
Trailer Pros Canada Sprint Race Weekend Wings its Way to The BOS

Trailer Pros Canada Sprint Race Weekend Wings its Way to The BOS 

By Jim Clarke, Clarke Motorsports Communications/First Draft Media 


It isn't too early to start thinking about one of the biggest events on the 2022 Brockville Ontario Speedway schedule, 


Sprint Car fans unite! The Trailer Pros Canada Sprint Race Weekend is coming up fast! Don't hear about it from your friends. Make you plans now to see the winged warriors in person. Everything kicks-off Friday, September 9th with the Action Sprint Tour, Pro Stocks, NLMA Late Models and Vintage Modifieds. 


360 Sprint Cars, Action Sprint Tour and Vintage Mods will share the spotlight Saturday, September 10th. Custom trophies by Gates Graphics will be awarded each night. Brockville Speedway owner and promoter Paul Kirkland says everyone is talking about the inaugural stand-alone Sprint Car focused weekend in the track's history.

"We've pulled out all the stops to put this show together and it's the perfect showcase event to fit in between the end of our 2022 regular season and this year's running of the Northeast Fall Nationals," Paul Kirkland said. "As is the case for all of our major events, fans can camp at the track all weekend. At $25.00 each, sites will be assigned on a first come, first served basis. Just stop at the office when you arrive and your camping permit will be assigned." 


Paul Kirkland says passes for either or both days of the Trailer Pros Canada Sprint Race Weekend can be purchased from the Brockville Speedway walk-up ticket booth on raceday. 


They'll be serving up a healthy helping of the best in the Action Sprint Tour, 360 Sprint Cars, NLMA Late Models, Vintage Modifieds and Pro Stocks so don't put it off. Mark Friday and Saturday, September 9th and 10th on your calendar now for the inaugural running of the Trailer Pros Canada Sprint Race Weekend at Brockville Ontario Speedway.  


For complete event details, head towww.brockvilleontariospeedway.com or the track's Facebook, Twitter and Instagram social media platforms. 


Photo attachment: Jim Clarke – Clarke Motorsports Communications/First Draft Media 


Headlined by the Action Sprint Tour and 360 Sprint Cars, the Trailer Pros Canada Sprint Race Weekend – Friday & Saturday, September 9th & 10th at Brockville Ontario Speedway – is a Sprint Car fan's dream come true. 


Prepared by: Jim Clarke, Clarke Motorsports Communications/First Draft Media 




Les Entreprises M.P. Roy Inc.

424 Justin, Laval, QC H7P 5V9


T: 514-907-1773 (Montréal) or/ou 418-210-3986 (Québec) or Toll-free / ou sans-frais 1-877-35-MPROY (67769) Extension / poste 35

C: 514-942-6843

Email: mproy@lesentreprisesmproyinc.com



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Nouvelles et notes – Série NASCAR Pinty’s : L’histoire penche en faveur des pilotes québécois à Edmonton

Nouvelles et notes – Série NASCAR Pinty's : 

L'histoire penche en faveur des pilotes québécois à Edmonton

Après cinq courses dans trois provinces différentes, le rythme revient à la "normale" dans la série NASCAR Pinty's.


Le week-end dernier, le retour dans les rues de Toronto devant des milliers d'amateurs, a su rappeler les changements imposés à notre sport par la pandémie, commençant par les modifications radicales des calendriers des saisons 2020 et 2021. Le voyage de ce week-end dans l'Ouest rapproche encore plus la série de la "normalité" habituelle, tant appréciée des pilotes comme des amateurs.


À l'instar de l'événement à Toronto, le Bayer 300 au Edmonton International Raceway marque le retour de la série Pinty's dans l'Ouest après deux saisons d'absence. Un léger changement à la séquence des courses amène les équipes à Edmonton pour la première course de la tournée. La visite à Saskatoon prendra place le mercredi suivant, sur le chemin du retour (la série s'arrêtait d'abord à Saskatoon entre 2017 et 2019).


