
PASS North news - Spud Speedway preview

For Immediate Release: Media contact Norm Desjardins @ (603) 387-5598

Spud Speedway’s a wild card in the PASS North title chase

Naples ME (8/17)The Pro All Stars Series (PASS)  super late model and modified  stars and travel to the crown of Maine this weekend   for their first ever appearance at Caribou’s Spud Speedway, a new venue for the traveling circle track  circus  that carries serious points implications for the pair of drivers  battling for the super late model title.


At Spud there won’t be any notes for the crew chiefs to fall back on, no on track experience for the drivers. So, the teams that get a handle on the quickest way around the speedway in the least amount of time will have a definite edge.  As the points paying races wind down, success at Spud will be key to capturing the 2010 super late model Championship

Johnny Clark and Ben Rowe have a battle royal going on for the 2010 title. They each have four PASS championships under their belt, Clark two in a row.  Rowe moved over to Scott Mulkern Racing for 2010 and the combination has worked their way into title contention as the season has progressed. Just ten points separated the pair prior to Saturday’s Seekonk Speedway stop. Rowe picked up two points on Clark in the feature as the pair crossed the stripe third and fourth, respectively. But PASS also awards heat race points and  Clark came out on top in his qualifier and  Rowe finished home third in his, erasing his gain from  the 150 lapper. So, their individual drives for five titles moves on to Spud with Clark still on top of the standings by the thinnest of margins.

The PASS Mod championship race isn’t quite as tight but there’s plenty of jockeying for position throughout the top ten. Andy Shaw has had a phenomenal season in Dave and Krystal Weirs’ ride. He’s won fifty percent of his starts and hasn’t finished out of the top five, an enviable record that would be tough to match in any series.  Wayne Whitten Jr., Jon Brill, Bill Dixon, Scott McDaniel and Allan Wilson are all locked in a tight battle behind Shaw and those drivers will battle it out for position as the Mod Squad heads into their final two races of 2010.

There’s another wild card in play at Spud in the form of two time Daytona 500 winner Sterling Marlin, a driver that is no stranger to the bull rings in his home state of Tennessee. Marlin will be on hand Friday for a fan meet and greet and he’ll race with PASS on Saturday night.

The two day event will feature PASS Mod and super late model practice on Friday August 20, along with a complete race card for Spud’s own weekly divisions.  The pit area opens at 2:00 followed by PASS practice. Racing gets underway at 7:00 PM.  Fans should plan on getting out to the speedway early and meet Sterling Marlin from 5:30 until 7:30 PM.

Saturday August 21 is PASS race day; the grandstands open at 4:00 PM for advance ticket sales and 4:30 for general admission.  The races go green at 6:00 PM with PASS super late model and Mod heats and 150 and 40 green flag laps of feature racing plus another night of action for Spud’s weekly racers.

Visit www.proallstarsseries.com for this weekend’s schedule, entry list point standings and a link to Spud Speedway.




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STE-CROIX / RIVERSIDE: Place au National Dirt, dimanche après-midi



 40e anniversaire du circuit Ste-Croix/Riverside Speedway




(Ste-Croix-de-Lotbinière, Qc. (18-08-10) – Toujours dans l’esprit des célébrations du 40e anniversaire du circuit Ste-Croix/Riverside Speedway, il y aura des invités de marque lors du programme de dimanche prochain alors que plusieurs pilotes des pistes de terre battue de la classe Modifiée ont été invités à prendre part à cet avant-dernier programme de stock-car de la saison. Ils croiseront le fer à l’occasion de trois finales de 30 tours chacune. Les résultats seront inversés lors des dernières manches.


Depuis quelques mois déjà, Sylvain Brouillette, le dynamique directeur général de ce tracé de Lotbinière a multiplié ses visites aux pistes de Granby, Drummondville et même Airborne Speedway de Plattsburgh afin de distribuer les invitations concernant ce programme. Au total, deux douzaines de pilotes se sont montré très intéressés par ce nouveau défi, mais selon M. Brouillette, une vingtaine de pilotes serait un très bon résultat pour une première.


