
L’écurie NASCAR Go FAS Racing confie sa Ford No.32 Can-Am/Kappa/Cyclops Gear à Patrick Carpentier pour Sonoma et Indianapolis

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L'écurie NASCAR Go FAS Racing confie sa Ford No.32 Can-Am/Kappa/Cyclops Gear à Patrick Carpentier pour Sonoma et Indianapolis


Montréal, le 22 avril 2016 - L'écurie de la Coupe Sprint de NASCAR Go FAS Racing a profité de la première journée d'ouverture au grand public de l'Espace BRP, vitrine urbaine mettant en vedette l'ensemble des produits BRP et de ses marques — Can-Am, Sea-Doo, Ski-Doo, Evinrude, Lynx et Rotax, pour annoncer qu'elle allait confier le volant de sa Ford Fusion No.32 Can-Am/Kappa/Cyclops Gear au réputé pilote québécois Patrick Carpentier. 


Carpentier, qui compte déjà 40 départs en Coupe Sprint de NASCAR, prendra le relais de ses coéquipiers Jeffrey Earnhardt et Bobby Labonté sur le bucolique circuit routier californien le 26 juin prochain et pour le Brickyard 400 qui sera disputé le 24 juillet sur le circuit légendaire d'Indianapolis Motor Speedway. 


« J'ai beau dire que je suis plutôt à la retraite, je ne pouvais pas laisser passer l'occasion de piloter en Coupe Sprint, surtout sur les circuits aussi intéressants que ceux de Sonoma et d'Indianapolis, a relaté Patrick Carpentier qui a justement connu son meilleur résultat en Coupe Sprint de NASCAR avec une 11e place en 2009 alors qu'il était parti au 38e rang. Je suis vraiment content de porter les couleurs de Kappa, Cyclops Gear et Can-Am, car j'adore utiliser leurs produits. » 


Pour Alain Lord Mounir, dirigeant de Go FAS Racing, des vêtements Kappa et du manufacturier de caméras et de lunettes vidéo Cyclops Gear, le choix de Carpentier coulait de source. 


« À chaque fois que j'élaborais un scénario pour choisir un pilote, la réponse qui revenait sans cesse était Patrick Carpentier, relate M. Lord Mounir. Nous sommes très heureux des progrès que fait Jeffrey Earnhardt en s'améliorant à chaque fois qu'il monte dans la voiture mais pour Sonoma et Indianapolis, nous voulions quelqu'un qui connaît bien ces circuits qui posent chacun des défis bien spéciaux. Quand ce pilote chevronné est un gars que l'on connaît aussi bien que Patrick, le choix s'impose par lui même. » 


Le président et chef de la direction de BRP, José Boisjoli, était sur place à l'Espace BRP pour accueillir Carpentier dans la famille de l'écurie. 


« Nous sommes très heureux du choix des pilotes de notre partenaire Go Fas Racing, a expliqué M. Boisjoli. La décision de confier le volant de la voiture Ford Fusion No.32 Can-Am/Kappa/Cyclops Gear à Patrick Carpentier, pour les courses de Sonoma et Indianapolis, nous réjouit. Patrick est un pilote de grand talent et il est un fervent amateur de nos produits. Il nous aurait été difficile de trouver meilleure nouvelle à annoncer pour l'ouverture au grand public de notre Espace BRP. » 



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NASCAR Go FAS Racing Team entrusts its Can-Am/Kappa/Cyclops Gear #32 car to Patrick Carpentier for races in Sonoma and Indianapolis

For immediate release 


NASCAR Go FAS Racing Team entrusts its Can-Am/Kappa/Cyclops Gear #32 car to Patrick Carpentier for races in Sonoma and Indianapolis


Montréal, April 22nd, 2016 – The NASCAR Sprint Cup Go FAS Racing Team took advantage of the public opening of BRP Space, an urban showcase featuring all BRP products and brands - Ski-Doo, Lynx, Sea-Doo, Evinrude, Rotax and Can-Am - to announce that it would entrust its Can-Am/Kappa/Cyclops Gear Ford Fusion #32 to the renowned Quebec driver, Patrick Carpentier. 


Carpentier, who already has 40 starts in the NASCAR Sprint Cup, will take over from his teammates Jeffrey Earnhardt and Bobby Labonté on the bucolic California road course on June 26, and on the Brickyard 400 to be run on July 24th at the legendary Indianapolis Motor Speedway circuit. 


"Even if I say that I'm retired, I could not miss the opportunity to drive in the NASCAR Sprint Cup, especially on circuits as interesting as those of Sonoma and Indianapolis," reported Patrick Carpentier, who had his best result in NASCAR Sprint Cup in 2009 when he started 38th and finally achieved 11th place. "I'm really happy to wear the colors of Kappa, Cyclops Gear and Can-Am, because I love to use their products." 


