Shawn Duquette in fourth.


Kevin Boutin of Fairfax, VT won the Renegade feature. It was the first time the defending champion ever scored back-to-back wins at Airborne. Midway through the 25-lap race, runner-up Jason McClatchie of Plattsburgh ran at Boutin’s door for six laps before yielding the lead. Joe Warren, Robbie Favreau and Robert Gordon completed the top five.


Nick Heywood of Plattsburgh won the Sportsman Modified feature for the second week in a row. Lonnie Rivers and Sebastien Fournier were next in line. Erick Sayles of Lake Placid, Michael Whalen and Josh LaPorte finished 1-2-3 in Busch Bomber Mini Modified feature.


Airborne hosts the first event of the six-race USA/Canada Masters Limited Late Model Series Saturday, May 12. Over a dozen teams from Autodrome St-Eustache are expected.


Airborne Speedway Event Summary – May 5, 2012
Loreman’s Scree Printing/Haun’s Welding Night

Ernie’s Discount Tools Modifieds
Feature (30 laps): 1. George Foley, Vermontville, NY, 2. Todd Stone, Middlebury, VT 3. Pat McGrail, Candiac, QC 4. Greg Atkins, Clintonville,NY 5. Maxime Viens, St-Cesaire,QC 6. Kris Vernold 7. Aaron Bartemy 8. Adam Bartemy 9. Craig Reyell 10.Pierre Berthiaume 11. Chris Cayea 12. Richard Tisseur 13. Matt Woodruff 14. Patrick Dupree 15. Jessey Mueller  16. Vince Quenneville 17.  Mike Reyell 18. Dan Brown 19. Leon Gonyo 20. Mikhail Lebreche 21. Andy Lindeman 22. Roger Labreche 23. Alain Fournier 24. Jason Durgan 25. Michael Viens 26. Todd Ormsby 27. Mike Wells 28. Andy Heywood.
Heat winners: Richard Tisseur, George Foley, Todd Stone.



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PASS North: Joey Doiron breaks through at Beech Ridge

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Media, contact Norm Desjardins racewithpass@yahoo.com


Scarborough ME (5/5) Berwick Maine’s Joey Doiron charged to the lead on lap 87 of Saturday’s PASS North Southern Maine Motors.com 150 at Beech Ridge Motor Speedway  to earn a convincing victory, the first for the series’ 2010 Rookie of the Year. Lonnie Sommerville raced home in second followed by Derek Ramstrom, Cassius Clark and DJ Shaw. Doiron came from tenth on the grid and drove under Sommerville and race leader Shaw for a lead he would never relinquish.


Doiron’s best previous PASS North finish - a fourth - came in this event one year ago.

Doiron considers Beech Ridge his home track, and his victory comes after two seasons of trying to carry the PASS feature checkers.  Despite his Rookie of the Year title in 2010, Doiron has suffered through more than his share of mechanical issues and on track incidents.The family– focused race teams’ perseverance paid off Saturday as the young man drove off to the most convincing win that PASS fans have witnessed in recent memory.

The season opener proved to be a day for the young guns to shine. Aaron Ricker, Shaw and Sommerville shared the lead over the first two thirds of the race and 2011 Co-Rookie of the Year Kyle DeSouza, Ramstrom, and Brad Babb spent most of the day contending for the top spot.  Cassius Clark (4th) and Gary Smith (8th) both came from the back of the 32 car field and they were the only two in the top ten that have more than a few years experience on the tour’s tracks.

2011 race winner and defending series champion Johnny Clark had a race he’d rather forget, as did Ben and Mike Rowe. Clark qualified through the consolation rounds and started nineteenth. Clark picked up eight spots by lap 21 but he was sliding back 20 laps later and it was clear that there were problems with the 54. A trip to the pits under caution for a fix seemed to do the trick and he was back in the top five by lap 102. But the same driveline problem resurfaced, shutting off Clark’s ride intermittently and sending him sideways on more than one occasion. Only experience and determination allowed him to salvage a 16th place finish. Ben Rowe never seemed to have a handle on the speedway, despite his teams’ best efforts. Rowe had to settle for 22nd at the checkers. Mike Rowe had a race similar to his sons’ and the best the legend could muster was 18th.

The top eight all completed 150 green flag laps in just over an hour. The race was slowed by six caution periods, and Doiron’s late race dominance led to a 6.942 margin of victory. Fast lap was set by DJ Shaw (15.316/78.271). Qualifying wins went to Ricker, Hubbard and Shaw. Johnny Clark and Donnie Whitten prevailed in the consolation rounds.

The PASS Mod field had its’ strongest opening day showing ever and it was an all Shaw show from green to checker. Andy Shaw sat on the pole with Dale Shaw outside, and the pair swapped the lead on several occasions before the defending race and series champion prevailed. Dale chased Andy to the checkers and Dana Reed raced home third with Mark Lundblad Jr. and Travis Buzzell fourth and fifth. Scott Alexander and Andy Shaw claimed their heat races.