Les pilotes de terre battue sont en terrain inconnu alors que c’est le quotidien pour les pilotes de Plattsburgh qui évoluent déjà sur l’asphalte, mais la bourse de 750 $ garantie pour prendre le départ et une bourse de 4,000 $ au gagnant sont certainement une excellente source de motivation pour tenter l’expérience.


Du côté de Plattsburgh, le chef du groupe devrait s’avérer le sympathique Martin Roy que l’on retrouve, le vendredi à Granby et le samedi à Plattsburgh, endroit où il revendique cinq victoires jusqu’à maintenant cette saison. Il devrait être accompagné de Patrice McGrail, un coureur qui effectue un retour, le duo père et fils de Michel et Maxime Viens. Mike Perrotte, Daniel Brown, Richard Tisseur et Pierre Berthiaume. Double champion à l’Autodrome Granby, Alain Boisvert a déjà couru à Plattsburgh tout comme Jasmin Léveillé. On chuchote même que l’Américain Leon Gonyo reviendrait de ce côté de la frontière pour l’événement et qu’il serait accompagné de certains de ces compatriotes.


Quant à ceux des pistes québécoises, on estime qu’une douzaine d’entre eux devraient se pointer. Présentement, Yan Bussière, Kayle Robidoux, Michel Chicoine, Clément Therrien, Frédéric Gamache, Alex Fortier et quelques autres seraient également en piste.


2 x 75 tours inversés

Au même programme, les pilotes de la série Super Sportsman Lucas Oil seront de retour sur le tracé de Ste-Croix pour une confrontation de 150 tours, divisée en deux manches de 75 tours chacune. Le résultat inversé de la première déterminera la grille de départ de la deuxième.


À ce stade de la saison, les deux cumulatifs, Élite et Intermédiaire, sont plus que corsés et on devrait s’attendre à beaucoup d’action. Certes, faisant suite au dernier programme où l’on a noté de nombreux accidents, il manquera quelques combattants, mais certainement pas au niveau des premiers qui bataillent farouchement. Certains ont même pris des dispositions en ce sens en se procurant une autre monture.


Au cumulatif Élite, Sylvain Labbé de St-Joseph-de-Beauce est premier avec 430 points, soit seulement 13 de plus que Steve Lesage de Pont Rouge qui a remporté sa troisième victoire de la saison, vendredi dernier. Le vétéran Réjean Blanchet de Québec, Dany Poulin  et Karl Drouin, tous deux de Vallée-Jonction sont tous au plus fort de la lutte et c’est loin d’être terminé.


En Élite, le règne de Daniel Sylvain de St-Georges-de-Beauce ne tient qu’à un fil car, avec 335 points, il n’a qu’une priorité de deux devant Christopher Daigle de Neuville et de cinq devant Gerry Bilodeau de La Guadeloupe. Pierre-Luc Labbé de St-Joseph qui a pris la première place à sa dernière sortie est quatrième avec un déficit de sept points. Il est assuré que ces quatre pilotes seront à surveiller d’ici la fin des hostilités.


En raison de la présence deux classes principales, afin de ne point charger inutilement ce programme, il a été décidé que seulement la catégorie Racer 350 sera invitée en tant que classe locale.  Présentement au cumulatif, après trois programmes, Stéphane Dubuc occupe le premier rang avec 252 points, soit 27 de plus que Jacques Petitclerc et 33 de plus que Martin Deschênes.


En cas de mauvais temps, cette course sera reprise à une date ultérieure.



Renseignements :

Circuit Ste-Croix/Riverside Speedway





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Les puissants World of Outlaws late model en visite lundi soir et week-end déterminant pour la classe modifié.


Drummondville, Qc 17 août 2010-Steve Bertrand, Directeur des communications.


Lundi soir prochain, 23 août Hyundai Drummond présente, la série World of Outlaws late-model qui en seront a leur 4e visite sur le tracé de l’autodrome Drummond! Il y aura également la reprise de la finale modifié du 5 juin en plus d’un programme complet chez les STR et dans la classe sportsman.