For Alain Lord Mounir, head of the Go FAS Racing Team, Kappa clothing and manufacturer of Cyclops Gear cameras and video glasses, Carpentier was a natural choice. 


"Whenever I elaborated a scenario to choose a driver, the answer that kept coming up was Patrick Carpentier," says Mounir. "We are very pleased with the progress made by Jeffrey Earnhardt. He is improving every time he gets in the car. But for Sonoma and Indianapolis, we wanted someone who knows these circuits because they each present special challenges. When the driver is a veteran like Patrick, the choice itself is clear." 


The president and CEO of BRP, José Boisjoli, was at BRP Space to welcome Carpentier into the Go FAS Racing family. 


"We are very happy with the choice of pilots made by our partner, Go FAS Racing," said Boisjoli. "The decision to entrust the wheel of the Can-Am/Kappa/Cyclops Gear Ford Fusion #32 to Patrick Carpentier for the races in Sonoma and Indianapolis, pleases us very much. Patrick is a very talented driver and he is an avid fan of our products. It would have been difficult to find better news for the public opening of BRP Space." 



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Peterborough Speedway Rolls an Exciting 2016 Season to the Starting Line

 Peterborough Speedway Rolls an Exciting 2016 Season to the Starting Line

By Jim Clarke, Clarke Motorsports Communications/First Draft Media


The countdown to the year's first Great Canadian RV Sales green flag gets closer every minute. Canada's Toughest 3rd of a Mile Paved Oval kicks off 2016 – with the Country 105 Season Opener, featuring free spectator grandstand admission – Saturday, May 21st. Track owner/promoter J.P. Josiasse says that to call the level of enthusiasm that comes with the annual launch exciting would an understatement. 


"Momentum is an important element in everything we do," said Josiasse. "Over the last few seasons, we've had some incredible shows, with great racing in every division. When you're giving fans great value for their entertainment dollar, the word spreads. Our level of fan support is high and its all based on the strength of the product we've been able to put on the racetrack."


As Peterborough Speedway's new calendar gets set to leave the staging area, officials are expecting solid numbers in each of the 5 weekly classes. Starting with the Battlefield Equipment Rental 4Fun and Jiffy Lube Mini Stocks, defending track champions Ryan Oosterholt and Tyler Junkin could be in for a tough fight in a quest for a new championship. In the Paul Davis Systems Thunder Car and Renegade Truck fields, Anthony DiBello and Jack Dallin already have back-to-back crowns and will be looking to 3-peat.


Josiasse says the only question surrounding opening night could be whether Dave Morgan will return to defend his Earl Ireland Auto Sales Late Model title. The veteran campaigner – who earned his seat at the championship table without the luxury of a main event win – has hinted to some track staff that work commitments could keep him on the sidelines.


Bullring bullet points: As has been tradition, there will be 3 Fan Appreciation/Toonie Spectator Grandstand Admission Nights – presented by Pepsi – on the 2016 schedule. The June 4thJuly 19th and August 13th shows will give fans the chance to meet their favourite drivers for autographs during intermission…A 2016 season pass includes 14 regular nights of racing, a pair of OSCAAR events, the Chase for the Colours Pole qualifier and the 100 lap APC Pro Late Model show for just $170. That's nearly $50 off the regular price. The Super Pass, with the 24th Annual Autumn Colours Classic added to the mix is only $210. A reduction of almost $65 from the grandstand admission, while a bundle of 10 regular season tickets for $120.


Up to the minute news is available at www.peterboroughspeedway.com, by liking the track on Facebook or following it on Twitter.  You can also download the free Peterborough Speedway app on your Smartphone.


Photo attachment: Jim Clarke – Clarke Motorsports Communications/First Draft Media


Earl Ireland Auto Sales Late Model Rookie of the Year Kevin Buscher (#08) battles with track champion Dave Morgan during 2015 action at Canada's Toughest 3rdof a Mile Paved Oval. Peterborough Speedway's new season starts Saturday, May 21st.


Prepared by: Jim Clarke, Clarke Motorsports Communications/First Draft Media


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Theetge sera du Pinty's à l'@autodrome chaudiere

Communiqué pour diffusion immédiate 

Le 24 avril 2016, Vallée-Jonction

Theetge présent au Nascar Pinty's

Nous vous avons annoncé dans les derniers jours que le pilote de Boischâtel, Donald Theetge serait du combo Pro-Stock et ACT Qc des 5 et 6 août prochain. Voilà qu'une entente s'est conclue afin de permettre au pilote d'être aussi présent à la course NASCAR Pinty's du 11 juin prochain. 

Assis à bord de la voiture #22 préparée par Scott Steckly, ce sera la première participation en NASCAR sur un circuit ovale; lui qui avait déjà participé à quelques programmes sur des circuits routiers. 