Un coup d'œil aux résultats d'archive sur le tracé de 0,25 mile n'indique peut-être pas un gagnant évident pour cette année, mais plutôt une tendance qui saute aux yeux : 12 des 18 places sur les podiums au fil des années ont été occupées par des pilotes québécois. Cinq des six courses d'Edmonton ont été remportées par des pilotes québécois (Andrew Ranger - 2014, 19 ; Alex Tagliani - 2016 ; Alex Labbé - 2017 ; Louis-Philippe Dumoulin - 2018), la seule exception étant Scott Steckly en 2015.


Il s'agit là d'une constatation qui plaira certainement à Kevin Lacroix (Dodge Lacroix Tuning no 74), vainqueur à Toronto le week-end dernier et meneur actuel au classement des pilotes. Reconnu comme spécialiste des circuits routiers, Lacroix a su s'adapter rapidement sur les tracés ovales aux virages relativement bas. Cette configuration est proche de l'inclinaison des circuits routiers, exactement comme la géométrie du tracé à Edmonton.


« Je pense que je suis plus rapide sur les pistes plates », a déclaré Lacroix. « Les virages sont plus similaires à ceux des circuits routiers. »


Selon le meneur actuel au championnat, la substitution au calendrier joue en sa faveur. « Je suis heureux que nous commencions à Edmonton parce que nous avons toujours bien fait là-bas », a déclaré Lacroix. « Notre objectif est d'accumuler autant de points que possible pour arriver à Saskatoon avec une plus grande avance pour le titre. »


Lacroix a pris le départ de la pole E3 Spark Plugs lors de trois de ses quatre présences à Edmonton. Bien qu'il soit toujours à la recherche de sa première victoire là-bas, il a mené plus de 10 tours dans trois courses. En 2018, il a mené les 281 premiers tours (sur 300), avant d'être victime d'un tête-à-queue et d'une relance qui l'a laissé derrière le vainqueur Louis-Philippe Dumoulin (Dodge Weathertech Canada / Groupe Bellemare no 47).


Louis-Philippe Dumoulin souhaite poursuivre sur sa lancée suite au podium de Toronto avec une tournée de l'Ouest payante au niveau des points.

Paradoxalement, en course automobile, la vitesse n'est pas toujours synonyme de meilleurs résultats. Même si la Dodge no 47 de Louis-Philippe Dumoulin démontre sa vitesse pure à chaque sortie, une suite d'incidents en début de saison l'a laissé huitième au classement après cinq courses. Même avec deux pôles E3 Spark Plugs et des tours menés dans trois courses, le Grand Prix de Toronto a été le premier podium de 2022 pour Dumoulin.


La tournée dans l'Ouest arrive au bon moment pour Louis-Philippe Dumoulin.


« Lorsque nous allons dans l'ouest, il semble que toute l'équipe soit concentrée sur la course, sans distraction », a déclaré Dumoulin. « C'est le bon moment de reprendre le dessus sur des problèmes que nous avons eus en début de saison. »


Edmonton est la piste parfaite pour faire une démonstration. En six courses, Louis-Philippe Dumoulin compte cinq podiums, dont une victoire en 2018 et trois secondes places. « C'est une petite piste complexe, il est essentiel de rester concentré », a déclaré Dumoulin. « Chaque année, nous nous présentons avec des réglages améliorés pour performer davantage. Nous avons souvent terminé dans le top-5 ; cette année, nous voulons la victoire. »





Course                                     Bayer 300

Date / départ                            Samedi, le 23 juillet 2022 à 21h30 HNE

Piste / Lieu                              Edmonton International Speedway

Rediffusion                              TSN : TBA / RDS2 : 16 août à 21h30 HNE

Diffusion en direct                   Canada : TSN.ca / TSN app

États-Unis : FloRacing


Les amateurs peuvent suivre la série NASCAR Pinty's - et tout ce qui concerne NASCAR au Canada - sur www.nascar.ca, Sur TwitterFacebook et Instagram.


Les Entreprises M.P. Roy Inc.