Cette série WOO late-model en sera a leur 4e  visite a l’autodrome Drummond, qui en passant est leur seule visite en sol québécois. L’an passé on avait du annuler le programme à cause de la pluie mais en 2007, Steve Francis l’avait emporté et en 2008 la victoire est revenue à Rick Eckert. Cette saison c’est nul autre que Josh Richards qui domine la série suivie du favori des gens ici a Drummondville, Tim McCredie. Les dirigeants de l’autodrome attendent plus de 25 voitures pour cette soirée qui fait parti du calendrier de la série World of Outlaws late model.


Samedi 21 août soirée Transport Fréchette.


Dans le cadre de cette soirée, les pilotes modifié auront toute une soirée avec trois finales de vingt-cinq tours, ou l’on inversera les positions dans chacune des trois courses. Le championnat étant extrêmement serré, personne ne voudra laisser un pouce a son compétiteur et ce autant dans la classe modifié qui auront quatre finales en moins de quarante-huit heures sur le tracé de Drummondville que dans la classe sportsman et pro-stock!


 C’est donc un rendez-vous samedi soir 21 juin pour la soirée Transport Fréchette avec un championnat modifié et lundi soir 23 août dès 18hrs pour la visite de la série World of Outlaws late model dans le cadre de la soirée Hyundai Drummond.


Steve Bertrand

Directeur des communications

Autodrome Drummond




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PROCAM AU Grand National de Ville Sainte-Catherine

Nous vous invitons à venir rencontrer dans l'aire de compétition les pilotes ProCam Cummins tout au long du weekend lors du Grand National de Ville Ste-Catherine:

Pour s'y rendre:


Accès au Site du Grand National Sainte Catherine
(Récré O Parc de Sainte Catherine)

Pont Mercier:
Sortie R 132 E vers Laprairie / rue Central à gauche / Marie Victorin.

Pont Champlain:
Sortie R 132 O vers Châteauguay sortie 42 rue des Écluses à droite.

De Québec:
R 20 dir. Montréal sortie 98 O Aut. 30 O vers Brossard, continuez R 132 / rue des Écluses à droite / Marie Victorin à Gauche.

Des Etats-Unis:
Aut 15 N vers Montréal sortie 42 Aut 30 O / Rte 132 O / rue des Écluses à droite / Marie Victorin à gauche.

Il nous fera plaisir de vous rencontrer !!!



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FW: Airborne Speedway

ACT 300 headlines Airborne two-day event

For Immediate Release                                                                            AS-081810-1

South Plattsburgh – Airborne Speedway will pair extra-distance events for DIRTcar Modifieds and the American Canadian Tour (ACT) Late Models for the biggest weekend of the season Saturday/Sunday September 11, 12.

The 39th ACT Mohawk Casino Fall Foliage 300 is the tour’s longest event and one of its most prestigious. It is the last chance to earn a guaranteed spot in the 2nd annual ACT Invitational at New Hampshire Motor Speedway September 18.


         The DIRTcar Modified event, the Apple Bowl 100 presented by Liquor & Wine Warehouse, Casella Waste Management and Vermont Life Safety, matches the longest Modified race of the year to date, which was won by defending track champion Martin Roy of Napierville, Quebec.

Last year, Patrick Laperle of St. Denis, Quebec won the Fall Foliage 300 and joined Bobby Dragon, Butch Lindley, Robbie Crouch, Brian Hoar and Kenny Tremont Jr on the multiple winners list. Hoar is the defending ACT champion and current point leader.

The racing schedule for Saturday, September 11 includes qualifying events for the J&S Steel Sportsmen, Versatile Trailer Sales Renegades, NAPA Auto Parts Mini-Modifieds and Monster Energy Bombers. Each division will compete in features Sunday with track championships at stake. Bucko Branham of Plattsburgh currently leads Robin Wood in the J&S Steel Sportsman division 527-524.

Kevin Boutin of Fairfax, VT has a two-point advantage over defending Versatile Trailer Sales champion Lonnie Rivers of Cadyville.

For additional information, contact the speedway office (518-561-3208) or visit www.airborneparkspeedway.com.