Ayant remporté plusieurs victoires sur l'ovale de Vallée-Jonction en LMS, le pilote effectuera quelques essais sur le circuit Sunset en Ontario et en profitera pour prendre un premier contact avec les membres de l'équipe Steckly Motorsport qui seront sur place le 11 juin prochain. Par contre, Theetge pourra aussi compter sur des indispensables de son équipe soit Serge Paré, Carl Simard et Martin Roy. 

Des partenaires majeurs

Donald Theetge a tenu à remercier Marc Bégin, actionnaire et président du conseil d'administration de l'Autodrome Chaudière. En effet, M. Bégin a grandement contribué à trouver un commanditaire majeur soit la compagnie AIM pour cet évènement. 

De plus, la contribution de M. Daniel Bouchard, un des propriétaires de l'Antidote ainsi que le journal Le Soleil, ont permis de rendre sa présence possible. 

La présence de Donald Theetge sera assurément réjouir les amateurs qui seront présents au programme NASCAR Pinty's. Vous pourrez vous procurer vos billets dès maintenant en communiquant avec André Poulin au 581-998-7388 ou lors des deux premiers programmes du 20 et 28 mai 2016. 

Marie-Claude Levasseur, Relationniste


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La série SS Qc; une série touring en pleine effervescence

La série SS Qc; une série touring en pleine effervescence 

Bien que certains pourraient penser que la Série SS Qc a opté pour un virage davantage local avec ses 6 programmes à l'Autodrome Chaudière Vallée-Jonction, dans les faits, il en est tout autre.

Effectivement, visitant pour la saison 2016 4 tracés différents dont Autodrome Saint-Félicien, l'Autodrome Montmagny, l'Autodrome Chaudière Vallée-Jonction et finalement le circuit Riverside Speedway, la série Sportsman Québec Lucas Oil a démontré sa volonté de rester une classe Touring tout en tentant d'adopter une nouvelle formule pour 2016 avec ses deux championnats soit les régional et le provincial.

Deux championnats distincts qui répond aux besoins d'un contexte économique difficile et permettra à certains pilotes de pouvoir être partie prenante du championnat régional Les Habitations Dany Lagacé tout en répondant à la volonté de l'ensemble des pilotes que la série Sportsman Québec de demeurer touring

Avec ses 40 inscrits, la Série Sportsman Québec Lucas Oilfait la démonstration que sa programmation a su répondre à un besoin présent dans le stock-car québécois. De ce nombre, on peut compter 14 pilotes de la région de la Beauce donc 26 pilotes provenant des autres régions tellesque St-Félicien, Chicoutimi, Trois-Rivières, Warwick, Victoriaville ainsi que Québec pour ne nommer que ceux-ci.

Il en va de même pour les commanditaires de la série en commençant par le commanditaire majeur Lucas Oil. Provenant de tous les coins du Québec, nombreux sont les partenaires qui soutiennent notre série qui célèbre cette saison son 10e anniversaire. 

La série Sportsman Qc débutera sa saison le 20 mai prochain à l'Autodrome Chaudière pour ensuite effectuer un retour tant attendu des pilotes sur le tracé du Riverside Speedway Ste-Croix le 4 juin prochain.

Après 10 ans à la tête d'une série touring qui ne cesse de progresser, André Poulin peut être fier d'avoir su s'adapter aux changements en offrant à ces pilotes des calendriers diversifiés et répondant à leurs attentes tout en demeurant ouvert aux changements d'années en années. 

Marie-Claude Levasseur, Relationniste 

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Art Rodgers Hopes for a Warm Welcome to the Racing Neighbourhood


Art Rodgers Hopes for a Warm Welcome to the Racing Neighbourhood

By Jim Clarke, Clarke Motorsports Communications/First Draft Media


Its difficult to not be friends with someone everyone refers to as 'Hot Dog'.


Art Rodgers has been part of the local weekly racing scene for over 15 years, running both dirt and asphalt surfaces at tracks like Brighton, Kawartha and Peterborough. The 48 year-old from Frankford, Ontario – who earns paycheque in the assembly shop at Wilson Engine & Machine in Belleville – will head into the new schedule as a regular in the Pro Stock field at Brighton Speedway with fresh, new look on his #38 machine, after the car was heavily damaged in a late season wreck during the 2015 campaign.


"I got caught-up in someone else's mess and there wasn't anywhere to go," said the driver, while recalling in the incident. "It tore almost the entire driver's side body panel off the car and although I was able to finish the night with the sheet metal held back in place with bungee cords and racer's tape, that was the end of my season. I'd hoped to go back to Peterborough Speedway for the Autumn Colours Classic, but the car needed too much work to be able to get to that next race and be able to run competitively."