424 Justin, Laval, QC H7P 5V9


T: 514-907-1773 (Montréal) or/ou 418-210-3986 (Québec) or Toll-free / ou sans-frais 1-877-35-MPROY (67769) Extension / poste 35

C: 514-942-6843

Email: mproy@lesentreprisesmproyinc.com



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NASCAR Pinty’s Series News & Notes: Past History Favours Quebec Drivers in Edmonton


*Please scroll down for French version Version française ci-dessous


NASCAR Pinty's Series News & Notes: 

Past History Favours Quebec Drivers in Edmonton


Following five races in three provinces, things are starting to feel "normal" in the NASCAR Pinty's Series.


Last weekend's return to the streets of Toronto in front of thousands of fans was a reminder of how far things have come since the pandemic drastically altered the 2020 and '21 schedules. This weekend's trip out West brings the series one step closer to that "normal."


As was the case with Toronto, the Bayer 300 at Edmonton International Raceway is the first time the Pinty's Series has ventured West since 2019. One slight twist, however – Edmonton will kick off the Western Swing, followed by a Wednesday twin feature in Saskatoon. Saskatoon had opened the annual western trip each year from 2017-19.


A look at past performance at the .25-mile bullring might not point you to an obvious race winner, but it will point to a trend that is hard to ignore – 12 of 18 podium positions have been secured by Quebec drivers. Five of six Edmonton races have been won by Quebec drivers (Andrew Ranger – 2014, '19; Alex Tagliani – 2016; Alex Labbe – 2017; L.P. Dumoulin – 2018), the lone exception being Scott Steckly in 2015.


That's great news for Toronto winner, and series points standings leader, Kevin Lacroix (No. 74 Lacroix Tuning Dodge).  Despite making his name as a road course ace, Lacroix has taken kindly to the relatively low banking at Edmonton.


"I think I'm faster on flat tracks," Lacroix said. "The corners are more similar to road course corners."


And with the points lead, the schedule flip-flop is working in his favor.


"I'm glad we're starting in Edmonton because we've always done well there," said Lacroix. "Our goal is to score as many points as possible to get to Saskatoon in a good position for the championship."


Lacroix has started on the E3 Spark Plugs Pole in three of his four races at Edmonton. And while he's still searching for his first win, he's led double digit laps in three races. He led the first 281 (of 300) laps before a late spin and restart dropped him behind eventual winner L.P. Dumoulin (No. 47 Weathertech Canada / Groupe Bellemare Dodge).


L.P. Dumoulin looking to follow Toronto podium with strong Western Swing

The thing about racing is that speed doesn't always equal results.


And despite the No. 47 Dodge of L.P. Dumoulin showing speed each week, a series of unfortunate incidents has left him eighth in the standings after five races. On top of that, even with two E3 Spark Plugs Poles and laps led in three races, the Grand Prix of Toronto was the first podium finish of 2022 for Dumoulin.


The Western Swing comes at a perfect opportunity for Dumoulin to keep the momentum going.


"When we go out West it seems like the whole team is focused on racing with no distractions," Dumoulin said. "It's a good time for us to redeem ourselves from the problems we had at the beginning of the season."


Edmonton is the perfect track to make a statement. In six races he has five podium finishes, including a win in 2018 and three runner-ups.


"It's a tough little track, you have to stay focused," Dumoulin said. "Every year we show up with a different setup and try to find something better every year. We always seem to end up in the top five; this year we want the win."




Race                            Bayer 300

Date / Start Time          Saturday, July 23, 2022 / 9:30 p.m. ET

Track / Location          Edmonton International Speedway 

TV                                TSN: TBA / RDS2 TBA

Live Stream                 Canada: TSN.ca / TSN app

USA: FloRacing


Fans can stay connected to the NASCAR Pinty's Series – and all things NASCAR in Canada – at www.nascar.ca, on TwitterFacebookand Instagram.


Les Entreprises M.P. Roy Inc.

424 Justin, Laval, QC H7P 5V9


T: 514-907-1773 (Montréal) or/ou 418-210-3986 (Québec) or Toll-free / ou sans-frais 1-877-35-MPROY (67769) Extension / poste 35

C: 514-942-6843

Email: mproy@lesentreprisesmproyinc.com



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NASCAR Pinty’s Series News & Notes: An Early Season Championship Favorite is Emerging in Marc-Antoine Camirand


*Please scroll down for French version Version française ci-dessous


NASCAR Pinty's Series News & Notes: 

An Early Season Championship Favorite is Emerging in Marc-Antoine Camirand


Four races into the 2022 NASCAR Pinty's Series season and a clear championship favourite has emerged.