Contact: Tom Herzig



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Pro All Stars Series news = PASS North SLM Seekonk Speedway race report

For immediate release: Media contact Norm Desjardins @ (603) 387-5598

Darling‘s the PASS North kingpin at Seekonk

NAPLES ME – (8/15) Seekonk Speedway regular David Darling  took over lead from Derek Ramstrom on lap 107 of Saturday night’s Pro All Stars Series (PASS) 150 at Seekonk Speedway and fought back a challenge from Trevor Sanborn to defend his home turf and join the list of PASS Super Late Model feature winners. Trevor Sanborn was three car lengths back at the finish, followed by Ramstrom, Ben Rowe and Johnny Clark.


Darling and car owner Gary Johnson came to the track Saturday planning to use the practice sessions to tune up the Johnson Landscaping ride, with no plans to even enter the event. But the work Darling and his team put in during practice encouraged them to go ahead and take on the PASS touring pros and the result was a big payday and the hardware that goes with it.

Early on it looked like Rick Martin had the car to beat as the twenty four car field clicked off lap after lap without incident.  Martin withstood all of pole sitter Derek Ramstrom’s challenges through the halfway mark but the former PASS regular appeared to be slowing as both Travis Benjamin and Darling caught the front pair. The bottom was the place to be but it looked like Benjamin might make the outside work, briefly taking second away from Ramstrom before the defending Thompson super late model champ battled back on the bottom to reclaim the spot. Benjamin saw a good run destroyed when he lost the right front on his RMR mount to bring out the nights first caution period.

As Benjamin was losing his tire, Ramstrom’s relentless pressure on Martin finally paid off when he slipped under Martin on lap 100 to take over the race.  Ramstrom and Darling both got the jump on Martin when the green flag flew but Martin got loosened up and spun off of turn two to bring out what would prove to be the night’s final caution at lap 107.

When the green flag flew Darling took advantage of his front row spot to take the lead from Ramstrom. The top six pulled away from the rest of the field as the laps wound down with Darling, Ramstrom,Trevor Sanborn, Ben Rowe, Johnny Clark and Cassius Clark all jockeying for position.  Sanborn found a way to get under Ramstrom with 20 to go for second and that’s the way they finished as Darling made it Seekonk Pro Stocks two, PASS super late models zero at the Cement Palace. Darling joins Tom Scully Jr. in the record book as a PASS feature winner at the house that Venditti built.

Darling is the second home track hero to score in PASS super late model competition in 2010, joining Bill Rodgers (Beech Ridge Motor Speedway, 7/17) on that exclusive list.

Johnny Clark, Derek Ramstrom and Rick Martin each won a qualifying race. Two cautions slowed the action but the field still completed 150 green flag laps in 45 minutes. Twelve cars finished on the lead lap.

PASS  will travel north to the end of Interstate 95 and then some as the series makes its’ first appearance at Spud Speedway hosts both the PASS super late models and PASS Mods. Two time Daytona 500 winner Sterling Marlin will take on the PASS super late model regulars and meet and greet fans at the Caribou speed plant.

Get all the facts, figures, and photos for every  PASS racing tour at www.proallstarsseries.com . Fans planning to take in the action at Spud Speedway should check out www.spud-speedway.com .

Results: Pro All Stars Series 150 – Seekonk Speedway, Seekonk MA – 8/14/10

1  52  Dave Darling 150 2  44 Trevor Sanborn  150 3  35 Derek Ramstrom  150
4  48  Ben Rowe  150 5  54  Johnny Clark – 150 6  8 - Cassius Clark 150 7  98  Adam Bates – 150 8 73 Joey Doiron – 150  9  71 Gary Drew – 150 10 85 Nick Ribbe – 150  11 17A  Scott Alexander- 150 12 75 Gary Smith - 150
13 14 Rick Martin 149 14 17X Ray Parent – 149 15 88 Kevin Casper – 149 16 90 Craig Weinstein – 149 17 12 John Dabrowsski – 147 18  2 Tom Scully – 144  19 1 Randy Turner – 142 20 96 David Hutchins – 137 21 17 Travis Benjamin – 101 22 7  Donnie Whitten – 86  23  33 Richie Dearborn – 69 24 30 Fred Astle - 30






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Delaware Speedway PR - August 14th race night - recap and results; photos sent separately.