Rodgers is the definitive low-buck racer, who runs for fun and a love of the sport. His carefree personality and likeable nature have earned him a solid base of support in both the spectator grandstand and pit area wherever he races. There are no big dollar sponsorship decals on the side of his car; just a few friends who've helped with a tire, some parts and mechanical work here and there. While other teams come to the track towing fancy enclosed haulers, Art Rodgers rolls into the speedway pulling a modest open trailer behind the same truck he drives back and forth to work every day of the week.


During the winter months, Rodgers and his team of friends and crew members including Danny, Dwayne, Devon, Andrew and Travis Pearce, along with Bill King and Bill Cartwright worked some long hours in the shop to put his ride back together for the 2016 campaign at the local 3rd of a mile clay oval. The fruits of the labour produced a restyled machine, wrapped in sheet metal to replicate a vintage 1975 Pontiac Ventura. Rodgers says he'll race this year as a tribute to the memory of some of the special people in his life. 


"I've lost a number of loved ones to cancer over the past few years," said the driver. "There might not be a lot I can do for them now, but I'm happy to have the chance to honour their memories with some good friends while doing something that I really enjoy."


The car will hit the track with sponsorship support from Wilson Engine & Machine, Rob Vine Racing Engines, JustCo Landscaping & Construction, NAPA Auto Parts – Belleville, Lee's Starter & Alternator and Glenn Ellis Heating. 


Photo attachment: Art Rodgers Racing collection


Opening night of the 2016 season will be a fresh start for Art Rodgers. The Frankford, Ontario racing veteran turned his first laps on the track more than 15 years ago and will run with the Pro Stock division at Brighton Speedway.


Prepared by: Jim Clarke, Clarke Motorsports Communications/First Draft Media

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Brandt Graham Sets his Sights on a Strong Second Season of Sportsman Cup Action


Brandt Graham Sets his Sights on a Strong Second Season of Sportsman Cup Action

By Jim Clarke, Clarke Motorsports Communications/First Draft Media


His racing resume includes time at the controls of a Go Kart and a Mini Stock, but Brandt Graham's 2015 performance with the Lucas Oil Sportsman Cup Series set standards that speak for themselves. The 17 year-old from Orono, Ontario became the youngest main event winner in the tour's history, with a season ending victory at Full Throttle Motor Speedway while also logging a 4th place finish in the final point standings and claiming the rookie of the year award. 


Under the direction of crew chief Marten Rottine, the team spent the winter months reconfiguring their #14 McColl Racing Enterprises chassis with an updated Chevrolet Impala SS body kit. Looking to maintain the momentum gained during an impressive freshman season, father and car owner Craig Graham says preparation behind the scenes is the key to a strong performance on the track.


"We've always been very thorough when it comes to doing our homework," said Graham. "Our equipment never leaves the shop unless we're ready for anything that can happen once we roll through the pit gates at the speedway. Its about more than having a car that looks good on the outside. The schedule has only one race that's within an hour of our home base, so we have to make sure we're thinking about the big picture."


Even though the new season doesn't get rolling for about another month, Brandt Graham – who works part-time at Orono Country Café and with his father at Clarington Hyundai – was able to put his machine through its paces during an open test session – Saturday, April 16th– at Flamboro Speedway. While there were a number of racing divisions taking advantage of the same opportunity, the driver and his crew felt the chance to practice at the track where this year's tour opens was too good to pass up.


"We were able to get a baseline set-up that'll hopefully translate to a strong run when we're back for the race," said Brandt, who will study in the Trades Fundamentals program at Durham College this fall. "There are 3 Flamboro stops on this year's schedule, so any advantage we can take into a race situation will help the team a great deal."


For 2016, Brandt Graham's #14 Lucas Oil Sportsman Cup Series team is proudly supported by Full Circle Automation, Arcade Pools, J & M Restoration, Auto Care, Hot Rod Swag and Squirrel Head Music. Media and promotional services are provided by Clarke Motorsports Communications.


Follow the team at every race by checking @Graham_Racing on Twitter and Graham 98 Racing at www.facebook.com. Look for www.graham98racing.com – an Image Factor web-site – coming soon.


2016 Lucas Oil Sportsman Cup Series Schedule:


Saturday, May 14th                Flamboro Speedway

Saturday, May 28th                 Flamboro Speedway


Saturday, June 25th               Sauble Speedway


Saturday, July 16th                 Sauble Speedway


Saturday, August 6th              Peterborough Speedway

Saturday, August 27th            Full Throttle Motor Speedway


Saturday, September 17th     Flamboro Speedway


Photo attachment: Graham Racing collection


After becoming the youngest race winner in tour history and being named 2015 Rookie of the Year,

Brandt Graham is looking forward to his second year on the Lucas Oil Sportsman Cup Series.


Prepared by: Jim Clarke, Clarke Motorsports Communications/First Draft Media

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