The PASS Sportsman suffered from the dreaded yellow fever early in their 75 lap feature. Five of the seven caution flags flew in the first 30 laps but once the field hit their stride the racing was intense. Carey Martin worked his way by Clyde Hennessey on a lap 28 restart and never gave up the lead, despite Craig Smith’s late race charge. Mike Clark made his trip from Littleton New Hampshire worthwhile with a solid third; Clyde Hennessey and Scott Dorr settled for fourth and fifth. Jarrod Ledger and Nate Leavitt earned the front row starting spots in their qualifiers.

The PASS Super Late Models and Mods are in action Saturday May 12th when the bull ring, Epping New Hampshire’s Star Speedway, hosts the two series. Race Time is 4:30 PM. The PASS Sportsman take a break until Sunday June 3rd when all three PASS North touring divisions visit Riverside Speedway in Groveton New Hampshire.

All the news, photos and standings after this week’s event can be found at www.proallstarsseries.com.

Unofficial PASS North Feature Results – Beech Ridge Motor Speedway, Scarborough ME -  5/5/12

Southern Maine Motors.com 150 –PASS North Super Late Models

1 73 Joey Doiron Berwick ME 2 48 Lonnie Sommerville Barnesville NB CA 3 35 Derek Ramstrom Worcester MA 4 77 Cassius Clark Farmington ME 5 60 DJ Shaw Center Conway NH 6 88 Kyle DeSouza E. Providence RI 7 21 David Oliver Standish ME 8 75 Gary Smith Bangor ME 9 80 Dustin Hubbard Unity ME 10 7 Donnie Whitten Wells ME 11 41 Brad Babb Windham ME 12 10 Scott Dragon Milton VT 13 27QC Alex Gingras Quebec QC 14 38 Dan McKeage Gorham ME 15 47 Kelly Moore Scarborough ME 16 54 Johnny Clark Farmingdale ME 17 17 Travis Benjamin Morrill ME 18 24 Mike Rowe Turner ME 19 33 Richie Dearborn Hollis ME 20 55 Corey Williams Huntersville NC 21 61 Andy Shaw Ctr. Conway NH 22 4 Ben Rowe Turner ME 25 15 Scott Chubbuck Dresden ME 26 9 J.T. Thurlow Windham ME 27 16 Kevin Roberge Quebec City QC 28 20 Mike Landry Oakland ME  29 53 Bill Rodgers Old Orchard Beach ME 30 84 Scott Mulkern Falmouth ME 31 26 John Donahue Graniteville VT 32 00 Bryan Kruczek Newmarket NH


PASS Sportsman (75 Laps)

1 18 Carey Martin Denmark ME 2 15 Craig Smith E. Waterboro ME 3 2 Mike Clark Littleton NH 4 8 Clyde Hennessey Windham ME 5 60ME Scott Dorr Portland ME 6 20 Joe Pastore Jr. Gorham ME 7 01 Sam Gooden Whitefield NH 8 88 J.R. Baril Haverhill MA 9 75 Doug Wolfe Jr. Buxton ME 10 02 Geoff Rollins Groton MA 11 36 Nate Leavitt Buxton ME 12 101 Rob Drew Ctr. Lovell ME 13 51 Bill Ahern Billerica MA 14 44 Jerrod Ledger Groveton NH 15 83ME Ryan Greene Berwick ME 16  10 Donnie Morse Windham ME 17 4 Allan Moeller Sr. Dresden ME 18 88 Andy Field Buxton ME 19 99 Peter Cook Nottingham NH  20 94 Garrett Hall Scarborough ME 21  38 Dan McKeage Gorham ME 22 51A RJ Austin Smithfield ME 23 58 Lyman McKeage Gorham ME 24 81 Ray Dinsmore Jr. Alfred ME 25 44X Rusty Poland Windham ME

PASS Mod (40 laps)

1 66 Andy Shaw Ctr. Conway NH 2 6 Dale Shaw Ctr. Conway NH 3 60 Dana Reed Shapleigh ME 4 28 Mark Lundblad Jr. Conway NH 5 3 Travis Buzzell Hollis ME 6 17A Scott Alexander Orrington ME 7 21 Mike Carignan Somersworth NH 8 0 Sumner Sessions Norway ME 9 20 Gary Thorne Sidney ME 10 33 Bill Dixon N. Waterboro ME 11 1 Dave Sprague W. Buxton ME 12 70 Gary Norris Jr. W. Gardiner ME 13 08 Rusty Bryant Weymouth MA 14 14 Scott McDaniel Livermore ME 15 7 Mitch Miller W Boylston MA 16 53 Alan Wilson Hebron ME 17 89 Ryan Phillips Buxton ME 18 00 Bill Lake Conway NH 19 56 Dave Pinkham Buxton ME




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