Enduro Fans get Their Fix! Drivers run Top Dog Challenge!

Winners: Barry Watson, Mark Machado, Gary Triska   


August 13, 2010 (London, Ontario) It's been a couple of months since Transmission Direct Enduro competitors have been able to run a full race – or two – at Delaware.  We ran two 125-lap feature races in the Enduro division, the second of which was a Top Dog Showdown.


The #80 of Rick Johnson was out front to start race one. Chad McDonald (33) then led a couple of laps before Steve Lovie (141a) shot out front where he stayed for 25 laps. 

The first red flag was thrown at lap 8 for a spin by the 99 of Josh Lucier who stalled facing traffic. 

A new leader at lap 30 – Jeremiah Rabideau (52).  A couple of potential contenders pitted around this point; the former leader, Lovie, and perennial Transmission Direct Enduro winner, Steve Book (64) with a fan belt problem.  Lovie immediately returned to the race but Book didn't return until very late.

By the halfway point the field had thinned a bit with overheated engines.

At lap 60, the leader crashed on turn one and couldn't get going again. One of Rabideau's competitors gave him a push but it wasn't enough to keep him moving. A red flag gave the Delaware safety crew an opportunity to get out and clear the track and Whitworth to tow the 52 to the pits.  Barry Watson (45) took the lead. 

By the halfway point, the McCullough Brothers, David (39) and Derek (38), occupied the 4th and 5th spots respectively, with Manny Demelo (182) third and the 114 of Al Hilton, second.  With Watson hanging on to the top spot, David McCullough traded places with Demelo and by the time they reached lap 80, Demelo was out of the top five, and the McCullough brothers were followed in fifth by John Lynch (04) but he pitted at lap 90.

We got an exciting lesson in the proper way to correct yourself after a spin when you're left facing traffic.  Heather Pearse (25) did just that on the front straightaway at lap 92, threw it in reverse, hit the gas and kept herself out of harm's way through oncoming traffic until she could right herself at the exit from pit road and resume racing.

At lap 100 the 57 of Dan Irons hit the back end of the 69 of Roy Lewis - whose car had been chosen as one of the "best appearing" of the night prior to the race.  Both drivers were fine but the 69 caught fire and the 57's front end was smashed.  The 109 of Doug Capp also spewed smoke at turn one and pitted. A lap later the 53 of Pete Schweddyk stopped on the front straightaway and needed a push to the pits.

Derek McCullough's spin in the waning laps cost him a few positions but he fought his way back to the top five.  At 118 Josh Blyth (82) lost power between turns three and four while traffic split high and low to avoid him.  The #182 gave him a push to the pits.

Barry Watson took the checkered flag. Al Hilton came second followed by David McCullough, Jim Ferguson and Derek McCullough.

Our second Transmission Direct Enduro feature of the night was also 125 laps but had a bit of a twist.  Those drivers determined to be Top Dogs (those who drove faster than 24-second laps this season) were held back for two laps before officials let the Dogs out!  Top Dog cars were identified by special decals.

Adam Deauvall (19) was the race's first leader.  Steve Domingue (3) took his place at lap 3 as the Top Dogs jockeyed for position on the busy track, anxious to get on the lead lap.

At lap 8, another new leader: Mark Machado (160). 

At lap 19, the first race winner, Barry Watson (45), spun into the pit wall in turn two but managed to right himself.  He pitted but rejoined about 10 laps later. 

The Top Dogs had their work cut out for them. By the 22nd lap, the top Top Dog, Justin Demelo, now driving the 182, was still a lap off the pace but running 17th and climbing.

Steve Book, in the #9 for this race, spun and lost some fluid at turn one causing some slipping and sliding for a few vehicles that followed.  Book closed the night on pit road.

Brad Campbell (22) had been running second until lap 39 after some contact on turn 3.  Soon after that Piet Blaauboer, a Top Dog, drove the 777 onto pit road while hanging half-way out of the vehicle!  As it came to a stop the reason became clear; flames shooting out of the bottom of the car.  The driver was unhurt but his car was finished for the night.