Marc-Antoine Camirand (No. 22 GM Paillé Chevrolet) has taken the series by storm with his new GM Paillé Racing Team, currently leading the standings by 10 points.


The St. Leonard d'Aston, Que., native has had one of the cars to beat in every race but only one win to show for it.


"We have shown that we can run up front since the beginning of the season," Camirand said. "I'm so happy for my team at Camirand Performance that has been working so hard. I couldn't be prouder of them."


Camirand has led the most laps at all three oval races (203 of 252 at Sunset Speedway, 92 of 250 at Autodrome Chaudiere and 138 of 225 at Eastbound International Speedway). He finally captured his first checkered flag of the season at Eastbound; he finished fourth at Sunset after an Overtime incident and was runner-up at Chaudiere.


With attention turned to the streets of Toronto, Camirand has some unfinished business to take care of.

He was in contention for the 2019 win, the last time the series raced at the track. Camirand took the lead from Alex Tagliani (No. 18 Viagra/St-Hubert/QwickWick Chevrolet) on a late restart but wrecked just a few turns later before getting back to the start/finish line. Tagliani went on to win in Overtime while Camirand was resigned to a 16th-place finish.


"I want to go there and finish what we started in 2019," Camirand said. "Let's do it!"


While Camirand's only road course performance of 2022 is also his worst finish – 14th at CTMP – It isn't quite what it seems. After leading the first ten laps of the race a punctured tire forced Camirand to pit early, taking him off the lead lap.


Camirand then fought his way back up into fifth, but with five to go, ran out of fuel, eventually coming to a stop along the straightaway.


"We were the fastest on track at that time," Camirand said after the race. "I got back on the lead lap, but from that moment, we were hoping for a caution so I could pit for fuel. If a caution would have happened at that time, I'm sure that we had a shot for the win."


Based on his early season dominance, expect Camirand to have his shot at the Toronto win to finish what he started.


Look for series veterans to reemerge at Toronto

The NASCAR Pinty's Series trip to Canada's largest city also brings the largest spotlight of the year. And when the lights are brightest, the stars shine.


There have been six Toronto races in series history and Andrew Ranger (No. 27 GM Paillé Chevrolet), Alex Tagliani and Kevin Lacroix (No. 74 Lacroix Tuning/La Boulonnerie Dodge) – three of the series' winningest drivers – are the only winners.


Ranger has a series-leading three wins in Toronto including the first two races in 2010 and '11 before the series took a five-year hiatus from the circuit. He followed that with a thrilling win over Tagliani in '18, a race that Tagliani had thoroughly dominated.


Ranger could use a strong Toronto finish; he currently sits 13th in the standings. His Chaudiere win is his only top-10 finish this season. In six Toronto starts, Ranger has three wins and two runner-up finishes.

Tagliani, seventh in the standings, has two Toronto wins – 2016 and 2019. Lacroix won in 2017.


Twenty-five cars entered for the Grand Prix of Toronto

The return to a full season and traditional cross-country schedule has come with the added bonus of a higher car count across the board.


Twenty-five cars are entered in Friday's race, the highest Toronto car count since 2016.


"We've been really encouraged by both the car counts and quality of cars and drivers that have participated so far this season," said Cherie Putnam, NASCAR Pinty's Series Director. "Most importantly, our drivers have put on four tremendous races for our fans, and we expect this weekend's race in Toronto to continue that trend."


Each race this season has seen higher car counts. There were 25 cars at CTMP, the highest since 2018. The race at Autodrome Chaudière set a track record with 23 cars.



Race                            Grand Prix of Toronto

Date / Start Time          Friday, June 15, 2022 / 4 p.m. ET

Track / Location          Exhibition Place (Toronto, ON)

TV                                TSN: TBA / RDS2 TBA

Live Stream                 Canada: TSN.ca / TSN app

USA: FloRacing


Fans can stay connected to the NASCAR Pinty's Series – and all things NASCAR in Canada – at www.nascar.ca, on TwitterFacebookand Instagram.

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