The 50-lap mark had Machado in the lead followed Stephen Richmond (15), Pete Schwedyk (53), Jim Ferguson (06) and Steve Lovie (141).

At the 60th lap the 182's engine called it a night and the resulting fluid loss on turns 3 and 4 sent a few drivers over the patch of grass.  Ferguson's spin landed him next to the cement off turn 3 and ended his chase for the lead. After staying still for a few laps Ferguson made some moves to get righted just as light rain began to fall.  A fellow driver, Heather Pearse (25), attempted to give him a push but was either waved off or changed her mind.  Sharpie threw a red at lap 75 so the 06 could be towed away.

Machado continued his domination of the race into the triple digits and was almost alone on the lead lap.  Second place runner Steve Lovie (141) was his only company. David McCullough had worked his way up to third, Jacob Orr (95) fourth and Al Hilton (114) fifth. And that's where they stayed as the checkered flag flew.  The only driver on Victory Lane who was not a Top Dog was the winner, Mark Machado.

The night's Ultimate Sandblasting and Coating Chaos Car race winner: Blue Thunder, aka, Gary Triska. 


Friday August 20th is BX-93 night at Delaware Speedway. That night we'll be featuring the Vintage Modifieds, the oldest continually active racing organization in Canada!  The Vintage Modifieds consist of pre-1948 closed cars.  They're literally in a class all their own!

NASCAR Late Models will run August 20th as well, and they will also compete in the third and final race in the 2010 Delaware Triple Crown.  Also on the itinerary; Delaware Super Stocks, where Kris Lawrence is the points leader with just 4 points on Steve Smith.

Enduro Feature #1

1.            45                           Barry Watson                                     London

2.            114                         Al Hilton                                               Brantford

3.            39                           David McCullough                            Glencoe

4.            06                           Jim Ferguson                                     Essex

5.            38                           Derek McCullough                           Glencoe

6.            9                              Ed Jeffery                                            Appin

7.            37                           Steve Arrand                                     London

8.            07                           Jamie Klumper                                  Mitchell

9.            141                         Steve Lovie                                         London

10.          04                           Tony Rumble                                     Blenheim

11.          01                           Jaden Freer-Chapman                   Sarnia

12.          31                           Dan Hundt                                          Sebringville

13.          88                           Tim McGregor                                   Ingersoll

14.          210                         Bob Ferrow                                        Woodstock

15.          160                         Marc Machado                                  Strathroy

16.          82                           Rob Burton                                         London

17.          2                              Norm Schnekenburger                 

18.          15                           Stephen Richmond                         Appin

19.          84                           Tad Head                                             Sarnia

20.          33                           Chad McDonald                                                London

21.          54                           Kevin Allen                                         Drumbo

22.          51                           Derek Mosker                                   Beachville

23.          777                         Piet Blaauboer II                               Strathroy

24.          745                         Scott Cottenden                                               Blenheim

25.          50                           Tyssen Toll                                          London

26.          22                           Brad Campbell                                   St. Thomas

27.          260                         Scott Hope                                          Blenheim

28.          99                           Josh Lucier                                          Port Lambton

29.          182                         Emmanuel Demelo                                         London

30.          4                              John Lynch                                          Blenheim

31.          57                           Dan Irons                                             St. Thomas

32.          98                           Dan Boutcher                                    Burlington

33.          53                           Pete Shwedyk                                   Jerseyville

34.          409                         Kevin Casson                                     London

35.          117                         Dave Rumble                                     Blenheim

36.          109                         Shawn Potvin                                    London

37.          069                         Roy Lewis                                            Stratford

38.          12                           Mike Skinner                                     St Thomas

39.          95                           Jacob Orr                                             St Thomas

40.          23                           Jeff Ferguson                                    Brantford

41.          62                           John O'Neill                                        Kitchener

42.          96                           Jordan Morris                                    Dorchester

43.          25                           Heather Pearce                                                Ilderton

44.          91                           Paul Brown                                        

45.          156                         Darren Thinkettle                            Strathroy

46.          52                           Jeremiah Rabideau                         Mt. Brydges

47.          776                         Rob Paff                                               Kerwood

48.          28                           Chris Voros                                         Clinton

49.          93                           Gary Zwygers                                   

50.          78                           Gary Graham                                     London

51.          3                              Steve Domingue                                              Sarnia

52.          64                           Steve Book                                         Brantford

53.          44                           Todd Walton                                      Komoka

54.          92                           Kyle Neumeister                                              St. Marys

55.          26                           Justin Doxtator-Kechego                                             

56.          80                           Rick Johnson                                     

57.          74                           Stan Cook                                            St. Thomas

58.          71                           Jeremy Rayner                                  London

59.          19                           Adam Deauvall                                  London

60.          49                           Rob Frampton                                  


Enduro Feature #2

1.            160                         Marc Machado                                  Strathroy

2.            141                         Steve Lovie                                         London

3.            39                           David McCullough                            Glencoe

4.            95                           Jacob Orr                                             St Thomas

5.            114                         Al Hilton                                               Brantford

6.            15                           Barry Newman                                  Arkona

7.            07                           Jamie Klumper                                  Mitchell

8.            53                           Pete Schedwyk                                 Jerseyville

9.            54                           Kevin Allen                                         Drumbo

10.          84                           Tad Head                                             Sarnia

11.          51                           Derek Mosker                                   Beachville

12.          31                           Dan Hundt                                          Sebringville

13.          01                           Jaden Freer-Chapman                   Sarnia

14.          156                         Darren Thinkettle                            Strathroy

15.          78                           Gary Graham                                     London

16.          98                           Dan Boutcher                                    Burlington

17.          260                         Scott Hope                                          Blenheim

18.          99                           Josh Lucier                                          Port Lambton

19.          745                         Scott Cottenden                                               Blenheim

20.          38                           Derek McCullough                           Glencoe

21.          45                           Barry Watson                                     London

22.          50                           Tyssen Toll                                          London

23.          25                           Heather Pearce                                                Ilderton

24.          23                           Jeff Ferguson                                    Brantford

25.          91                           Paul Brown                                        

26.          210                         Bob Ferrow                                        Woodstock

27.          82                           Steve McCaw                                    London

28.          04                           Tony Rumble                                     Blenheim

29.          3                              Steve Domingue                                              Sarnia

30.          33                           Chad McDonald                                                London

31.          88                           Tim McGregor                                   Ingersoll

32.          28                           Chris Voros                                         Clinton

33.          37                           Steve Arrand                                     London

34.          06                           Jim Ferguson                                     Essex

35.          182                         Justin Demelo                                   London

36.          22                           Brad Campbell                                   St. Thomas

37.          44                           Todd Walton                                      Komoka

38.          777                         Piet Blaauboer II                               Strathroy

39.          12                           Mike Skinner                                     St Thomas

40.          9                              Steve Book                                         Appin

41.          776                         Rob Paff                                               Kerwood

42.          92                           Kyle Neumeister                                              St. Marys

43.          63                           Paul Weiler                                        

44.          62                           John O'Neill                                        Kitchener

45.          19                           Adam Deauvall                                  London

46.          109                         Shawn Potvin                                    London

47.          26                           Justin Doxtator-Kechego                              Oneida

48.          069                         Roy Lewis                                            Stratford

49.          80                           Rick Johnson                                      Ingersoll

50.          93                           Gary Zwygers                                   

51.          49                           Rob Frampton                                  

52.          409                         Kevin Casson                                     London

53.          2                              Norm Schnekenburger                 

54.          74                           Stan Cook                                            St. Thomas

55.          117                         Dave Rumble                                    

56.          52                           Jeremiah Rabideau                                        

57.          96                           Jordan Morris                                    Dorchester

58.          57                           Dan Irons                                             St. Thomas

59.          64                           Steve Book                                         Brantford

60.          4                              John Lynch                                          Blenheim

61.          71                           Jeremy Rayner                                  London




Public and Media Relations, Delaware Speedway





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